Did you know that CBD might be able to benefit your thyroid?
This natural cannabinoid boasts a wide variety of properties that can actually aid your endocrine system in many ways.
But, before you just run out and buy a bottle of any old CBD oil, we’re gonna break down the ways in which CBD can benefit your thyroid as well as the way to go about obtaining and consuming it for the best results.
What is the Thyroid?

Despite the incredibly important role that the thyroid plays in our overall health, many people don’t quite understand what it does, let alone where it’s located.
The thyroid is located behind the Adam’s apple in the throat. It’s a butterfly-shaped gland that is part of the endocrine system that’s responsible for secreting hormones that serve various functions.
The thyroid helps regulate many functions of the body that keep us in good general health.
Among other things, it controls our physical strength, our body weight, our sex hormones, our rate of breath and our cholesterol levels.
The thyroid’s ability to do its job depends on our intake of iodine.
It converts iodine into T3 and T4, the two major hormones that influence the overall endocrine system.
The thyroid then releases T3 and T4 into the bloodstream so that these hormones can enter the cells of the body.
Types of Thyroid Disorders

Typically, thyroid disorders are split into two categories: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
As the names imply, hypothyroidism refers to a thyroid that’s underactive, while hyperthyroidism refers to a thyroid that’s overactive.
Hypothyroidism occurs when a person is deficient in T3 and T4. Meanwhile, hyperthyroidism occurs when a person has too much T3 and T4.
Signs of hypothyroidism include:
- Depression
- Weight Gain
- Dry Skin
- Muscle and Joint Pain
- Poor Cognitive Function
- Fatigue
- Intolerance to Cold
Signs of hyperthyroidism include:
Thyroid disorders are typically caused by certain lifestyle factors.
For instance, poor diet can lead to a poorly functioning thyroid, as can abuse of certain substances.
Lack of exercise can also harm your thyroid function, as can extreme stress.
However, there are other causes for thyroid disorders.
Thyroid nodules refer to noncancerous growths on the thyroid that interfere with its ability to function.
Additionally, thyroid cancer can affect the health of the thyroid.
Signs that Your Thyroid Needs to be Looked At
Your thyroid controls so many different bodily functions, so it can be difficult to tell if your troubles are related to your thyroid or not.
Typically, the earliest and most common signs of a thyroid problem are sudden weight changes and mood changes.
How Thyroid Problems are Diagnosed

Most standard blood work checks T3 and T4 levels, meaning that many people can find out whether or not they have a thyroid issue just from their annual visit to their doctor.
If the thyroid numbers are extremely off, a doctor may order further testing to rule out more serious issues like thyroid cancer.
How Thyroid Problems are Treated
First, it’s important to state that for most people, thyroid disorders can be managed.
And, mild issues can even be reversed. It’s very rare for a thyroid disorder to be life-threatening.
For people with less severe thyroid imbalances, their doctors may recommend certain lifestyle changes.
For instance, your doctor may suggest stress reduction techniques and dietary changes.
However, for more serious issues, a doctor will likely prescribe a thyroid medication.
Typically, thyroid medications consist of synthetic hormones that reregulate T3 and T4 levels.
While these medications are extremely popular and often effective, they do come with certain side effects.
There are also popular herbs such as ashwagandha that may help regulate thyroid function when taken daily.
CBD’s Potential Effects on Thyroid Issues

Now, medical researchers are finding that CBD may be able to benefit the function of the thyroid.
CBD is a cannabinoid in the hemp plant that’s extracted and turned into an oil concentrate that has many potentially beneficial properties.
CBD is widely used for common ailments like arthritis, migraines and anxiety.
But, it’s how CBD seems to treat these issues that explains how it can help with thyroid function.
The Endocannabinoid System

