Refuel Your Body with CBD for Metabolic Syndrome

Refuel Your Body with CBD for Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolism is a chemical process by which whatever we consume is turned into fuel for the body. When that process fails, there is too little or too much fuel. This brings about a metabolism disorder. Metabolic disorder and syndrome are used interchangeably.

However, there is a slight difference between the two. Metabolic disorder or disease is an illness that occurs as a result of a failing metabolic process. These range from diabetes to sickle cell anemia. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors. These risk factors involve high blood pressure, high blood sugar, hefty waist, and high cholesterol.

If these occur together, there is heightened risk of more serious problems like heart disease and metabolic diseases. Metabolic syndrome is also directly linked to insulin resistance. The body does not respond well to insulin in this condition and is the basis for type 2 diabetes.

Metabolic syndrome is brought about by a variety of reasons as well as genetics. It can also be caused by a missing enzyme or vitamin. There could be some sort of abnormal reaction causing an interruption in the process or an underlying disease.

One or more of the organs involved in the process could also malfunction and cause a compromise.

Diagnosis of this follows a guideline provided by the NIH. If a patient has three or more traits on the checklist then they are said to have metabolic syndrome.


Typically, treatment involves diet and exercise. The patient is asked to effect a lifestyle overhaul which starts with weight loss. Patients should also manage stress and cease smoking.

These simple instructions might be enough to keep the problem in check. However, it is never as simple as it seems for patients to do these outlined suggestions effectively. Thus, the need for CBD.

Scientific InsightCBD Scientific Insight

In 2016 at Daegu University, researchers looked into the possible use of CBD with respect to fat browning. Fat browning is the process by which fat is broken down into elements that are more useful.

Brown fat is rich in mitochondria, which are energy factories. Brown fat also has an extensive supply of blood vessels. With more brown fat, calories are better and more efficiently browned.

It was found that CBD aids fat browning in not one, but three ways. The first being stimulation of the necessary proteins to increase breakdown of fats. The second is increasing number of mitochondria and their activity thus more power to burn calories. The third is reducing the potency of elements involved in creation of new fat cells.

Another study in 2008 found that the endocannabinoid system is paramount in the metabolic process. The study was published in the Journal of Neuroendocrinology. CBD directs storage of energy and nutrients. It is also involved in modulation of sensitivity to insulin. The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) also stimulates the organs necessary for the process.

It has also been hypothesized that metabolic syndrome could be as a result of the overstimulation of the CB1 receptor. CBD is an agonist of that particular receptor, which would make it the best candidate to simmer things down, and achieve wellness.

Management of Risk Factors

Blood PressureCBD for High Blood Pressure

When a human being is thrust into a stressful situation or when they are suffering from a disease, their blood pressure rises. Blood pressure is the force by which blood is pushed against the walls of the vessels. High blood pressure puts strain on the vessels and heart, if left alone the blood pressure will bring about stroke and a weakened heart muscle.

A small trial with nine healthy male volunteers was conducted to test the efficacy of CBD in lowering blood pressure. A single dose was administered to some while the others only received a placebo.

The group was then taken through a series of stress tests. They underwent mental stress trying to work out mathematical problems. Then they underwent physical stress by exercise. They also underwent cold stress by immersing one foot in some ice-cold water.

The University of Nottingham researchers found that the men who had taken the CBD experienced a lower blood pressure than those who had taken the placebo.

The difference was significant, with it being lower by about 6/3 mmHg. This difference was seen upon administration of a single dose. CBD was found to relax blood vessels and allow more blood to flow to the organs.

High Blood Sugar

The body experiences high glucose content in one of two situations. Both situations involve an insulin malfunction of some sort. Type 1 is occurs when the body cannot make insulin, type 2 is occurs when the body has trouble reacting to the insulin.

CBD seeks to achieve body homeostasis. Perfect or almost perfect balance is achieved in this condition. Homeostasis occurs when all parameters required to keep the body at full function are met. Through this action, the efficiency of glucose metabolism is increased.

High Cholesterol

These are organic compounds inside the body cells. These compounds are essential to many physiological functions. There is bad cholesterol and good cholesterol. Obviously, you want more of the good and none of the bad.

The bad accumulates in the blood vessels making them taut and narrow. This makes it harder for the body to pump blood. Inefficient blood circulation can cause all sorts of complications like possible cardiac arrest and sometimes even death.

The best way to get rid of the bad cholesterol is to exercise and eat healthy, CBD helps support both. CBD will ensure the exercise is as effective and beneficial as can be, while it also ensures that the food is wrung of all the nutrients and that the body is worked at full capacity to be able to take advantage of said nutrients.

Stacked WaistCBD for Exercise

Exercise is a great thing but it can sometimes be difficult to motivate yourself. Every time you think about leaving a warm bed for the gym, you might cry a little. You probably have, it is okay, so have most people.

This is especially true in the first days before you are accustomed to the burn. One of the great qualities of CBD is that it helps to put you in an energetic state of mind. CBD helps clear the mind of the fog and all other distracting thoughts that could have you dropping a dumbbell on your toes.

CBD also helps to increase efficiency of the metabolic process so that there is more energy available for you to work with. You will not tire half way through the workout and have to crawl through the rest.

You are also able to tolerate the physical stress better. After working out you will more than likely experience aches and pains in multiple places. CBD will alleviate the pain and loosen up muscles.

CBD will speed up the healing process so that the body is physically ready for the next work out. In the same respect, you will sleep better. Our bodies heal during sleep so better sleep means more healing. With time, working out will be less painful both physically and mentally.

The endocannabinoid system also plays a vital role in the storage of fats in the body. CBD helps clear out toxins from the body making it easier to burn the fat. With the combination of all these working together will have that waist looking trim.


When the brain receives signals that there is a stressful situation at hand, it reacts by releasing the stress hormone cortisol. Since cortisol increases blood sugar in the body, the organs involved in metabolism are required to work harder to convert the sugar and flush it out. This in turn slows down the process. However, CBD has been found to reduce the cortisol levels in the body.


Tobacco smoking has an adverse effect on cholesterol. Tobacco causes overuse once it damages the rewards pathways. The brain relates smoking to pleasure thus keeps asking for it and causing cravings. CBD works to repair these pathways. It has also been found to be an effective tool in tobacco cessation.  

CBD Does It All

There have been stories of how CBD will do anything and everything. That is an exergeration. However, CBD can help with a slue of different ailments.

It can be used as a preventative measure for metabolic syndrome. It will effectively take care of the problem regardless of the stage of illness. It is all indicated for most of the metabolic diseases.


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