A young man in Canada convinced an insurance company to cover his medical marijuana. He had been suffering severe headaches that kept him from school and other regular activities.
Upon use of marijuana, he realized that he could go to school and do something more exciting than a trip to the grocery store. However, after some time the bills became too much. He therefore sought to get coverage for his therapy.
In the end, he was able to get coverage but only because the marijuana helped him go back to school and be a functional human being.
In Canada, insurance companies can cover medical marijuana. However, they do not cover it as they do regular pharmaceutical drugs since it is not legalized. It is covered under medical services and equipment.
In the US, there is no such allowance for medical marijuana. Insurance companies cannot cover it because it is a schedule 1 drug. The companies include the federal health coverage schemes can only cover FDA approved drugs.
As such, they would be unable to use the federal banking system to make payments to the marijuana dispensaries.
Why Not Cover?
The federal health coverage schemes can now cover but why not the private companies? Well, these companies only seek to cover rigorously tested drugs. There has been research and lots of personal testimonies about the greatness of marijuana, particularly CBD.
However, what these companies need is something a little different, they need double blind studies and clinical trials. They need actual clinical evidence of the efficacy of CBD. The latter is painfully lacking in the CBD landscape.
To make things even harder, research into a schedule 1 drug would be illegal. To get through the red tape, there are many hoops to jump through and fees required. Availability of the marijuana would also be a problem. Although, as it pertains to the latter there is a governments designated grower. One meant to grow marijuana specifically for research purposes.
It seems like the Worker’s Compensation boards have resolved to have marijuana patients receive reimbursements for their expenditure on medical marijuana.
In New York, it was recently made a stipulation that a doctor’s visit involving medical marijuana card could be covered.
In New Jersey, a man injured at his place of work in a lumber mill resorted to using marijuana as therapy for his injuries. A judge ruled that he be reimbursed for the marijuana and that future treatment costs involving the same be covered or reimbursed.
In New Mexico, workers have to receive a marijuana prescription for reasonable and necessary care. However, they would have to pay out of pocket first then get the reimbursement due to the issue of inability of insurance company to use federal banking system to transfer funds.
Another worker in Maine injured his back while working at the Paper Mill. Worker’s Compensation Board ruled to have the employer insurance cover him.
These are only a few cases of WCBs coming through for the workers in their respective states. However, for those who do not have access to such concessions, there are still ways to slash the cost of medical marijuana.
Despite the popularity of marijuana rising everyday for medical uses, it is still very expensive. This is due to the taxes levied on these businesses and the risk that comes with running a quintessential illegal business.
Cannot Prescribe but Will Refer
A study conducted some time back found that a good percentage of the medical community supports the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. They would prescribe marijuana and particularly CBD.
However, doctors are not allowed to prescribe a schedule 1 drug. What they can do though is refer. Patients are referred to a certified marijuana practitioner to administer a medical marijuana card and suitable product to use for ailment. The doctor will still follow up with the patient though to check on progress.
Save Money Anyway
Economical Use of Product
CBD products are not cheap, though admittedly not as expensive as before. There is need to use only enough and nothing above that. Thus, it is paramount that patients develop a baseline dose. You should find the lowest most effective dosage and work with that. Do not overuse or overdose. Develop a method through which the product can be consistently dosed.
If you are using CBD oil, get a calibrated dropper so you can measure every drop that goes from the bottle into the body. It is also prudent to establish a routine. Do not just take a drop whenever you develop acute symptoms. A routine will ensure to keep those breakthrough symptoms at bay. It will also encourage the consistency aspect.
Efficient Use
Timing is another important point. For example, if you ingest a sedative product during the day you will be drowsy. Chances are that you will even talk yourself into taking a nap. This will only work to ensure you do not sleep well at night. Wakefulness during the day is essential to a good quality sleep.
Good quality sleep will reduce the chances of pain and other symptoms during the day. Thus, less CBD will be required for relief. Basically, sensible application of CBD therapy will significantly reduce the amount used and therefore cost.
Help CBD Work
CBD and other cannabis cannabinoids are fat-soluble. This means that they work better with a fat basis than water basis.
It is also not advisable to administer CBD on an empty stomach. You should therefore get something fatty to eat before administration or into which the CBD is infused. This is anything from fish to avocado to cashews and milk.
This will help the body process more of the cannabis component than contrary to the suggestion. Not to mention the many fun recipes on the internet. If the body reaps more CBD benefit then less and less will be required every time.
Using CBD should not be the entirety of your wellness plan, it should only be part of it. CBD should be integrated into a full lifestyle overhaul.
You can find ways to enhance the endocannabinoid function for better and more benefit. For example, exercise is incredibly advantageous; really movement of any kind helps better circulation of the body’s endocannabinoids.
An anti-inflammatory diet is also in order. Inflammation is the basis for many illnesses and if the systemic inflammation is reduced through diet then CBD will have an easier time putting everything else right.
Smart Purchasing Decisions
One of the most prominent rules of money is to take advantage of economies of scale. Buy product in bulk instead of just bits when one runs out.
You are bound to get a better deal if you buy a bigger bottle of CBD oil than if you were to buy the smallest possible. That said, buying in bulk also requires that you be careful that the products are not rendered useless before they are used.
This means proper storage practices and appropriate cautionary measures. Do not break the seal on one package until you have cleared the previous one. The savings for every purchase might not be significant. However, the cumulative savings will star to show after time.
The CBD market has not fully moved online yet due to the federal law restrictions. However, some local stores will have websites where you can find deals. There are also independent sites that sniff out deals for local dispensaries.
You should seek to take advantage of these discount deals and sales. Point to note; ensure the product you buy on these sales and discount deals have a reasonable expiry date or that there are no mishaps of any kind. The seller might only be looking to unload stock. In which case, it would not be much of a bargain.
Wise Product Picks
On one hand, you have a bottle of tincture that will last three weeks tops. On the other hand, you have a bottle of CBD oil that will last for a month and a half and costs a little more than the tincture.
Of course, you go for the oil. Sure preference should factor in but may it should wait until money is not object. The great thing about CBD and marijuana products in general is that there are so many on the market, it is almost impossible not to find something you like that will also be in your price range.
A great idea would be to make the products at home. You can infuse olive oil. You can make topical. You can even make pills and capsules at home! With a bit of CBD isolate, you could make a range of products to last you months.
The greatest thing about this idea apart from financially sane is that you would be sure of the quality and handling chain. You would be assured of quality.