What Can CBD Do For Your Hair Loss?

What Can CBD Do For Your Hair Loss

It’s an unfortunate fact of life that as we age, hair growth slows down. We lose about 100 hairs each day but while that may sound like a large number, this hair loss is not noticeable as new hairs quickly grow in to compensate. However, when our bodies age, our ability to produce new hairs starts to become compromised.

If you’re struggling with hair loss, there are plenty of treatments available. One treatment that’s currently being tested is CBD. This natural, plant-derived medicine has been found to benefit the mind and body in a wide variety of ways. But, can it stimulate hair growth?

What Causes Hair Loss?What Causes Hair Loss

As we’ve stated, hair loss occurs as we get older. Both men and women will find that their hair begins to thin later in life. However, there are other factors that can contribute to hair loss.

Family History

While hair loss commonly occurs when people get older, some find that they experience hair loss prematurely. Male-pattern and female-pattern baldness refer to hereditary conditions in which the hair begins to cease production at an early age.

Hormonal Imbalance

Because hormones are responsible for hair growth, a significant hormonal imbalance can cause hair loss. For women, high androgen levels can cause thinning of the hair that can lead to bald patches over time. For men, a low level of DHT can cause premature baldness.

Emotional Stress

Severe emotional stress can cause hair loss. However, this type of hair loss is typically temporary. Essentially, it’s the body’s response to shock.



There are certain medications that can cause a person’s hair to fall out at an increased rate. Baldness can occur because the hair follicles struggle to keep up with the rate of hair loss.

Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions can cause the hair to fall out in large numbers. The most common medical condition that causes hair loss would be cancer.

Hair Care

Certain hairstyles, hair products and hair treatments can cause hair loss. For instance, hairstyles that require the hair to be tightly tied back against the scalp can damage the follicles. Certain products and treatments can contain harsh chemicals that lead to hair loss.

Scalp Infections

Fungal and bacterial infections of the scalp can lead to hair loss. If the hair follicles are infected, they can’t produce new hairs.

Conventional Treatments for Hair LossConventional Treatments for Hair Loss

Topical Treatments

There are topical treatments that can be massaged into the scalp on a daily basis. Rogaine is the most popular topical treatment for hair loss. According to WebMD, its said that about 2 in every 3 men will see results with Rogaine.

Hair Transplant Therapy

Hair transplant therapy involves removing hair follicles from one part of the body and inserting them into the scalp. While this procedure is effective, it can be extremely expensive.

Hormone Therapy

If a patient’s hair loss is caused by a hormonal imbalance, hormone therapy may be suggested. This involves giving the patient specific hormone supplements that correct the imbalance.

Essential Oils

Some believe that certain essential oils can stimulate hair growth by increasing circulation to the scalp. Also, if the hair loss is caused by a scalp infection, certain essential oils can be applied topically to treat the infection thanks to their antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

CBD for Hair Loss

Some people believe that CBD can help stimulate hair growth when applied topically to the scalp daily. This has to do with the high content of essential fatty acids in CBD. It’s widely believed that essential fatty acids boost hair growth because of how similar they are to the proteins that are produced by our hair follicles.

CBD BasicsWhat Is CBD?

What is CBD?

CBD is a natural product that’s extracted from the hemp plant. Belonging to the cannabis family, hemp is a cousin of marijuana. However, unlike marijuana, hemp has no psychoactive properties. Therefore, it won’t make you feel high, even when taken in large doses.

CBD is a cannabinoid. When consumed, it provides the body’s endocannabinoid system with what it needs to regulate a wide variety of processes throughout the body. This is why CBD is capable of treating such a wide range of common health complaints. CBD can help with things such as lowering blood pressure and working as an anti-inflammatory!

Is CBD Legal?

CBD that comes from the hemp plant is perfectly legal to buy, sell and consume. This is because it contains 0.3 percent THC. Therefore, it’s not classified as a psychoactive substance.

Because of its low amount of THC, CBD will not appear on a drug test. Therefore, you can take CBD regularly without worrying about how it may affect drug test results.

How Is CBD Taken?

CBD can be taken in a variety of ways. Today’s CBD market includes capsules, edible candies, tinctures, vape oils, topical creams and more. Ultimately, how you choose to consume CBD depends on your personal preference.

If you want fast relief that lasts for a fairly short period of time, vaping CBD may be the way to go. Edible CBD products last for a longer amount of time and require more time to take effect because they must first travel through the digestive tract. Tinctures tend to provide quick results and usually last for a few hours. Topical creams, meanwhile, are intended for people who want relief from localized pain.

Other Benefits of CBDOther Benefits of CBD

Each listed below can have an effect when it comes to hair growth and potential hair loss:

Pain Relief

There are many studies that demonstrate CBD’s pain-relieving abilities. Thanks to a combination of analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, CBD has the potential to dramatically reduce all types of pain. Because CBD is a cannabinoid, it can increase a person’s pain tolerance. Meanwhile, the anti-inflammatory properties in CBD reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Anxiety Relief

Many people take CBD regularly as a treatment for anxiety. CBD has been found to lower cortisol levels, resulting in a calmer state of mind. One study found that CBD was able to ease the symptoms of anxiety in children who suffered from PTSD.

Sleep Aid

The same study showed that CBD helped children with PTSD fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep throughout the night. This is partly because of how CBD interacts with a person’s hormones. It regulates the production of melatonin and serotonin, resulting in a more consistent sleep cycle.

Nausea Relief

CBD can help with nausea relief. It has also been found to stimulate appetite and reduce the risk of vomiting.

How to Find High-Quality CBD

If you want to try out CBD for yourself in order to see if it helps with hair loss, it’s crucial that you find a high-quality product that’s potent and free of cheap filler ingredients.

Generally, CBD that is full spectrum and organic is considered the most effective. CBD that comes from organically grown hemp retains a higher level of nutrients and terpenes. Full spectrum CBD contains all of the terpenes that are found in the hemp plant. Usually, a CBD brand will provide third party lab results in order to verify that the CBD is organic and full spectrum.

Also, you should prepare to spend a decent amount of money in order to receive a high-quality CBD product. Any company that sells their CBD products at incredibly low prices are likely diluting the CBD with cheap fillers.

Side Effects of CBD

As of now, CBD is considered relatively safe to take frequently and in large doses. Researchers have found that high doses of CBD do not put a user at risk of overdose.

The most commonly reported side effect of CBD is drowsiness. Typically, it lasts for a few hours.

If you want to take CBD, you should speak to your doctor. Because everyone’s body is different, how it will affect you is determined by many factors. Your doctor will examine your medical history and determine if CBD is right for you.

CBD Can Be Effective for Hair Loss & Growth

As you can see, CBD may be able to help reverse hair loss thanks to its uniquely high level of essential fatty acids. Additionally, CBD can provide the mind and body with loads of benefits that can improve your overall quality of life.


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