Hemp Flower, CBD Oils and Concentrates: How They Differ

Comparing Hemp Flower, CBD Oils, and CBD Concentrates

CBD has become so popular that you can walk into virtually any gas station and find hemp products right by the cigarette shelves.

It’s true that oil-based CBD products are extremely sought after and highly accessible. 

When hemp is turned into a concentrated oil, it can be added to virtually anything, providing users with its many potential benefits in an incredibly easy-to-take way.

But you may be surprised to learn that you can take CBD in more forms than just oil. 

After all, the process of turning hemp into oil is extremely new, yet people have been benefiting from this plant for centuries. 

Even more interesting is the fact that which form of CBD you take will give you different effects.


So, which form of CBD is right for you?  

CBD Isn’t the Only Cannabinoid in the Hemp Plant


Before we explain the differences between each form of CBD, we have to break down the major cannabinoids that are found in hemp as this information will help you better understand how each type of product differs in terms of its effects.


Obviously, we have to talk about CBD first. 

CBD is the major cannabinoid in the hemp plant, and it’s extremely popular for its wide range of potential health benefits. 

CBD seems to be able to help with pain, digestive troubles, sleep problems, anxiety, cognitive issues, depression, immune problems and more. 

It also seems to benefit the skin when applied topically as well.

When we purchase a CBD product, many expect it to contain just CBD. 

However, that’s not always the case.

There are three types of CBD products on the market: full spectrum, broad spectrum and CBD isolate

CBD isolate provides you with nothing but CBD, while broad spectrum gives you all of the cannabinoids and other compounds with the exception of THC. 

And, full spectrum CBD oil gives you every compound including THC, although the THC isn’t in a concentration that’s high enough to make you experience its intoxicating properties.

So, unless you’re purchasing a CBD isolate product, you’re actually getting a wide range of potentially beneficial compounds that are naturally found in the cannabis plant, including the cannabinoids below.


Cannabinol (CBN) Cannabinoid

Cannabinol or CBN is another cannabinoid that’s naturally high in the cannabis plant, although not nearly as much as CBD. 

It’s recently been discovered that CBN has powerful sedative effects that can help you manage anxiety or sleep disorders. 

CBN is also known as an anticonvulsant, meaning that it may be effective for people who have epilepsy.

It’s also important to note that CBN does not have any intoxicating properties, so it won’t get you high.


Pretty much any cannabis user should be well aware of what THC is, also known as Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol.

THC is the cannabinoid that has intoxicating properties, meaning that it gets you high. 

Most CBD enthusiasts know that the hemp plant is naturally low in THC.

It contains less than 0.3% of the cannabinoid, meaning that products derived from hemp cannot get you high. 

Marijuana, meanwhile, is naturally high in THC which is why marijuana has mind-altering effects.


Cannabigerol or CBG is another non-psychoactive cannabinoid that’s known for its potential therapeutic effects. 

Mainly, CBG is known for its antidepressant properties, although it’s been found to have the potential to help with pain-related issues as well. 

Also, CBG has been shown to be a potent antibacterial and anti-fungal agent.


Cannabichromene is yet another cannabinoid that’s found in the plant, but only in trace amounts. 

CBC has recently been researched for its potential anti-cancer properties.

It’s also a potent anti-inflammatory agent which gives it the ability to help you manage those annoying pains.

Exploring the Differences of Hemp Flower, CBD Oils and Concentrates

Hemp Flower, CBD Oils, and CBD Concentrates What's the Difference?

Now that you know what’s in the hemp plant, let’s dive into CBD flower, CBD oils, and CBD concentrates.

Smokeable Hemp Flower

When we use the term “flower,” we’re speaking of the hemp flower in its raw state. 

Many cannabis purists out there believe that consuming the flower is the most effective way to get all of the benefits of the plant, however there is much debate as to whether or not that’s true. 

However, for centuries, people have been consuming the natural flower with much success.

The most popular method of consuming hemp flower is by smoking it. 

See, all of those cannabinoids such as CBD that were listed above need to be heated to a certain temperature for their therapeutic properties to be activated. 

That’s why simply stuffing the hemp plant into your mouth isn’t going to do a whole lot for you.

Smoking hemp involves heating the plant material so that these cannabinoids can come alive, so to speak.

When you smoke the flower, you’re getting its effects within minutes, although the effects are more short-lived than other methods. 

