Your kidneys are responsible for weeding out the toxins in your body, thus keeping your blood pure. It is basically a tissue sponge with blood passing through it.
The non-blood elements remain behind while the blood moves to other parts of your body. This organ is responsible for regulation of renin, which is a participant in modulation of blood pressure.
It is also a participant in activity of erythropoietin, which is responsible for manufacturing of red blood cells. These elements are then excreted through urine.
If your kidney is not performing, as it should, these harmful elements remain in your body and wreak havoc.
Dangerous levels of fluid, electrolytes, and waste build up thus causing kidney disease. You may also suffer weak bones and vessel issues in the advent of kidney disease.
Sexual dysfunction is also very much a possibility brought on by either or both the physiological issue and mental dissatisfaction.
There is usually an underlying condition for kidney disease. High blood pressure and diabetes are two of the largest causes of kidney disease.
Only those two account for two thirds of the millions of kidney disease cases in the world. The disease progresses gradually eventually leading to kidney failure, it is then that dialysis or transplant is warranted.
At first the symptoms of kidney disease are very mild, this is why it is so hard to catch before things escalate.
However, early diagnosis and treatment could prevent kidney disease from becoming chronic and later failure.
You will experience nausea, vomiting, appetite loss, fatigue, insomnia, frequent urination, swollen limbs, and degradation of cognitive abilities.
Despite everything you’re up against with kidney disease, let’s discuss how CBD can be used to help treat your kidney disease.
Take Action on Diabetes to Manage Kidney Disease
If you want to get rid of weeds, you do not just cut off the leaves and stems, you pull them out by their roots. This way they have no chance of regrowth.
The same approach should be applied in dealing with kidney disease. Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can bring about kidney disease.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition, which affects the pancreas such that no insulin is produced. Type 2 diabetes is a lack of sensitivity to insulin or deficient production of the same.
Your body requires insulin to convert glucose into a more useful form for use in your body. Therefore, without insulin a physiological process stalls. This leaves too much glucose for your kidney to weed out.
Studies have found that CBD can suppress, reverse, and quite possibly cure diabetes in all its forms.
It affects insulin activity through anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties as appropriate to curb the renal consequences of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.
Treating High Blood Pressure to Treat Kidney Disease
High blood pressure usually refers to the higher than normal force exerted on vessel walls as blood is pumped through them.
It is measured in two criteria.
The first being systolic, which is the pressure as the heart contracts. That is as blood is pushed out through the vessel.
The second is diastolic which is pressure as your heart relaxes. The blood pressure level might vary throughout the day.
However, if you get high blood pressure often breathing exercises cease to be enough for the management. It is time to involve medicine.
In a trial conducted to look into the efficacy of CBD against high blood pressure revealed some very positive results.
Nine healthy male volunteers were given a placebo after high blood pressure was induced from stressors from cognitive to extreme temperature.
The blood pressure was noted then they were given a dose of CBD following the same stressors.
It was noted that the resting systolic was lowered by a significant average of 6 mmHg. This was assumed to be due to the anti-anxiety effects of CBD.
Another study was conducted on the same subjects. Rats were fed a diet to attenuate hypertension. Upon analysis, it was found that the CBD affected rennin to stabilize the resting systolic.
Take Action on Renal Fibrosis
Fibrosis is another autoimmune condition in which the body reacts to the perceived high absorbency of the kidney by blocking out pores with tissue deposition.
This then brings about a problem because your kidney loses its ability to absorb anything at all. Your kidney is not meant to be hefty.
It is meant to stay porous and soft. This leaves the blood riddled with toxins thus causing nephrotoxicity.
Nephrotoxicity is the overload of toxins like potassium in the blood. CBD was found to increase the production of myofibroblasts, which combats this problem effectively.
Another study found that CBD is able to reduce nephrotoxicity thus reducing the headache that is common in kidney disease patients. Oxidative stress is reduced and cell death of the kidney is abated.
Combat Kidney Transplant Rejection with CBD
One of the biggest problems that patients and physicians have to contend with after a transplant is the high possibility of rejection.
Sometimes your body will just reject an organ it needed so badly for no reason whatsoever.
The problem is never the organ itself as that is screened rigorously before transplant, so the problem is usually the immune system.
The immune system weakens significantly by the time you need an organ transplant. The endocannabinoid system has been found to help with healing after a kidney transplant and reduces the risk of organ rejection after a transplant.
By activating the endocannabinoid biosynthesis, CBD allows rooms for inhibition or cellular uptake and regulation of immune response during rejection.
This means that administering CBD before and after a kidney transplant can significantly reduce the chances of rejection.
To be clear, rejecting a kidney means, that one will have to have another surgery to remove that kidney and be fitted with another or some sort of medical contraption until a kidney can be found.
This only works to put more stress on an already worn down system.
CBD’s Action on Pain
Most of the pain associated with kidney disease is caused by inflammation from nephrotoxicity and fluid retention.
Production of cytokines and chemokines leads to the agitation of pain receptors thus igniting inflammation.
A study into the benefit of CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties for kidney diseases found that the cannabinoid was effective in keeping these chemicals at a manageable level.
A level that could be handled by the kidney with overexertion.
Another study in 2002 found that CBD was capable of clearing the digestive tract. This action led to the reduction of pain in 12 out of 15 kidney disease patients.
Try CBD to Suffer Less with Kidney Disease
Most of the kidney disease pharmacotherapies are toxic. They have harsh side effects that may, in the long run, cause more harm than good.
CBD ensures that even when you takes these medications, the side effects will be manageable and the medication will not be required for too long.
The aim of these medications is to slow progression of the condition. CBD casts a wide net affecting the symptoms and underlying conditions all at the same time.
With CBD, a kidney disease patient is able to have a better quality of life. Possibly, a longer life than kidney disease would allow.