CBD Infused Alcohol: A New CBD Trend

The Benefits of CBD Infused Alcohol

We all know that having a drink from time to time is a great way to unwind after a stressful week. 

We also know that CBD is the latest craze to provide serious stress-reducing effects in a natural way. 

So, it only makes sense that certain entrepreneurs are looking to combine these two popular substances in a way that promotes a more relaxed state of mind for those who are looking to calm down. 

If you’re only just hearing about CBD-infused alcoholic beverages, you’re probably wondering why you weren’t the first one to think that up. 

After all, it’s a brilliant idea considering the fact that both markets are incredibly successful financially. 

However, before you start thinking about the possibilities of starting up your own CBD-infused alcohol business, or even just considering buying a CBD-infused alcoholic beverage at a local store, there are some things that you should know.

Why CBD Infused Alcoholic Beverages?


So, why are people so darn excited about CBD-infused cocktails in the first place? 

Well, a lot of it has to do with the fact that CBD is uniquely beneficial in an abundance of ways. 

And, if drinking is an activity that you partake in regularly, why not enjoy some of the wonderful benefits of hemp at the same time?

Let’s discuss some of the potential benefits of mixing CBD with alcoholic beverages.

Possible Benefits of Mixing CBD with Alcoholic Beverages

Stress Relief

Manage Your Stress to Help Improve the Bioavailability of CBD

By now, most of us know that CBD is widely used as a natural stress reliever. 

CBD is unique in that it works directly with the body’s endocannabinoid system which, among other things, helps you calm down naturally by regulating the amount of cortisol that’s secreted from the brain. 

Cortisol is known as the stress hormone as it’s released when a person feels that they’re in danger. 

CBD prevents cortisol levels from getting out of control, allowing you to respond to stressful situations in a much calmer way.

Also, we know that alcohol has its own stress-relieving properties as well. 

For most of us, having a drink or two helps us relax by literally shutting down the part of the brain that worries about all of the things that can go wrong at any given moment. 

Now, of course, this isn’t always a good thing. 

Too much loss of inhibition can result in some pretty embarrassing and even dangerous decisions, but we don’t need to get into that now.

Combining alcohol with CBD, therefore, gives you a sort of double whammy effect by helping you unwind on a whole new level. 

Sounds pretty nice, doesn’t it?

CBD May Reduce Your Hangover

Combat Hangovers with CBD

Some researchers believe that CBD can actually prevent you from getting too serious of a hangover

For one thing, CBD is naturally rich in nutrients that have been found to prevent that hangover from getting too bad. 

Additionally, CBD regulates the body’s endocannabinoid system that’s responsible for things like inflammation and energy levels, two things that can be pretty compromised after a night of exceptionally heavy drinking.

So, by adding CBD to an alcoholic beverage, you’re basically consuming the antidote while getting a nice buzz. 

Reduced Social Anxiety

Reduce Social Anxiety with CBD

A recent study found that CBD has the ability to help people who suffer from social anxiety by calming the part of their brain that makes them feel nervous around others

Meanwhile, many people choose to drink at social gatherings because it helps them feel less self-conscious so that they can connect with people in a more comfortable way. 

So, it makes sense that consuming a CBD-infused cocktail can help you feel like the life of the party even if the thought of introducing yourself to a stranger gives you the sweats when you’re, well, sober.

Additional Benefits of CBD

Additionally, CBD is loaded with potential benefits.  And, alcohol isn’t exactly the healthiest thing in the world. 

So, if you’re going to drink alcohol, you might as well get some health-boosting properties out of it, right? 

CBD has the potential to help with things like chronic pain, poor sleep, mood issues and digestive ailments

By putting some CBD in your drink, you’ll be able to possibly increase your health despite the fact that you’re drinking something that isn’t the best for your body in large quantities.

Federal Law Regarding CBD in Food & Beverages

Now, here’s where things get complicated. 

Federal law dictates that CBD that comes from the hemp plant is perfectly legal

That’s because it was recently determined that hemp, unlike its cousin marijuana, is not a psychoactive substance because it doesn’t contain enough THC to alter a person’s mind, while marijuana is very high in THC, hence its drug-like effects.

Therefore, according to the federal government, CBD-infused alcoholic drinks are legal to consume as long as the CBD comes from the hemp plant, which most commercial CBD does. 

The FDA’s Stance

The problem is that the FDA has its own set of rules and guidelines. 

While hemp-derived CBD is federally legal, the FDA is not exactly the cannabinoid’s biggest fan. 

The CBD industry is widely unregulated by the FDA, but when it comes to food, the FDA is a little stricter.

Putting CBD in an alcoholic drink makes the cannabinoid a food additive according to the FDA’s guidelines. 

And, if something is being added to food, it must go through a strict approval process before it can be sold commercially. 

That’s why the FDA doesn’t approve of CBD going into beverages. 

However, some companies have managed to slip through by producing their products in states in which cannabis is legal. 

If cannabis is legal in a state, the FDA has less control over how cannabis-based products are manufactured there.

State Law

Each state has its own laws regarding cannabis and hemp, so whether or not you can obtain CBD-infused alcohol is largely based on your state’s laws on CBD. 

What You Need to Know Before Having a CBD-Infused Alcoholic Beverage

If you do happen to obtain CBD-infused alcohol, it’s important to keep some things in mind beforehand.

You Might Get Sleepy

CBD is frequently used for its sleep inducing effects, and alcohol makes some people feel very sleepy as well. 

So, know that your hemp cocktail might make you feel more tired than, say, your standard glass of wine.

Of course CBD can help with energy levels, so if you want to mix CBD with your alcoholic beverages, start with a low dose such as 5-10mg.

If you’ve never used CBD before, we do not recommend that your first experience be with alcohol. As you should first take CBD on its own to see how it effects you.

You Might Get a Little Looser

Because both CBD and alcohol help calm down the brain, you might feel a bit, well, loose. 

Your inhibitions might become lower than they normally are when you’re drinking, so pay attention to how you feel as you go along.

You May Have a Reaction to CBD

Although CBD is considered relatively safe, everyone’s bodily chemistry is different, which means that combining CBD and alcohol has a tiny chance of giving you negative effects. 

Start with a very small amount and see how you feel before taking more.

CBD Infused Alcohol: The Next Big Craze

CBD-infused alcohol might be the next biggest craze, but first, the FDA has to determine how they’re going to regulate the production of this type of product. 

In the meantime, if you are able to obtain some, enjoy it.  Many find that combining these two substances provides a variety of pleasant effects.


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