Cardiovascular Diseases and CBD: No More Hurt for the Heart

Benefits of CBD for Cardiovascular Diseases

In a world where we are trying to digitize everything so that we have time for more activities, rarely do you sit and really think about your health. You will go through life surviving on microwave dinners and drive-through burgers. Unbeknownst to us, these habits are detrimental to our cardiovascular health. There could be growing plaque in the vessels and you would not know until it is too late.

Heart dysfunction is the number one cause of death in the world. Right at the top above accidents, diabetes and stupidity. Over 30% of the global population suffers from one heart disease or other. This epidemic burdens both the economic and health aspect of every country.


This is hardening and narrowing of the arteries. The first point of damage is the endothelium. This element keeps the inside of the vessel smooth and well toned for smooth circulation of blood. After it is damaged, plaque made up of cholesterol and white blood cells forms.

The plaque could grow for years without detection. At times, it may rupture. If it does, blood clots are formed and sent throughout the body to the heart, brain, and limbs.

As a result, you may develop a coronary heart disease, which is an affliction of the blood vessels to the heart. The other possibility is a cerebrovascular event where trouble occurs in the vessels to the brain. Peripheral arterial disease is also a possibility, which affects blood supply to the limbs.


This is an irregular heart rhythm caused by a malfunction of electrical impulses, which coordinate heartbeats. It can either be to slow or too fast. The heart will not pump blood effectively leading to lightheadedness and in some cases, fainting.


One kind of arrhythmia is ventricular fibrillation, which is erratic beating of the heart. There will be no blood pumped and thus, cut off of circulation to vital organs. This can be the onset of a heart attack and is fatal.

Congenital and other types

Congenital heart disease is a defect present right from birth. As per the instructions of a specialist, you may be directed to leave it be. Some of these defects fade on their own. Others require surgery.

Some heart diseases are brought on by other medical conditions like diabetes. Diabetes may cause cardiomyopathy, which is a disorder of the heart muscle. A weakened muscle will cause ineffective pumping of blood.

Rheumatic heart disease is another condition involving the heart muscle. It is caused by streptococcal bacteria. This highly contagious infection causes rheumatic fever. The fever afflicts the heart muscle and valves.

Change Your Lifestyle

Healthy living and management of risk factors can prevent some heart diseases. Obesity, for example, is a huge risk factor. The fat in an overweight person could easily settle on vessels making it harder for them to carry blood effectively. The pathways become small gradually and eventually block out completely.

Other factors are stress and smoking. These have no place in any one who is predisposed to heart disease or really anyone who wants to avoid it. Physical inactivity slows down blood circulation and makes the heart work too hard to get blood to the desired destinations.

Uncontrollable Factors

Other factors are sex and age. The gender comes in play in the pre-menopausal years. Women at that age suffer fewer heart diseases than men suffer but catch up after menopause. Pre-menopause, it is thought that estrogen provides protection against heart disease. There is also the fact that women tend to take better care of themselves than men do.

Age is factor for the obvious reason that at an advanced age, the body is weak. It does not have the same strong defense mechanism and therefore it is easier for diseases to attack. Also, as the years go by, previously passive problems like formation of arterial obstruction or plaque on vessels gets worse and symptoms start to surface.

Scientific Evidence of CBD Superpower

In 2013, the British Journal of Pharmacology after a study on rodent models reported favorable findings. They found that CBD reduced vascular tension, which puts a strain on heart. There was also protection from damage due to prolonged exposure to excess glucose and general diabetes inflammation.

Another study on rodents published in the International Journal of Cardiology noted a relation between endocannabinoid deficiency and chronic heart failure. The receptors in the endocannabinoid system are activated by cannabidiol.

CBD Action on Peripheral Issues

Stress and anxiety being causes of some heart trouble, can be kept at bay by CBD. CBD acts on all the necessary receptors to release hormones that cause reduction in stress and feelings of well being. You stay calm and your heart stays intact.

CBD is incredibly effective for weight gain as per studies. It activates an enzyme that communicates satiety thus making weight loss much less difficult than it would be. With no weight to shackle you to physical inactivity, those are two levels of the wall brought down already. Although this is a highly controversial area, CBD does help smoking cessation. Smoking is a major contributor for heart disease, It damages the arterial lining leading to stroke and heart attack.

Blood pressure causes damage to vessels, which reduces their success in pumping of blood. In a study conducted in 2017, it was found that CBD in very small doses was enough to manage hypertension, which would then save the heart from potential damage from high blood pressure.

CBD as a Vasodilator

Vasorelaxation is a major part of ensuring the vessels do not constrict blood flow. CBD works through anandamide to push forward the reversal of endothelial denudation. Thus, opening and relaxing the vessels. Pressure on vessel walls is also decreased. The chances of arterial blockage are also significantly reduces which brings down the decreases the prevalence of stroke or cardiac arrest.

Action Against Ischemic Arrhythmia

Myocardial ischemia is a condition in which the heart receives little to no blood causing oxygen deficiency. This may cause infarction. A study published in the American Journal of Physiology- Heart and Circulatory Physiology idealized that CBD could be an effective treatment option for myocardial ischemia. Another study on laboratory rats dosed on a little bit of CBD post-ischemia gave favorable evidence. There were fewer incidences of ischemia caused arrhythmia. The infarct (portion of dead tissue) after the fact also seemed to reduce in size. CBD for arrhythmias is still in infancy. There is not a lot of information about the action of CBD but whatever little has been found to be favorable and helpful.

Proper CBD Use for Cardiovascular Health

Heart disease medication brings with it many side effects. There is extreme thirst, dizziness, and weight gain in some instances. This is not to say that CBD should be used in place of those. It is to say that CBD could be used to abate these side effects.

CBD, while it is questionable to use pre-surgery, it can be used post-op to ease pain and hasten the healing process.

However, this should not be done without the knowledge of the physician. The one thing that stands is absolutely no smoking. Smoking causes coughing and increase in sputum.

The coughing could cause suture to come undone. You should stick to oral, sublingual, and edibles. CBD could be used in place of some of the painkillers but only under physician supervision.

1. Tincture

In some cases, you will need to calm the anxiety before going into surgery. Usually you are asked not to eat 10 hours to the surgery. Therefore, edibles would be eliminated for this. Instead, a tincture delivered sublingually would be apt. A drop or two under the tongue to calm the nerves is fast acting and it can be done on the morning of.

2. CBD Oil

The night before a surgery is harrowing. It is stressful as you stares down the barrel of your own mortality. In such a situation, it would be hard to fall asleep at all. A little CBD oil on the temples and/or other acupuncture points would ease anxiety and beckon sleep.

3. Edibles

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Post-op is another case, this widens the option pool. You can eat the edibles at this point to help with the pain. It could even be CBD infused soup. The effects will not be felt quickly but once they are, will last for double the usual time.

4. Vaping

Vaping Industry Regulations

This method of delivery is fast acting and lasts for up to two hours. It does not carry the baggage that smoking a joint would like causing a cough among other inconvenient issues. With this, you are assured of purer CBD than they would get from smoking.

More Studies Needed

More than 17 Million people die annually from heart disease. While there have been major advancements in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, CBD has proved a worthy entrant into the field.

Studies upon studies have shown its potency. People are now living healthier lives, exercising more, eating well, and staying away from alcohol and cigarettes.

There is still need to improve the quality of life for the 17 million people who have lived well but still suffer. To ensure the drugs do not make them useless.

To help them manage risk factors and symptoms. CBD is that one element that would make headway. People who have already self-medicated with CBD have nothing but great things to say.


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