What is the Role of CBD in Sports Medicine and Athletic Ability?

CBD in Sports Medicine

How many athletes have had to retire early due to drug reliance or injuries? Studies have been done and it is clear that the prescription painkillers given to athletes are killing dreams and eventually killing the athletes themselves.

They are addictive in the least and come with a myriad of side effects that slowly eat away at talent. Most athletes that have come clean about their alternative method to manage pain have gotten the axe and public scrutiny for ‘turning to drugs’.

Are those painkillers really preferable to the natural remedy that will not kill? These drugs require a constant up-adjustment for consistent effects.

Several former athletes like one ex-NFL Quarterback have come forward to form a community of athletes who advocate for the use of CBD in place of the pills. They bring to light the after effects of a physically demanding career.

They expose the truth of careers that take a toll on bodies. The true sacrifice of the sports profession. The World Anti-Doping Agency took CBD off the list of prohibited substances, maybe it is time the entire sports community and global populace follow suit.

CBD for Better Athletic Tolerance?

1) Inflammation

Inflammation is like a bitter pill. You have to endure the horrid taste to get better. Inflammation calls to the stage your immune system. Tells it to make you better and stronger.


Without inflammation, your body would stagnate. Performance would never get better. Inflammation is exactly what you need during training, it tells you that something is happening. It tells you that tomorrow you will be able to go a little further than you did yesterday.

The problem comes in when the training session is over and you have to go home. The sheer amount of pain and agony is palpable. This moment after a great work out when the soreness and muscle aches come out to play is what makes you need painkillers.

However, CBD is a highly effective anti-inflammatory. It will successfully manage the pain and inflammation between sessions. The next training session will happen right on schedule because you will be good as new. It will help increase muscle proteins and therefore athletic capacity.

2) Quest for Constant Improvement

Your body might be ready to take you further but your brain needs to come along for the trip. This means learning how to use abilities to improve athletic ability.

To learn and learn quickly the neural connections must be excellent. The better the connections, the better and faster the skill acquisition.

A study was conducted on rodents that had a stroke. A stroke occurs when sections of the brain die due to lack of oxygen. Upon intervention of CBD the brain infarcts showed signs of regrowth.

With regards to sports, neurogenesis will be instrumental in ensuring the athlete stays sharp at all times thus an improvement on athletic ability and efficiency.

3) Stress

Imagine an athlete has sucked, for lack of a better word, in the last few games at a particular location. The next time they are slated to play there, he or she will be so stressed and anxious they will suck once more. Adding that to the tally. The jibes that come thereafter will do nothing to abate the stress.

Pavlov’s theory was used to test out the effectiveness of CBD on stress in such a situation. Mice were electrically shocked every time a bell was rung.

After some time, the zapping stopped but every time the bell was rang, the mice panicked. They were then divided into two groups with one getting a dosage of CBD.

It was noted that while the CBD-less group still panicked when the bell rang. The other was relaxed and calm. This then introduces the fear extinguishing mechanism. CBD effectively enhances the fear extinguishing mechanism.

With CBD, an athlete can finally break that record. It is also effective for other forms of stress that comes with the territory like anxiety prior to public appearances. This fact was proven by a trial on a group of people prior to public speaking.

4) Sleep

Sleep is an integral part of any human. It is during sleep that your body recovers and repairs itself. your brain resets and readies itself for a new day of fresh challenges.

CBD improves sleep by working on wakefulness. Weird, right? Well, being fully awake during the day ensures you enjoy a restful and good quality sleep at bedtime. CBD improves wakefulness by working on dopamine and other hormones.

After a good night’s sleep, an athlete will be well and improved. They will play better and be happier. The physical toll will be less harsh. You will no longer need to indulge in drugs and alcohol for a few hours of shut-eye.

5) CBD for Weight Management and Energy

Weight is an important factor in athletes. With too much weight to carry around, they will not be as fast and efficient as required. Studies have evidenced just how much help CBD can be in weight loss.

Upon consumption of a CBD product, people have reported feeling revitalized. The slug clears allowing for renewed focus and refuel.

How Will CBD Help With Injuries?

1) CBD as Neuroprotectant

The US Government recently endorsed CBD with patent for it as a neuroprotectant. The FDA also joined the bandwagon in 2017 with a call for testimonials for the glorious herb.

The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD are effective in the treatment of concussions. Athletes especially footballers suffer these often.

Studies have also suggested that use of CBD prior to an injury will reduce your susceptibility to a concussion. After your concussion has faded, you may experience post-concussion syndrome, which comes with a myriad of issues like memory loss and depression.

A rodent study in 2012, provided evidence that CBD is effective in the restoration of cognitive functions and memory after an injury.

Research later in 2013, proved the role of the endocannabinoid system in your brain’s ability to heal itself. The ECS is the vehicle by which CBD effects well needed change in your body. It offers protection from nerve cell death after an injury. Probably even speeds up recovery.

Another concern for athletes is Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy or CTE. This is a degenerative condition that develops after one too many brain injuries.

A protein forms lumps that work to kill of brain cells. CBD works to restore health to the dead and dying brain cells whilst dealing with the consequential symptoms like paranoia, memory loss, and behavioral changes among others.

2) CBD to Heal Broken Bones

Fractures and broken bones are a common occurrence among athletes. On top of that, your recovery time is not only excruciating but also drags you along. The result is that most athletes go back to the game before they are fully healed.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem has been on the forefront of the CBD revolution for years. They collaborated with Tel Aviv University and other members of the global science community to look into the use of CBD to treat fractures and breaks.

The study revealed that CBD stimulates Lysyl Hydrolase, which is an important enzyme in bone healing. That in turn activates your bone building cells (Osteoblast).

In rodents with fractured bones, it was noted that upon intervention of CBD the callus size grew. Point to note, bones heal through callus formation. These two elements prove the efficacy of CBD on fractures and broken bones.

CBD Products

1) Topicals

These are especially great for rubbing on sore spots. They will help relax muscles and take care of pains. They provide localized relief. Combined with some essential oils, the topical will be a powerhouse of wellness. A favorite among female athletes are the bath salts. These work to give a holistic healing of body and soul. Literal and figurative cleansing.

2) Edibles

Cream Cheese and Chive Omelet Infused with CannabidiolAthletes are encouraged to engage in small frequent meals. This keeps the energy up and does not overwork the metabolism.

These small meals could be infused with CBD. Ingested CBD takes a little longer to take effect but could last up to seven hours.

3) CBD OilCannabidiol (CBD) Oil

This can be used as a topical in the absence of a specialized one. It can also be used orally and sublingually. The effects are experienced quickly within minutes of taking it.

The oil will come in handy especially after a particularly brutal training session when you just need a hot bath and some sleep. It will help your muscles loosen and induce good quality sleep. It will also alleviate whatever aches and pains the athlete might be feeling.

4) CBD Tincture

Some people like a night cap, nothing wrong with that. How about a special night cap, more like a spiked one?

CBD tincture is the purest form. It also allows for a myriad of usage including infusing in recipes and beverages.

As you settle in front of the TV with your glass or mug of favorite something with a few drops of CBD tincture, you are assured of a relaxing evening and restful night ahead. Sleep cures most things.

CBD for the Future of Sports

Most sports organizations like the NFL are dead set against marijuana. They have strict rules despite CBD being the one thing that encompasses all the qualities of a relief tool. The benefits outlines above are usually taken care of by different pills. The result is a long list of drugs.

All of them can be taken care of by ONE product. Sports medicine has turned attention towards CBD and all the things it can do. Here is to hoping the leash gives a little to allow CBD into the world of sports legitimately.


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