Will CBD Get You Through The Brutal Side Effects of Chemo?

CBD for Treating Chemotherapy Side Effects

Chemotherapy is incredibly effective in the face of cancer. It is required to be strong enough to kill the cancer cells, preventing them from spreading and hindering any further growth.

However, in the process of killing the enemy a few healthy cells become unintended victims. Thus, some very unfavorable side effects.

CBD has been found to deter proliferation and invasion of cancer cells. In addition to this, the endocannabinoid receptors are spread throughout the body. CBD acts through them to relieve you from the symptoms synonymous with cancer and treatments.

A survey was conducted with 131 cancer patients. With the use of CBD, their symptoms eased up within 6-8 weeks. The National Cancer Institute recognizes Cannabis as a treatment for symptoms of cancer and side effects of cancer treatments

Nervous and Muscular System

Ever heard of chemo fog, also known as chemo brain? This is when people who have gone through chemo have a difficult time focusing and paying attention.

Your muscles also become weakened. There will be some pain and numbness. The patient will be noticeably slower than usual after a chemo dosage. Sometimes, this symptom fades after the last dosage but in some cases, it might not.


By stimulating the production of dopamine, CBD acts effectively to abate the chemo fog. The same also works to regulate the uptake of oxygen in the brain through some essential amino acids.

Research studies have shown that CBD can positively influence motor performance. As an analgesic, pain will also fade into nothing within no time.

Circulatory and Cardio

There is no telling when the white blood cell count in a person is affected. They become susceptible to infections and illnesses. The white blood cells are guards for the immune system.

Chemotherapy lowers the white blood cell count and your platelets are also affected. Platelets aid clotting.

Clotting is necessary in the event of an injury, nosebleed, or even menstrual period. This means that with low platelet count, your body cannot protect itself from over bleeding.

Chemotherapy will also make your heart muscle walls very thin and thus very weak. Weak heart muscles will not pump blood, as they should.

The risk of a heart attack is therefore heightened. There have been cases of disrupted heart rhythm for people who undergo chemo.

CBD is an immunomodulator. This means that it aids the immune system in every way possible so that it can function optimally.

The low white blood cell count and platelets will be a non-issue with the intervention of CBD. The same will be effective in preventing myocardial ischemia and managing damage in the event of it.

Effect on Digestive System

Weight loss during chemotherapy has become such a normal thing. The food tastes metallic among other weird tastes. It can be difficult to eat and keep food down when it tastes horrible. The mouth sores and dry mouth will also make mealtimes an excruciating affair.

Diarrhea and constipation will also be regulars during treatment. The chemo might erode the cells in the gastrointestinal tract.

The result is nausea and vomiting after and during meals. The vomiting will only make the situation worse.

The cannabinoid receptors are instrumental in saliva secretion according to research. CBD would therefore be successful in getting rid of dry mouth and perhaps that metallic taste that turns you off food.

It will also ease constipation by relaxing the necessary muscles. Due to prolonged activation of endocannabinoid receptors, nausea and vomiting are inhibited.

Skin, Nails and Hair

Chemo targets all rapidly developing cells. The cells that contribute to hair growth and maintenance are some of the fastest growing. This is why alopecia is such a common side effect of chemotherapy.

The skin will also be itchy and dry. The patient might develop a rash in some cases. Other patients develop sensitivity to the sun. They get brutal sunburns if they are outside for a while.

CBD has been found to inhibit the death of cells. In addition to this, it boasts several types of omega fatty acids that are instrumental in keeping hair strong.

It will help during the treatment and after when you just want to get back to your fabulous self with Rapunzel hair. The skin has an array of receptors that take in CBD and work for better health.

Just Cannot Get It Up

Having cancer alone is enough to turn you off of sex. It breaks down the soul and weakens resolve. Then enter chemotherapy with the hot flashes and, irregular periods and early onset menopause.

