Nowadays, it’s clear that our society fears aging more than ever before. In an insatiable desire to maintain youthfulness, Americans spend a great deal of money on products that promise to fight the signs of aging.
From nutrient-dense supplements to topical beauty creams, the anti-aging market is undoubtedly at an all-time high.
However, if you wish to slow down or even reverse the signs of aging, understanding exactly what happens to the body as we grow older is key. It’s also crucial that you recognize which products actually deliver and which are ineffective and based on marketing gimmicks.
Fascinatingly, researchers are beginning to believe that CBD may have a profound impact on the aging process.
Unlike many anti-aging products that are being marketed, CBD may have the ability to naturally halt the signs of aging by providing the body with what it needs to maintain its youth.
As you’ll see, numerous studies back up the theory that CBD holds the key to the anti-aging universe.
What Causes the Signs of Aging?
Obviously, aging is as inevitable as time is unstoppable. However, in terms of how aging affects our bodies, the process can take place at a faster rate as the result of numerous factors.
For example, certain lifestyle habits such as substance abuse can dramatically increase the rate at which our bodies age. Additionally, environmental factors can influence how our bodies age, such as exposure to toxins in the atmosphere. There’s also plenty of evidence that suggests that stress can influence the rate at which we age.
Many researchers also believe that genetics greatly determine how quickly the body demonstrates signs of aging.
What Happens During the Aging Process?

First, note that when we refer to the aging process in this article, we’re speaking about the physical changes that occur in the body as we get older.
After we reach 20 years of age, our bodies start to age. While most of us associate this process with the ways in which it changes our physical appearance, aging has an effect on every part of the body.
In terms of our skin, aging slowly replaces a supple, dewy complexion with one that’s thin, dry and full of wrinkles. This occurs for a few reasons, for one thing, as we age, our skin’s elasticity begins to decrease.
In other words, our skin can’t simply bounce back to its natural position like it once could. This has a lot to do with the fine lines that gradually develop as we get older.
Additionally, our skin becomes thinner and drier. Each pore secretes an oil called sebum that’s responsible for supplying the complexion with a layer of protective moisture.
As we get older, this production slows down, meaning that we have to work harder to keep our skin hydrated. Meanwhile, our skin slowly produces less and less collagen, a protein that keeps skin plump and supple.
The result is thinner layers of skin that sit tightly against the facial tissue.
Joints and Muscles
If you’re already of a certain age, you know that your joints and muscles just don’t function like they used to. Throughout the years, the musculoskeletal system begins to wear down simply because of excessive use.
Our knees, hips, shoulders and neck start to lose their range of motion while becoming more prone to pain. Meanwhile, our spine becomes more prone to injury as the result of years of stress. And, for many of us, our muscles start to ache more and more with every passing year.
Cognitive Function
Another major change that takes place as we get older is the gradual decrease in cognitive function. In other words, our brain’s capabilities weaken as we age. This can show itself in the form of poor memory, mental fatigue, struggle with focus and more.
This happens because of a process called neurogenesis that begins to slow down once we reach a certain age. The neurons in the brain gradually stop regenerating, meaning that we actually lose brain cells as we get older.
Can Aging be Reversed?

Up until recently, it was believed among medical researchers that the signs of aging could not be reversed. However, new studies demonstrate otherwise.
In one study, it was determined that the rate at which mice age is based on DNA passed down from the mother. Using this evidence, a group of researchers administered DNA-encoded ribonucleic acid to human cells in order to show that the signs of aging can be reversed.
What Can CBD Do for Aging?
Medical researchers are excited about the potential that CBD demonstrates in terms of its ability to impact the aging process. CBD has an incredibly unique way of interacting with the body that makes it appear very promising as far as anti-aging is concerned.
CBD is unusually high in antioxidants. In fact, it’s suggested that CBD has a higher level of antioxidants than vitamin C. These antioxidants prevent free radicals from causing cell damage.
When these free radicals interact with human cells, they cause the cells to die prematurely. Therefore, CBD might be capable of keeping the cells in the body healthy.
Many researchers are exploring CBD’s potential neuroprotective properties. It’s believed that CBD stimulates neurogenesis, a process in which new neurons take the place of old, damaged neurons.
Once we reach a certain age, the level at which our brain cells generate decreases. Those who suffer from Alzheimer’s experience a rapid loss of brain cells. If CBD truly can stimulate neurogenesis, it can decrease the rate at which we lose our cognitive function.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties
CBD is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers are finding that chronic inflammation is linked to age-related diseases.
When the body is chronically inflamed, the immune system is overwhelmed with its responsibility to protect the cells of the body. This can cause the body to become more susceptible to illnesses that are associated with aging.
Additionally, CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties can help with pain, a condition that tends to worsen as we get older. In fact, it is been found to help with age-related arthritis pain.
Stress Relief
We stated earlier that stress can contribute to the aging process. If you’re experiencing chronic stress, the excessive amount of cortisol that’s being secreted from your brain makes your cells more likely to become damaged by free radicals.
CBD, fortunately, has been found by researchers to lower the amount of cortisol that’s secreted from the brain, helping a person manage stressful situations in a much healthier and calmer way.
How CBD Works
What is the Endocannabinoid System?

CBD’s interaction with the body is unique in that it supplies it with what it needs in order to maintain homeostasis. The body has an endocannabinoid system that depends on the production of endocannabinoids in order to regulate its many processes.
If a person is deficient in these endocannabinoids, the body struggles to maintain processes such as sleep cycle, stress management, mood and inflammation.
When we take CBD, we’re providing our body with the compound that’s required in order to regulate itself. This explains why CBD is known for its multi-tasking properties.
How to Use CBD for its Anti-Aging Benefits
Source Your CBD Wisely
In order to test CBD’s effects on the aging process, it’s imperative that you select CBD that’s uniquely high in quality and pure. Choose a company that has a good reputation.
Even better, look for third-party lab results on the company’s website in order to ensure that you’re choosing a product that’s proven to be high in quality.
Choose the Right Method of Consumption
There are many different ways to take CBD. In the end, they’re all effective in their own way. However, if you’re looking primarily to treat age-related skin issues, a topical product is probably best.
If you’re interested in supplying your body with CBD in order to generally decrease the rate at which the aging process occurs, consider an edible CBD product or a CBD oil tincture. Both of these products can be taken daily.
Patience is Key
Understand that for some people, CBD needs to accumulate in the system before providing noticeable results. Just stick to your routine and give it some time to supply the body with what it needs.
CBD: The Possible Next Ageless Wonder
With so much promising research, many believe that CBD has the potential to treat the signs of aging. If you’re desperate to stop the clock, consider giving this cannabinoid a try.