Reaching Tranquility: What CBD Can Do for Psychosis

CBD for Psychosis

About 75 Million people worldwide suffer from one form of psychosis or another. Half of that demographic does not have access to medical intervention for alleviation of symptoms.

The resulting loss of lives due to suicide and other causes is greater than one can comprehend. The world also loses out economically in terms of lost manpower and labor. Schizophrenia is one of the most intense forms of psychosis with 21 million patients worldwide.

Psychosis is not an illness but a symptom of an underlying condition. It could be a mental or physical illness. It could also be as a result of substance abuse or trauma.

Extreme stress has been known to cause a form of psychosis called Brief Psychotic Disorder. This often fades once the stress eases up.

The condition is basically a stringent relationship with reality. The person may withdraw from the social scene and exhibit erratic behavior that is unlike him or her. Hallucinations and delusions are also rampant among psychosis patients.

The latter is a belief in truth contrary to reality and evidence. The former are sensory experiences devoid of stimuli. Early diagnosis and treatment of underlying condition will put the patient on a path to management of the condition.


The United Nations health agency and World Health Organization recently threw their hat in the ring to disqualify CBD from disqualification due to its extensive therapeutic properties. It is not yet known conclusively what exactly the process that leads to psychosis is.

However, it is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and biological factors. Scientists believe that the brain undergoes a change in structure, which then leads to the depletion or malfunction of chemicals.

Thus, neurotransmitter activity becomes irregular and then the symptoms surface.

Most of the scientific evidence on the docket on this subject is based upon studies on laboratory rodents. In one study, behavioral and neurochemical techniques showed evidence of the potential of CBD as an antipsychotic. Only recently was the field opened for human trials.

The American Journal of Psychiatry recently published an article about a trial where more than 80 people with psychosis were involved. Within 6 weeks of consistent CBD administration, it was noted that symptoms like delusions and hallucinations improved significantly.

In 2017, The Illawarra Health & Medical Research Institute published about CBD as a possible solution to learning, memory and other core symptoms of schizophrenia, key among which is psychosis.

Psychosis affects the patient in such a way that a once lively and vibrant human being becomes unable to take care of oneself. They fail to take the necessary steps to secure their wellbeing.

This may lead to development of illnesses that go untreated for long periods of time.

Trauma as a Contributor to Psychosis

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is basically learned fear. This is where the body conditions itself to fear new stimuli.

The result is hypervigillance, which can lead to violence and other form of harm on self and others. Research has revealed that PTSD patients have 50% less anandamide than everyone else. Anandamide is an endocannabinoid.

CBD cats on the root of the problem by stimulating the action of anandamide, which is popularly known as the bliss molecule. Little by little, CBD will help the patient decondition oneself from the learned fear.

The same will also ensure the patient goes into counseling sessions anxiety free and relaxed. A combination of talk therapy and CBD will be effective in treating trauma as a root cause of psychosis thus alleviating the symptoms.

Substance Abuse Related Psychosis and CBD Action

Abuse comes in when the substance moves from being used for relief to being used because you developed dependency. You will keep going back for another hit because they crave that high.

They have started to relate the substance with joy and euphoria. These cravings can be abated by stimulating production of glutamate. This is an element found around different parts of the brain, among others, the hippocampus.

Cannabidiol works in two ways to combat substance abuse. The first is by decreasing the cravings and the second is by reducing neurodegeneration caused by substance use.

CBD works through the endocannabinoid system to positively influence the efficiency of synaptic transmissions. During the studies, subjects experienced the effects for seven days after administration of CBD.

A study was performed on alcohol-affected brains. CBD gel was rubbed into the brain and over time it was noticed that degeneration on the entorhinal cortex reduced by 48%. After the CBD has taken care of the psychosis and substance abuse problem, the process of neural repair can start.

Traumatic Brain Injury

Up to 8% of TBI patients develop psychosis later in the course of their lives. The causability has not been proved conclusively but relation has been established.

This is due to the fact that it is difficult to determine whether the patient was already on the path to psychosis after the fact. However, it was found that people with known family history of psychosis suffered a larger impact from the TBI.

CBD has proved potent for treatment of TBIs. It helps move along the recovery process. Use of CBD during treatment of the injury can delay the development of looming psychosis and possibly abate it completely.

CBD Products

1) Edibles

Psychosis patients tend to be forgetful or be so wrapped up in their own world that they may forget all about medication. CBD edibles are therefore great ways for them to gain the benefits. It is akin to unintentionally taking medication.

Patients tend to gain a lot of weight in a very short time. It may be the antipsychotic medication or some other phenomena. Therefore, dedicated diets are aimed to ensure the weight does not blow out of proportion.

There are some studies that suggest omega 3 fatty acids rich foods are integral in response to psychosis medication. These two aspects can be nudged along effectively by use of CBD in recipes.

2) Capsules

This should only be used in two situations. The first is if the patient has supervision and the second is if the psychosis is not too far-gone that they cannot handle the simple task of administering their own medication.

Since CBD has been added to the regimen of drugs for patients, dosage should be left up to the physician. However, in situations where it is being used as a self-medication course, you should start at the lowest possible dosage and adjust upwards gradually.

3) CBD OilGreen Roads CBD Oil

This product can be used in several ways. The best way especially for psychosis patients is the spray. CBD is absorbed through the oral mucosa into the system where it spreads out and works to effect relief. It is easy and convenient considering the restlessness of the patient.

It can also be used sublingually. Drops under the tongue are absorbed through capillaries. This method takes a short time to effect relief.

Monotherapy as a Research Study

For now, doctors are only getting their toes wet by using CBD as an adjunctive to other psychosis medications. However, research and studies are underway to prove the potency of CBD as a monotherapy.

Patients whose psychosis has proved stubborn in the face of traditional medication can benefit greatly from this.


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