CBD for Spinal Cord Injury: Repair Communication Channels

CBD for Spinal Cord Injury: Repair Communication Channels

The spinal cord is an integral part of the body, it is a column of nerves protected by myelin and vertebrae. Out of every 1 million people, 100 suffer spinal cord injuries every year. 90% of these cases are brought on by physical trauma. Studies have shown that men are more prevalent to spinal cord injuries than women are.

The injury is defined as damage to any part of the spinal cord including the nerves. Spinal cord injuries usually bring on significant changes in strength, sensation, and body functions like motor ability. The extent of which is determined by the severity of the primary injury and efficacy of mitigation efforts after the fact.

The location of the injury also matters a lot, any area below the injury loses sensation and function, as the brain is unable to send signals past the point of injury.

There are two main types of spinal cord injuries. Complete spinal cord injuries, where there is loss of all function, and incomplete injuries, where patients still have some function. Under incomplete injuries are paraplegia, tetraplegia and triplegia. This condition is managed by physiotherapy, lots of counseling and even more pain medication.

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Pain medication can be very addictive and in some cases may cause the patient to be in a vegetative state. A survey was conducted with 117 participants where it was found that a prominent number of the participants got no relief from chronic pain through the traditional pain pills for spinal cord injuries.

The pills do more to decrease the quality of life than the condition itself, thus there is a need for better ways to manage the pain and other symptoms.


Clinical studies have shown that bones, skeleton, cartilage, and spine growth are regulated by both endo and phyto cannabinoids. These elements have been found to be incredibly useful in the restoration of nerve function.

A paper was published in the US National Library of Medicine in 2016. The paper outlined that CBD is able to counteract secondary damage to spinal cord. This means that CBD promotes better functional outcome in experimental models.

How CBD Improves Motor Ability

In 2012, laboratory rats were inflicted with a cryogenic spinal cord injury through a process called laminectomy. Cannabinoids were administered before the laminectomy and then again three hours after. The rats then got a dose for six consecutive days.

It was found that the rats that received the cannabinoids had better functional recovery, improvement in severity of tissue injury, and a significant reduction in the extent of the injury. This was tested through the Basso, Beattie, Brasnahan scale.

This has not been tried on humans so there is no clinical evidence that the same would happen in a human being with an actual spinal cord injury. However, the few who have followed the spirit of this study have had nothing but good results. The personal testimonies are all in praise of CBD for helping increase motor function and improve tolerance of physiotherapy.

CBD for Muscle Spasticity

When the brain is unable to send signals to modulate reflexes, the spinal cord tries to step in and do something. However, it is not as effective as the brain and therefore the resultant effect is overactive and spastic muscles. This leads to reactions that vary from mild tremors to violent movements. This is where cannabidiol has the potential to step in and help a great deal.

In 1839, Dr. William O’Shaughnessy studied cannabis extracts and their effects on muscle spasticity. His conclusion was that cannabis has the capability to control and mitigate the spasms. Later in 1890 through another study, Dr Reynolds found supporting evidence to further cultivate Dr O’Shaughnessy’s findings.

A study into Multiple Sclerosis at the University of Arizona had the same idea in mind. There, researchers found that 70% of the people with muscle spasms found relief in cannabinoids. This study was about MS but the idea is pretty much the same. The same idea can be applied to spasticity caused by spinal cord injuries.

CBD for Nerve Pain

Spinal cord injury patients suffer a lot of pain and if the injury leaves them permanently disabled then it is possible for that pain to go on for years. Imagine years of pain but being unable to move into a position that offers even momentary comfort.

In 2010, a study was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, where it was found that a single dose of CBD three times a day would effectively keep nerve pain at bay.

Better SleepCBD for Beter Sleep

Sleep is a key ingredient in maintaining good health, it is estimated that 77% of spinal cord injury patients suffer from a form of sleep apnea.

Unfortunately, 92% of those patients say they do not sleep well.

Without sleep, the immune system is weakened and the body needs to work harder to heal itself.

Spinal cord injury patients are at a higher risk for infections.

Weakened immune system reduces the chances of their survival when the infections hit.

Cannabis has been found to improve the quality of sleep by increasing the length of stage 4 sleep.

During stage 4 sleep the brain is refreshed and muscles are loosened, this stage is integral in management of pain and mental health.

However, dosage for better sleep should be an acute administration. Ensure to research or use an online dosage calculator to get it right.

Pressure Ulcers

Bedsores develop when an area on the body suffers under prolonged pressure. Depending on the period and whether treatment has been attempted, the sore could only be skin deep or it could go deep through the tissue. Bedsores are prevalent on parts of the skin that cover bony areas.

The signs of a sore range from mere darkening of the skin to actual open wound with pus coming out of it. This goes without saying but the chances of sepsis in this case are very high. They develop quickly, advance rapidly, take a long time to heal and can cause fatal infections in the body.

Cleaning should involve some saline to disinfect and CBD. The CBD is an antibacterial and antiseptic that will prevent sepsis and deter the progression of already developed sepsis.

Since these are actually really painful, CBD will help manage the pain. The cannabinoid will also reduce the period of healing. Bedsores are common in people with spinal cord injury as they are unable to move for long periods of time. The carer should ensure to reposition the patient every three hours, at least.

Role of CBD in PhysiotherapyCBD for Physiotherapy

The mind is an important tool in healing, the mind has to be right for proper and fastidious healing to occur. Mental health and physical health go hand in hand. Luckily, CBD has been found to be useful in helping put the mind in a mental state that is conducive for treatment.

CBD also helps to combat depression and anxiety that may come along with the possibility of being wheelchair bound for life. Spinal cord injuries, especially the complete injury can be very difficult to accept and contend with.

Whether the patient has suffered a complete or incomplete injury, physical therapy is absolutely necessary. In the case of a complete injury, physical therapy may help to gain a little bit of function but more realistically, it will keep the muscles from atrophying.

In the incomplete, it is the key to going from tetraplegia to paraplegia, possibly. However, physical therapy can be very painful. It is physically taxing. The patient will need a lot of tolerance. CBD helps prepare the body to physically take therapy. It also heals the body from exhaustion after the session.


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