So, why is it that CBD is touted as a do-all in the natural medicine world?
How can one plant compound do everything from easing depression to combating psoriasis?
Well, the answer has a lot to do with the endocannabinoid system.
The body contains an endocannabinoid system in addition to cannabinoid receptors that exist throughout the brain, nervous system, gut and more.
The endocannabinoid system produces endocannabinoids that locate and bond with these cannabinoid receptors.
This bonding process allows bodily processes to be regulated, such as immune function, pain tolerance, sleep cycle, mood and more. Which is referred to as homeostasis.
But, if you are deficient in cannabinoids, as many of us are, you need a little help.
This is what’s referred to as clinical endocannabinoid deficiency.
That’s why CBD is such a multi-tasking compound. It literally feeds the endocannabinoid system, allowing it to do its job so that we can achieve homeostasis.
CBD, Inflammation and Thyroid Health

Various studies have shown that there’s a strong link between compromised thyroid function and high levels of inflammation throughout the body.
When your body is in an inflamed state, it attacks its own thyroid gland which can lead to low T3 and T4 levels, resulting in hypothyroidism.
This becomes a vicious cycle as part of the thyroid’s job is to manage many of the symptoms of elevated inflammation such as pain and mood.
CBD is known as a strong anti-inflammatory agent that can treat the underlying cause of the inflammation.
CBD addresses the poorly functioning immune system, meaning that CBD feeds this system so that it can strengthen.
When the immune system is compromised, it essentially becomes hypersensitive, attacking anything that it may perceive as a threat in an exaggerated way that leads to widespread inflammation.
When you take CBD, you may be able to dramatically lower your bodily inflammation levels.
If your thyroid is inflamed due to a poorly functioning immune system, CBD may help.
Relationship Between Stress and Your Thyroid

They say that stress is the number one killer, and they’re not exaggerating.
While stress’ effects on your thyroid won’t necessarily kill you, they can wreak havoc on your life.
Chronic stress is one of the leading causes of both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
Basically, there are several factors that determine whether or not stress will speed up or slow down your thyroid.
However, what can’t be denied is that excess levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the bloodstream don’t make your thyroid happy.
The trouble, of course, is that we live in a world in which we experience high amounts of stress on a regular basis, which means that the function of our thyroid is at the mercy of the stress of our day-to-day lives.
The good news, however, is that CBD could possibly help you manage your stress levels so that your thyroid isn’t affected.
See, part of the endocannabinoid system’s role is regulating the amount of cortisol that’s secreted when we’re faced with what we perceive as a threatening situation.
Cortisol is what stimulates the nervous system so that our heart rate and breath rate increase.
But chronically high cortisol drains our thyroid.
Taking CBD regularly can help you respond to stressful events in a much calmer way, meaning that you won’t be producing as much cortisol.
This directly benefits the health of your thyroid, allowing it to maintain its regular function.
Finding the Right CBD Product to Benefit Your Thyroid

Now that you know how CBD can benefit your thyroid function, it’s time to discuss the best way to take it in order to experience results.
First, you have to purchase the right CBD product.
If you’re dealing with a thyroid issue, go with a strong concentration.
We suggest a tincture that contains at least 1,000mg of CBD.
Also, make sure that you speak with your doctor before using CBD to treat your thyroid issue.
If you want to experience results, it’s important that you do some research before buying.
Finding a reputable, trustworthy company is essential as lots of manufacturers out there aren’t making products that are particularly potent or beneficial.
Once you’ve obtained your CBD, take it at least once a day for a couple of weeks.
Some people experience noticeable changes right away, while others find that it takes a week or two to “kick in.”
This is likely because of the fact that some people’s endocannabinoid system is more deficient than others.
After a couple of weeks, you can adjust your dosage as needed. Just remember that consistency is key.
CBD, the Possible Answer to a Problematic Thyroid Condition
While thyroid problems aren’t uncommon, they can wreak havoc on your life.
If you are searching for a natural way to keep your thyroid healthy, CBD may be the answer.
Just make sure that you opt for a high-quality, potent product that’s made by a respected manufacturer such as Wellicy.