Taking CBD: What Does it Actually Feel Like?

What Does Taking CBD Feel Like?

CBD is not an intoxicant, nor is it psychoactive so completely erase the saying that “CBD will get you high” from your memory.

What then do you get out of using cannabidiol? How do you feel after taking CBD? Today we are going to answer all of your burning questions in regards to what you can expect to feel when taking CBD!

Below are a few scenarios to shed light on about exactly how you feel when you consume cannabidiol (CBD).

Mood Lift

Improve Your Mood with CBD

There are many aspects of life that can leave you feeling in the dumps. Your job is dragging you down, your partner just left you for a more put together person. You are feeling generally blue, life is just grey and dull for you lately.

You down bottles of cognac but all you have to show for it are a banging headache and bad breath the next morning.


The dark cloud still hovers over your head. You give in and decide to fill your life with one-night stands and temporary joys.

You do not realize that at closing time, you will be back to the same apartment, while the façade will fade once again.

Give your mood a boost with the use of CBD!

This wonder cannabinoid works with your endocannabinoid system to produce a little something called the bliss pill. No banging headache in the morning, no bad breath, or no bad behavior necessary.

Just a good old fashion lift from your gloom. By taking CBD you will feel happier and more content with yourself.

The bad thing that keeps following you around will no longer put you down. Within no time, the dark cloud will dissipate and you can go back to being your usual cheery self!

Enjoy Being Less Anxious

CBD Reduces Anxiety

Your boss who has made it no secret that he does not care for your brand of humor and you in general gives you an opportunity to present a very viable and potentially lucrative idea to a group of investors.

Investors are typically a very hard to convince group of people. They could be put off by a nervous presenter before even hearing about the idea.

A lot rides on this idea, you could finally get that promotion you’ve been striving for, and your boss will finally think you are worth something.

You can finally buy a house like other people your age, you know, keep up the societal standards.

You cannot stop sweating though. You heart is beating erratically and you cannot string two words together. You stammer your way through introductions at the breakfast they hold right before getting to the presentation.

Smart idea, go to the washroom, take three puffs of CBD from your vape pen or use a CBD tincture. And within fifteen minutes, your sweats will be gone.

With the use of CBD, you will be able to stand in front of those rich people and somehow convince them they need you and not you them. You will be confident and articulate, you will surprise even yourself.

CBD is Effective for Appetite Suppression

CBD Suppresses Appetite

Weight is a problem for most people, but weight loss seems like the hardest part until you have to try to keep it off. Boy is it painful.

You smell a croissant and boom, you have added five pounds. Somehow, the opportunities to purge always seem to come up when you are trying to stay lean.

You make a vow to keep bad things out of your mouth today, tomorrow you get an all expense paid trip on the traveling cake festival.

It might not happen like this but this is what it feels like, right? Do you feel like you could really benefit from a chastity belt for your mouth? Just wire that jaw shut, let nothing in there.

With CBD, the craving for food is significantly reduced. Whereas before CBD you could not pass by a pastry shop without giving in to your urges, but after CBD the smells and beautifully done pastries do not drive you to break your own promises to yourself.

You will suddenly be stronger than your culinary urges, you will have broken the shackles of food cravings.

Overall Alertness

You have trouble sleeping well at night because you can barely keep yourself from taking that daytime nap. You are not sick, it is just your body being naughty.

If only you could find a way to stay awake through the day so that nights are spent sleeping.

Once you start to use CBD, not only will you be super alert during the day, you will also be very focused.

This then leads to a better quality sleep at night. You will be relaxed at bedtime, you will not toss and turn, and instead you will peacefully drift off to dream land!

Post Workout Recovery

CBD for Workout Recovery

You are a good friend. Good friends do not let friends go for a run in the park at dawn by themselves, do they? No. They squeeze into trainers and tag along.

Feel the burn on the gluteus and keep going until it is time to crawl (literally, in most cases) back home into the shower.

The shower does nothing for your beat up muscles, everything feels as if it’s in knots and you can barely move.

You just want to curl up on the carpet in the fetal position and be left alone. How about some CBD then?

Your muscles will unknot quickly leaving you with an overall sense of relief. You will even be ready for another act of good friendship the next morning and the next.

Depending on the method of consumption, assuming you use the quickest which are vaping or sublingual delivery, the effects of CBD will be near instant and incredibly gratifying.

Pain Management

You experience excruciating pain during your periods. The very devil himself manifests as pain in your abdomen for five days every month.

It paralyses you and you even have to take sick days some times. It is not as if you can tell your boss that you need a week off because your own womanhood has betrayed you.

A CBD suppository by way of the vagina will slay that dragon quickly and effectively. There will be no pain whatsoever. Due to the method of delivery, the effects will be quick and long lasting.

Enhanced Sexual Function

When you have trouble developing sexual urges, the result is a disappointed partner who is trying very hard to be understanding and supportive but you can see right through it.

The stress from disappointing your partner only makes the situation worse.

By improving blood circulation, manipulating hormones, and acting on the underlying anxiety, CBD ensures the libido is restored. Your sex life will go back to its former glory, maybe even better.

Non-Psychoactive But Better

CBD may not make you high and want to laugh for hours for no particular reason, what it makes you feel however is far better than that. You can still laugh but the laughter will be due to relief from nagging issues.


  1. This article was definitely able to describe what CBD feels like pretty accurately, Which is not an easy task. From personal experience I feel like CBD gives you a very relaxing clear headed effect, and like you said gives you a general mood lift and great for relieving anxiety. Before reading this article I had never heard anyone describe it as Non-Psychoactive but better, which I completely agree with as it makes you completely at peace with your surroundings. This article was very useful, thank you.


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