CBD for ACL and TCL Treatments

CBD For ACL And TCL Treatments

Ligament damage in the knee joint area is no joke, as anyone who has suffered from an ACL or TCL tear will know. 

Your knee joint is stabilized by several ligaments, and if any of these crucial ligaments are torn, the whole knee can be seriously thrown out of whack. 

Now, the issue is that a torn knee ligament can result in excruciating pain and an inability to walk, which is why surgical intervention is almost always necessary.

Both the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) and the TCL (tibial collateral ligament) are more prone to tearing than other ligaments in your body.

Mainly because of how much they are used throughout your life.

Both these ligaments are relentlessly stretched and bent as we go about our daily lives.


Between simple acts like sitting down and standing up to more laborious tasks like exercising.

These ligaments can definitely show signs of wear and tear over time, and eventually, they can essentially snap.

Which means that the knee joint is no longer stabilized or supported in the way that it must be.  

Both of these ligament tears will almost definitely lead to surgery, and the recuperation process can be quite lengthy and painful. 

Many doctors will prescribe heavy-duty opioid drugs in order to make the process as painless as possible.

Not everyone is excited to take a painkiller that’s known to be highly addictive.

The interesting thing is that more and more people are turning to CBD as they recover from knee surgery. 

That’s because this all-natural plant compound might be able to help you manage your pain effectively while boosting the body’s natural healing ability. 

So, why can CBD have such a tremendous impact on the post-operative recovery process?

And, how should it be taken for the best possible results?

Before we get into those questions, let’s first discuss these ligaments and how tears are usually treated. 

What is the ACL?

What is the ACL?

The ACL is the anterior cruciate ligament, and it’s one of the two main ligaments that runs through the middle of your knee. 

It attaches itself to the shin bone by stretching diagonally.

Its main function is to prevent the shin bone from taking on too much weight during forward motions. 

It also prevents the knee from bending improperly.

The ACL is in charge of keeping the knee balanced and stable. It has nerves, which means that if it’s torn, you’ll feel tremendous pain.

Causes of an ACL Tear

Often, an ACL tear is caused by a person quickly moving in the wrong direction. 

This ligament is made to be stretched only to a certain extent, but it can be overstretched if a person goes to take a step and quickly twists their ankle to the side.   

Diagnosing an ACL Tear

The ACL can be clearly seen on an x-ray as it is a large ligament that is on the front of the knee. 

If it is torn, the tear will be clearly visible.

Treatment for an ACL Tear

The only way to repair a torn ACL is to replace the damaged portion of the ligament with tendon taken from another part of the body, which is typically the hamstring. 

What is the TCL?

The TCL is the tibial collateral ligament.  This ligament attaches the femur (thigh bone) to the tibia (shin bone). 

It’s another major ligament of the knee, and it runs down the inside of the knee. 

It helps to ensure balanced movement between the portion above the knee and below.

It helps keep the knee stable by connecting it to the two bones that are on either side of it.   

Causes of an TCL Tear

Typically, a torn TCL is caused by bending the knee improperly or landing on a knee that’s bent. 

It can also be caused by a high-impact fall. It’s known for being especially painful.

Diagnosing a TCL Tear

A torn TCL is easily diagnosed via an x-ray.


Like a torn ACL, a torn TCL can only be treated with surgery that involves finding a piece of healthy tendon.

Often along the hamstring, and surgically putting it in the place of the section of torn ligament.

What Should You Expect After an ACL or TCL Treatment?

Knee surgery requires a long recovery due to the fact that the body needs to fully heal before the knee can once again be used. 

This means that bedrest is crucial, and often it takes weeks or a couple of months before you can once again put weight on that knee. 

During this time, you may experience pain due to the nature of the surgery.

They may also feel extremely fatigued as the body has perceived the surgery as a traumatic event.

What’s Required for Recovering from an ACL or TCL Treatment?

