Vaping CBD Versus Other Methods Of Taking CBD Oil

Vaping CBD Versus Other Methods Of taking CBD Oil

Over the last few years, CBD oil has managed to become a household name, and you must be living under a rock if you are unaware of it.

Are you suffering from anxiety?

Or maybe it is a chronic pain that is obstructing you from having a good night’s sleep?

CBD oil may be the solution for all your mental and physical troubles.

But the vital thing to consider here is how to use it.

If you are looking for an answer to this question, you are in the right place.

What makes Vaping CBD an Instant ‘Hit’?

Vaping CBD and Why It's so Effective

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While cannabis has been around for centuries, vaping is a relatively new trend.

The tiny, compact, electric cigarette has become a rage amongst people of all ages.

It involves a cartridge and a compartment that holds the CBD vape oil.

The battery run vape device heats the liquid to the point that it produces vapor, which you can inhale.

Through vaping, the cannabinoids present in the oil gets into the bloodstream faster and start showing its relaxing effects.

Apart from being an easy method of using CBD oil, a vape lets you make a holistic change to your lifestyle while enjoying the benefits of cannabis.

Still wondering why you should opt for vaping? Here are a few reasons that can help you make up your mind:

1. Gives you high CBD content

If you are relying on cannabis for its therapeutic effects, then you need more of the cannabinoid CBD.

When you vape CBD oil, the cannabinoids go into your lungs and then straight into your bloodstream.

The cannabinoids reach your bloodstreams and the affected body part much faster than when you take it orally.

Vaping CBD provides a higher bioavailability than other cannabidiol consumption methods.

2. Can Provide Instant Relief

What makes vaping stand out from the other methods is the sheer convenience it provides.

It comes in a tiny compact size that fits into your pocket and takes a single button to produce vapor.

So, if you are in public, needing your necessary dose of CBD, vaping can get you instant relief.

All you have to do it hit the button, inhale the vapor and let it reach the affected organs quickly.

If it is a chronic pain that you are seeking refuge from, the strain Skywalker OG at ILGM can be your go-to strain.   

3. Keeps Your Lungs & Throat Safe

Keep Your Lungs and Throat Safe

Another standard method of using cannabis is smoking the leaves and flowers. But is it safe?

Not as much as vaping.

A vaping device does not produce tar, ash, or the harmful smoke, which can impact your entire respiratory tract.

If you want to smoke dry herb, you can get a vaporizer that allows you to vape cannabis flowers or leaves without affecting your health. 

4. Comes in Multiple Flavors

You can enhance your vaping experience and make it more fun with the myriad of flavors.

CBD vape juice comes in numerous flavors; you can opt for something fruity or pick a flavor of any food or beverage that you like. 

5. Lets You Keep a Tab on Dosage

Dosage for vaping CBD

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Don’t know how much CBD to take?

What if you take too much or too little?

You will never have to worry about the dosage when it comes to vape.

When you use a vaping device, you can choose the vape juice, the CBD content in it, the coil, and lastly, for how long you wish to vape.

The vape has a tiny button that gets it to action, and when you feel you have vaped enough, you can turn it off and keep it in your pocket.  

What are the Other Methods of using CBD?


The easiest and most convenient way of taking CBD oil is directly through the mouth.

Today the CBD oils are readily available at your nearby medical store or you can even buy it from an online website such as

You can take 1-2 syringes of CBD oil daily; if the taste bothers you, taking CBD oil capsules can also be an excellent way to ingest it.


If you want to have an instant and intense effect of the CBD oil, the best way is to take it sublingually.

You can place 1-2 droppers of the CBD tincture under your tongue, hold it for 30-60 seconds and then swallow it.

The nerves present under your tongue can absorb the cannabinoids instantly and helps it reach your bloodstream faster, relaxing your body and mind.

An oral delivery of CBD oil is typically only the CBD extract without any carrying agents such as MCT oil or hemp seed oil, where a CBD tincture is the CBD extract mixed with a carrying agent.


CBD topicals

If you are facing skin ailments or localized pain, then either CBD oil or CBD oil-infused topicals can be ideal for you.

You can take 3-5 drops of CBD oil and rub it gently into the affected area.

Or you can get a cream, lotion, balm, or even a transdermal patch which has a high content of CBD already infused into the formulation.

All you must do is generously apply the cream on the affected area and let your skin absorb it.

The cannabinoids will enter your body and provide you with relief from a plethora of problems.

CBD Edibles

CBD Edibles

For the ones who are more into experimenting, edibles can be a great way to get CBD oil.

The markets are brimming with alternate food items like brownies, gummy bears, lollipops, coffee, and even mints that have CBD oil infused in them.

You can get the required dose of CBD through them, without having to go through the taste of cannabis.   

What is the Right Method for You?

There is never a prescribed dosage and method of using CBD oil that can suit everyone.

It varies from person to person, depending upon their need and how familiar they are with the product.

Taking the oil orally can be effective, plus the effects can last for 4-6 hours.

When it comes to edibles, they have high CBD content; you can also control the dosage and take it as and when the need arises.

But, edibles take a long time to show their effects, although their effects last for a more extended period.

When it comes to vape, it is a discreet and convenient way to use CBD oil.

An electric vape allows you to inhale the vapor, which makes it reach the bloodstream and the required bodily organs quickly.

All you need is a vaping device, CBD oil and you are good to go.

The only downfall is the fact that the effects of vaping can begin to taper off in 1-3 hours before needing to take another dose.

If you cannot find a store near you, you can get your CBD vape oil along with other CBD products delivered right at your doorstep from Wellicy.


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