Not to forget the dry vaginal tissue, this makes sex very painful and uncomfortable for both partners. Both men and women might experience temporary infertility during this period.

The reproductive system boasts a host of endocannabioid receptors. These work to ensure the libido stays put. CBD also regulates hormone production thus reversing effects of imbalances like early onset menopause and irregular periods.

Excretory Problems

The kidney’s function is to rid the body of toxins. Chemotherapy drugs are toxins that send the kidney and bladder into overdrive trying to get them out of the body.

In the process, these organs are beaten down. They suffer irritation and damage. You will then feel the need to urinate more frequently.

The limbs, that is hands and feet, will swell due to malfunction of the kidney. The headaches will also be a major bother.

The kidney may fail to function at optimum level due to inflammatory cytokines. CBD is effective in blocking these from reaching the organ.

A study in 2012, also showed that 12 out of 15 kidney patients experienced less pain from their kidney problem. CBD is also potent for bladder contractibility.

Another study showed that CBD is a viable remedy for toxicity in the kidneys and the headache that comes with malfunctioned kidneys.

Brittle Bones

Loss of bone mass is very common. The calcium levels reduce during treatment. The effect is the patient becomes more prone to fractures and breaks. Most especially the pelvic bone.

This is particularly dangerous as the bone could break while the patient is on the way to the washroom. Their weak bones would not be able to support the weight thus, they would fall, probably incurring a serious head injury in the process.

A 2009 study on CBD and osteoporosis revealed that cannabinoids are essential for an improved bone mass and density.

The same also works upon a fracture to encourage osteoblasts. Bodies have a skeletal endocannabinoid system that is affected in the same way as the regular one.

Psychological and Emotional Issues

These will range anything from depression to anxiety. It is the most invisible side effect and probably the most dangerous because the patient could turn suicidal.

There is no telling which direction this will lead. Mental wellness is a huge contributor to physical wellness.

Many studies have proved exactly how useful CBD is in this respect. It works to produce the bliss hormone in the brain so that stress and depression are abated.

There are many reasons why you would be feeling anxious during your treatments. The very risk that treatment might not work has you staring down the barrel of your own mortality.

That is enough to cause the sweats. CBD will take care of all these surging emotions. You will be a lot less stressed after CBD use.

CBD Action Generally

CBD is an agent of body homeostasis. With intervention of cannabidiol, the body functions at full capacity. This fact will contribute to wellness.

It will allow the chemotherapy to work towards killing the harmful cancer cells. Therefore, the fever chills, and general lethargy will be effectively lifted by use of CBD.

How to Use CBD for Relief

Discontinuing chemotherapy is not an option. It is almost literally life giving. The only thing to do is manage the negative side effects so that you have a better quality life while you undergo treatment.

With the management, it is possible to continue the course of life like it is only a flu and not one of the most fatal diseases.

For the integumentary system, you should use both topical and oral products. The topical will get rid of rashes and skin dryness. It will also give hair some strength from the outside.

These will also come in handy when the intravenous chemo session took too long and muscles are complaining. A little rub and you will sleep like a baby afterwards.

The oral CBD product will work from the inside to help carry the internal burden. Capsules are not recommended for patients undergoing chemo due to the difficulty swallowing. No use going for an option that will not go past the tongue.

In place of that, oil and tincture will come in handy. The food could also be infused with some CBD.

Smoking and vaping should be avoided at all costs. CBD e-juice and a joint are going to deliver the CBD but will do more harm than good. The action will tire out the lung making breathing harder for an already weak system.

The fumes are also riddled with some known and many unknown toxins. This added on to a system that is already choke full of toxins is detrimental.

Arm before Harm

Point to note, not all patients suffer these side effects. However, since CBD is natural it does the body no harm. It could be taken as a preventive measure or even just to help the chemo work against the cancer cells.

You could even take the CBD product before beginning chemo so that the systems are all strong and ready for assault when chemo hits.


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