During the recovery process immediately following an ACL or TCL treatment, you must rest as much as possible. 

This allows the body and the knee to heal properly.

You must also try to be as healthy as possible so that your body can maximize its self-healing capabilities.

A doctor will likely prescribe a post-operative patient some form of medicine to help with the pain. 

NSAIDs like Ibuprofen may be prescribed, but it’s more likely that you will receive some form of an opioid painkiller such as Oxycontin. 

This class of drugs is great for managing extreme pain, but it comes with a lot of risks, including a high risk of physical dependency.  

Could CBD Help with the Recovery Process Following Either Treatment?

CBD for ACL and TCL treatment

During the recovery process, it’s likely that you will be dealing with a lot of pain. 

You may also have other symptoms that result from such an invasive surgical procedure such as poor sleep, poor mood and extreme fatigue.  

It turns out that CBD might be able to help battle all of these symptoms because of the way in which it works with the human body. 

See, everyone has an endocannabinoid system that responds to cannabinoids.

This system consists of various cannabinoid receptors that exist all along the body, including the brain, digestive tract and nervous system.

The endocannabinoid system’s goal is to allow the body to reach and maintain homeostasis. 

It makes endocannabinoids that bond with these receptors, allowing processes to be regulated such as mood, immune function, pain tolerance and sleep cycle.

If the body is under-producing cannabinoids, various ailments can occur such as chronic pain, poor mood and frequent illnesses. 

Now, researchers believe that CBD derived from hemp acts as naturally produced cannabinoids when consumed by the body.

This allows the endocannabinoid system to send CBD and other cannabinoids to places throughout the body that require healing. 

So, by taking CBD, you may be able to supply your body with what it needs to manage and speed up the healing process following knee ligament surgery.

CBD for Possible Pain Relief

CBD has been largely studied for its effects on pain of all levels of severity. 

It seems that CBD has both analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, meaning it can lower the inflammation that results from surgery while blocking pain receptors in the brain.  

CBD Has Potential Sleep Benefits

CBD sleep benefits after surgery

CBD has the potential to lower cortisol levels which can interfere with a person’s ability to sleep

Many people who are recovering from knee surgery struggle to get adequate sleep because the pain is keeping them up. 

By possibly helping to reduce cortisol levels, and helping alleviate your levels of pain, CBD may prove to be an effective sleep aid.

CBD May Provide Possible Mood Enhancements

Because of CBD’s effects on cortisol, the cannabinoid may improve your mood following surgery. 

Many patients report stress and depression following such a serious surgical procedure.

Taking CBD Following an ACL or TCL Treatment

Knowing what to take and how much to take are key.

Tip #1: Your Doctor Has to Know

Talk to your doctor about taking CBD after an ACL or TCL surgery

Inform your doctor before beginning a CBD regimen following surgery.

Tip #2: Choose the Best-Quality CBD Product You Can Find

Seek out a company with a good reputation in order to ensure the highest-quality product possible.

Tip #3: The Administration Method is Up to You

Different methods of consuming CBD

You can choose whether you wish to vape CBD, consume it as an edible, use it as a tincture or some other method of administration.

We recommend that you start with a low dose, stick with it for 1-2 weeks and adjust as needed.

Additionally, we also urge you to experiment with different CBD products to see which dose and consumption method works best for you and your personal needs.

Tip #4: Consistency is Very Important

Consistency is Very Important When Taking CBD

Take CBD daily for the best results, if you notice some improvements, it’s critical that you continue taking that same dose of CBD daily.

Suddenly quitting taking your CBD may lead to symptoms and pain returning.

Tip #5: Dose Properly

Go with a high concentration (500mg or higher) and take the suggested dose.

Knee Ligament Surgery Can Be Extremely Painful…

But CBD may help. 

This cannabinoid just might be able to help you manage pain as well as other symptoms following your operation. 

Best of all, CBD is a natural product that has the potential to benefit you in a wide variety of ways.


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