Many people enjoy this method of consumption, although we have to point out that not everyone is going to feel great about the idea of inhaling smoke regularly in order to reap the benefits of the cannabinoids found in hemp.

CBD Oils

Wellicy CBD Hemp Oil Tincture

Hemp oil is easily the most popular and commercially successful method of consumption. 

The hemp plant is subjected to an extraction process that usually involves the use of CO2 or ethanol to extract the cannabinoids from the hemp plant. 

Then, it’s put through a decarboxylation process which applies gentle heat to the concentrated oil so that the cannabinoids are activated and ready for use by your body.

It can’t be denied that consuming a CBD oil product is one of the most hassle-free ways to enjoy the many potential benefits of the hemp plant. 

For one thing, once the hemp material has been turned into an oil, it can be used to create capsules, gummy candies, tinctures and even topical lotions. 

Therefore, you won’t have to go through the trouble of, say, smoking it.

With CBD oils, you’re almost definitely going to have access to breakdowns of all of the cannabinoids in the particular hemp strain that was used. 

This means that if you’re looking for a very specific cannabinoid profile, you can find it easily.

Keep in mind that CBD oils are typically less potent in terms of effects when compared to say CBD concentrates, but they will provide you with longer-lasting effects than smoking hemp flower.

We also have to point out that if you’re looking to use CBD topically — for instance, if you’re trying to treat localized pain – a CBD topical made from CBD oil or isolate is the only way to experience effects. 

In other words, rubbing the plant or a CBD concentrate onto your skin isn’t going to do much. Besides, being a bit messy. 

One last thing to take note of is that because CBD oils are by far the most popular form, you’re more likely to end up with a low-quality product if you don’t know much about the industry. 

Due to its popularity, lots of companies out there make expensive products with incredibly low concentrations of CBD.

In other words, their products don’t contain enough CBD to actually do anything. 

So, if you’re going to go the CBD oil route, it’s very important that you do some research so that you know what to look for as well as which companies are worth your money.

At the end of the day, you should never buy a CBD oil or a CBD product in all without first looking at a verified 3rd party lab result.

CBD Concentrates

99% Pure CBD Isolate Crystals

When we talk about hemp derived CBD concentrates, we’re referring to waxes that are dabbed. 

CBD waxes are becoming more and more popular as the industry continues to grow.

And, you may know that marijuana-based waxes are incredibly popular as well.

CBD waxes are incredibly potent, because the wax is basically an extremely concentrated version of the plant. 

It’s placed inside a dabbing pen that uses a coil to heat the wax or can be used with a dab rig.

This means that each puff contains an extremely high concentration of CBD, as well as the other beneficial cannabinoids like CBN and CBC.  And, because of that extremely high concentration, you’ll likely feel the effects immediately.

One drawback, however, is that the effects of a CBD wax that’s dabbed will not last as long, meaning that you will have to periodically hit your dabbing pen or use an oil rig throughout the day if you’re trying to treat a chronic issue.

However, the effects are remarkably strong compared to the other methods that are out there, meaning that if you’re dealing with, say, extreme pain, you might want to consider this approach over all of the others that are on the market.

How Hemp Flower, CBD Oils and Concentrates Differ in Terms of Potency

One of the most important things to know when choosing which form of CBD you’d like is how each one differs in terms of potency.

The truth is that they differ quite a bit, and knowing this information will help you determine the right dosage level for your needs as well as what to expect after the product takes effect.

Concentrates are by far the most potent form of CBD out there, as the name would imply. That’s because these products are highly concentrated, which means that you’re consuming more CBD per serving.

CBD oils are the second most potent form of CBD that you can buy.

Again, this is because CBD oil is a highly concentrated product that’s extremely high in cannabinoids and terpenes.

Lastly, hemp flowers are the least potent of all. Hemp flowers have not been concentrated as have concentrates and oils.

In other words, you’d have to go through a whole lot of flower in order to have the same experience you would with a regular dosage of a concentrate, or even an oil.

Experiment with Hemp Flower, CBD Oils and Concentrates to Find What Works Best for You

As CBD becomes more and more popular, we’ll see a wider variety of hemp products on the market. 

While CBD oils continue to reign supreme, more users are discovering the unique benefits of hemp flowers and CBD waxes.

Have you experimented with hemp flower, CBD oils and concentrates? Let us know in the comments section below which method you prefer the most and why!


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