Cannabidiol (CBD) has been quite the miraculous element. With so many benefits and ability to help treat so many ailments, it is only prudent that human beings come up with consumption methods that maximize the benefits. Up to now, dosage has been a problem due to the issue of bioavailability.
Oral consumption has one of the lowest levels of bioavailability due to the metabolic pass. This is whereby anything ingested is passed through the liver for synthesis.
During this process, only 15% of the CBD makes it out into the blood circulation system. Dabbing cuts out the liver and travels through digestive tract thus providing 50% more CBD to benefit from. This makes dabbing the CBD much more potent. It provides quicker effects.
Dabbing has been around for eons in multiple forms. However, it gained popularity in the new millennium. It is defined as flash vaporization.
You put the CBD product or dab onto a hot surface and inhale the vapor as the dab melts. This mode uses CBD concentrates. These products are extracted with the purpose of maintaining close to 100%. This fact contributes to the quick action of the CBD.
The Different Types of Dabs
Cannabidiol dabs can be either one of these: wax, butter, shatter, crystals, or pure CBD oil.
The wax is a sticky substance that resembles tree sap through thickness and color, while the butter is a little more manageable as it is softer and easier to melt.
CBD shatter is aptly described as easily broken flakes of CBD concentrate. CBD crystals on the other hand are more like a powder that can be scooped by spatula onto the nail.
When it comes to CBD dabs, whether using wax, butter, shatter, crystals or CBD oil, they typically have more than 90% CBD content.
How to Properly Dab CBD
The extraction is done by using butane, propane, or carbon dioxide. For the best experience, the dab must be clean and tested, which is why it’s so important for you to verify the legitimacy of the vendor.
Otherwise, you will get a CBD dab that lacks purity and that contains harmful additives.
Dabbing vaporizes the CBD, so the vapor is supposed to be easy on your lungs but if it’s of terrible quality, it will induce irritation.
You must enquire about the certificate of analysis and verify that it is real and legit.
You must also learn how to effectively and properly use what’s known as an oil rig. Improper use could lead to improper dabbing which will make the experience unfavorable.
While buying the oil rig, whether or not you are a first timer, have the shop attendants demonstrate every step including care instructions for the rig.
Under no circumstances should the dab be home made. It is always advised that you don’t use home made products because you can’t vouch for the purity.
In this case, this idea is thrown out the window. The purity is such an important aspect that the dab has to be lab tested. Without proper equipment, it is impossible to achieve the kind of purity necessary for dabbing.
For a newbie, the concentration and bioavailability will knock you off kilter. You might overestimate your tolerance and consume a stronger dose that what you are used to.
It is therefore imperative that you start from the lowest possible dosage then adjust upwards once it has been established that the level is ineffective.
An oil rig isn’t the only thing that you can use to dab CBD!
If you don’t feel like shelling out a bunch of cash for a new oil rig, then you can also purchase vaporizing devices that you can fill with any type of CBD dabs. This will allow you to receive a dose of CBD on the go, at home, or at work!
What You Need to Dab Cannabidiol
You must remember to assemble the whole arrangement before settling down for a dab. Having to get up because a part was forgotten while the dab is already melting is not only inconvenient but causes wastage of precious product.
Always get the dabbing set that suits you best. Some people like the electronic set while others like the danger of holding a blow torch, or some prefer simplicity with a vaporizing device.
To each their own, but the key is to enjoy regardless of which kind of kit you have chosen to use.
Let’s get into the varying products you will need to start dabbing CBD today!
Oil Rig
An oil rig is essentially a water pipe (bong), or for simplicity sake it’s the big glass thing that makes up most of your kit.
You should go for a rig that is not top heavy to prevent accidental tip overs, trust me nothing is more devastating! It is best to pick one that has a sturdy base and thick walls.
Some people like the big ones while others like the small ones. But a rule of thumb that I like to stick to when dabbing is concentrate your concentrates.
But regardless of the size you choose, it should not easily topple off the table. The smaller oil rigs offer a more direct hit with concentrated flavor, while the big ones offer a smoother hit.
The first thing to consider is function. How easy is it to set up? How much time would it take to set up? How does it work exactly? Do the conditions for use seem too daunting or tedious for you?
The next is water volume, which helps determine the smoothness of the hit. The more water it holds the kinder it will be on your lungs.
The third is portability. You should first determine whether this is important for you before using it as a criterion for making a purchasing decision.
This is the implement by which the dab will be heated and vaporized for you to inhale through your oil rig.
You should stay away from glass due to the prevalence of shattering, but some of your alternatives are titanium, ceramic, and quartz.
Some expressed titanium oxidation as a concern despite it being the longer lasting option. I personally use all 3, I love the lifespan of titanium nails but absolutely love the flavor from quartz nails. The flavor is incredible with my ceramic nail, but they often crack after extended use.
