CBD has been a godsend to countless people because of its strong potential to aid in the treatment of a wide range of ailments such as anxiety, sleep disorders, pain and even epilepsy.
Many people have been so pleased with the results that cannabidiol provides that they’ve made it part of their daily regimen.
While CBD is an incredible product, it’s also a bit, well, expensive.
That means that anyone who decides to take it daily for an indefinite period of time has committed to spending a good deal of money each month in order to maintain their supply.
Now, not everyone can afford to spend loads on CBD each month, even if you’re dealing with an ailment that you’re desperate to treat.
So, can you take CBD while on a budget?
And, are there ways to get around that price tag while still reaping the full benefits that this cannabinoid might have to offer?
If you’re on a budget but you still want to add CBD to your wellness routine, we’re here to help.
Luckily for you, taking CBD doesn’t have to drain your bank account.
There are indeed some ways to use the cannabinoid to reap its potential benefits without going broke in the process.
But, before we get into that, let’s explain why CBD is so expensive, and why cheap CBD products probably aren’t worth your money even if their price tags appeal heavily to you.
Why is CBD Expensive?

First, it’s important that you understand why CBD can be expensive so that you don’t think that the industry is just trying to take your money.
In order to produce a single milliliter of CBD oil, a whole lot of hemp has to go through an extraction process.
Hemp is an extremely durable and multifunctional plant that is a bit pricey to cultivate because it must be grown under the right conditions in order to lead to a product that’s safe and beneficial for consumption.
To make it simple, hemp is fairly expensive to grow, and a large amount of that hemp needs to be extracted in order to become a small amount of oil.
Is CBD Actually Worth It?
In theory, CBD is worth every penny.
That’s because it has the potential to act as a wide range of different treatments.
Can you think of any other plant-based compounds that have the science-backed potential to help with headaches, mood disorders, pain, skin conditions, sleep disorders and more?
If CBD works for you, you might be able to save money in the long run because you won’t any longer need to treat each ailment individually which each have their own set of medications.
Not to mention the medications you have to take to combat the side effects of your other prescriptions.
Additionally, true CBD oil is extremely potent, which means that a little goes a long way.
Your average 30ml bottle of CBD oil lasts for an entire month if you take a single dose each day, which is plenty for most people.
But it’s crucial that you first find the ideal dose for you and your needs so you use the precise amount that your body needs to heal.
Sure going for the 1,000mg right off the bat may be effective, however, you may find that you find relief from the use of a 250mg CBD product for example.
So by starting with a low dosage of say a 250mg tincture, you can stick with that dose and gradually increase as needed until you find your ideal dose.
Therefore, in short, yes, CBD is a great value.
Be Cautious of CBD Products That are Cheaper Than the Rest

Here’s the thing: CBD is fairly unregulated right now, which is why a lot of brands can get away with making very cheap, low-quality products.
Now, if you’re on a budget, you might be tempted to grab the very inexpensive CBD products that you see at convenience stores and gas stations.
However, we urge you not to buy these cheap products as the price tags are, indeed, too good to be true.
Low-quality CBD will have a lower price tag because it’s just that: low-quality CBD.
It won’t be potent enough to do much for you, and even worse, it might contain filler ingredients that aren’t necessarily good for you.
And guess what? That would lead you to spend ever more money to get a high quality CBD product.
So do yourself a favor and save yourself the money you work so hard for and go for nothing but high quality CBD oil that has a verifiable 3rd party lab result attached to it and know where the hemp is sourced from.
How Can You Purchase CBD on a Budget?
Now, let’s discuss the ways in which you can enjoy high quality CBD products while sticking to a budget.
CBD Can Be Pricey, But Some Companies Overcharge

First, pricier doesn’t always equal better.
CBD companies can charge whatever they want for their products, and some do overcharge.
So, don’t be discouraged if you can’t afford the most expensive CBD product on the market, because most people can’t, and they don’t need that product anyway.
Find the Precise Dosage of CBD You Need for Your Health Issues
Now, it’s time to ask yourself what it is that you want to achieve when taking CBD.
Are you trying to treat a very specific ailment?
Do you have a severe, chronic symptom that bothers you all day long, or do you experience a symptom now and then that you’d like to be able to treat quickly?
All of these answers will determine how often you need CBD and how you should take it to suit your unique needs.
For instance, if you’re dealing with some mild pain due to a recent injury, you probably won’t need the highest concentration of CBD that’s out there.
You see, CBD products come in different concentrations that are measured by the milligram.
So, if your symptoms aren’t severe, you don’t need to splurge on a 1500mg CBD oil when a 250mg or a 500mg one will probably do the trick.
Identifying your needs will help you figure out how much CBD you need to take each day, and what concentration you should be taking.
There’s a good chance you won’t need to break the bank in order to purchase the highest concentration that’s available unless your symptoms are extremely severe.
Avoid Unnecessary Ingredients That Drive Up The Cost
Keep in mind that some CBD products are more expensive than others because they contain fancy, trendy ingredients that have nothing to do with the potential effectiveness of the CBD itself.
So, try to stick with pure, old-fashioned CBD whenever possible.
All the healing benefits you need are found in the hemp plant, so adding costly and trendy ingredients seems unnecessary.
Try Vaping CBD

Vaping CBD might be a good option if you’re on a budget, because this method of consumption can provide very fast, very potent effects.
Just keep in mind that the effects tend to be fairly short-lived.
Vaping is especially useful if you are dealing with a sudden onset of pain or anxiety that you need eliminated quickly.
Simply take a few pulls out of your vape device that’s filled with CBD e-liquid and you can begin to feel relief in a few minutes.
Look for Sales and Discounts on CBD Products
You should avoid the cheapest CBD products on the market, but you should absolutely keep an eye out for promotions and discounts available on CBD websites such as Wellicy.
There are Plenty of Ways to Experience CBD without Breaking the Bank
We know that CBD can be pretty expensive, and we know that not everyone thinks they can add this cannabinoid to their monthly budget.
But, by making a few smart calls, you’ll get to savor that hemp just like everyone else who has found relief using this healing compound.