Can’t decide between the three? There is also the choice of a hybrid between titanium and quartz. This offers the best of both worlds. A perfect balance of long lasting and less risk of oxidation toxins.
This is a kind of nail that can be plugged in instead of using the good old blowtorch. The heat is adjustable thereby producing a consistent level of heat at all times.
Ensure to keep the heat turned up appropriately, if it is too low, the dab will not melt completely and thereby causing wastage of your precious CBD. Proper temperature for a low temp dab is between 300-400˚F, which many dabbers will say helps to enhance the flavor of the extract.
However, there are also many people that set their e-nails higher such as 545° and 570° Fahrenheit.
Be careful not to go too high, as this can scorch your CBD and cause a burning taste in your mouth and will feel like you just inhaled a ball of fire!
The trouble about using an electric nail is the need for an outlet at all times. However, there is a new invention to abate that problem. A power bank or battery of sorts. This ensures you use your electric nail even when you are out camping.
If you are worried about dabbing on the go, you can also pick up a portable e-nail that is battery powered so you can dab wherever you go without the need for a power outlet!
This is the device you will use to scoop up your CBD concentrate to dab. Before, people used all kinds of things from pen tips to long nails to hair pins. The real OG’s of dabbing will have fond memories of taking knife hits off their stove!
There are specialized dabbers now that you can purchase from any head or smoke shop. This should be chosen depending on the type of CBD dab you will be using.
If it is the CBD isolate crystals, a flat tip to enable scooping is best. While the wax and butter can use a pen tip like tool.
Dab Mat
You do not want to have to work hard at scrubbing the dab reclaim off the table when you could be sitting back and enjoying the effects of CBD.
Using a silicone dab mat will help keep the mess off your table. Plus, dab mats can be quickly and easily cleaned by soaking it in isopropyl alcohol.
A dab mat will however be required if you are choosing to use what’s known as a nectar collector to take your cannabidiol dabs.
A simple kitchen grade blow torch is sufficient. Something strong enough to heat the nail sufficiently but not so strong that it can start the fires of hell. This should be handled with care as it can be dangerous on its own.
The Process of Dabbing CBD
The very first thing to do after everything has been assembled is to heat the nail until you begin to see an orange glow.
Let it sit for 30-60 seconds, allow to sit for longer for a low temp dab. The amount of time allowed is dependent on the material of nail, as titanium will hold heat longer than a quartz or ceramic nail.
Apply the dab on the nail using a dabber, and inhale the vapor as it rises through the rig into the mouth piece.
Rotate the dabber across the nail to ensure that all the dab is used up.
Inhale slowly, there is no need to be in a hurry, and enjoy the almost immediate effects of CBD!
Common Misconceptions of Dabbing CBD
Dabbing Cannabidiol is Dangerous
This misconception is based on the common bundling together of dabbing with cigarette smoking.
With cigarettes, the tar is inhaled directly into your system and is very harsh to the lungs. The dabbing rig is equipped with water to make the vapor more palatable to the lungs. Plus, there is no combustion with dabbing as it’s instead being vaporized before being inhaled.
The only danger that could be posed is if you use a poorly or unsafely extracted product. In this case, toxins will seep into your body.
Another potential danger of dabbing is being burned. Just make sure you do not touch a hot nail, you should also avoid touching the nail for 20 minutes after dabbing to ensure the nail is completely cool.
This is where you are left feeling high, but this only happens when you dab THC concentrates. CBD is not a psychoactive element.
So by consuming it through dabbing does not miraculously turn it into a psychoactive element.
The only way to be high is by throwing in some THC or any other psychoactive cannabinoid, in which case you will be mighty high.
Fatal Overdose
CBD is a natural and organic element. It is always joked that while marijuana has killed no one and alcohol has killed millions, it is a wonder cannabis is the illegal substance of the two.
Overdose is a far fetched idea but it would only go as far as fainting and drowsiness. Death from CBD overdose has not been documented.
Same Dangers as Crack
Maybe this comparison comes from the fact that both substances use similar contraptions. Rigs have been known to explode, sure. Here is why.
Some people like to experiment. They do this by making their own rigs at home. Not only is this utterly unsafe, it is sheer stupidity.
They may also go further and extract their own CBD concentrates. As mentioned above, the product has to be laboratory tested before use to determine purity. Not including that step is only extending an invitation to toxins.
Dab CBD The Right Way or No Way
Dabbing can make for a very good CBD consumption experience. However, attention has to be paid to the proper way. Safety precautions are not to be compromised. If done right, once you go dab you will never go back!
Have you experimented with dabbing CBD? Let me know about your experience in the comments section below!