Do You Have a Neurodegenerative Disease? Try CBD

Benefits of CBD for Neurodegenerative Diseases

At the mention of neurodegeneration, you should take the word apart for an in depth examination. Neuro refers to anything to do with your brain and maybe delve into your spinal cord. It is about brain cells and neurons.

Degeneration is the breakdown of a structure and the eventual loss of full function. Therefore, neurodegeneration is the progressive structural breakdown of neurons in your nervous system.

The progression is inevitable, but your quality of life can be improved by management or slowing down of deterioration of cognitive and functional aspects.

Ever heard the saying– Death will inevitably find you. Just make sure it finds you alive. This means that before the end can approach; you should have lived, truly lived.

To really understand the implications of a neurodegenerative disease, below are some of them and their symptoms.


This is one of the leading causes of dementia. It is caused by death of brain cell connections and formation of plaque.


The result is loss of memory, inability to follow plans like recipes or maps, difficulty working with numbers, confusion, lack of concentration and hard time completing regular daily tasks.

The person will also suffer mood swings and constantly lose things but can never retrace their steps to find it.

Multiple Sclerosis

The nerves have an insulation that if damaged causes the cells to wear away and thus miscommunication between the brain and the rest of the body.

Partial or complete loss of vision is very common among MS patients along with numbness and slurred speech. As the MS progresses, bowel function is lost and so is coordination.

Often you will suffer depression, paralysis and in some cases, epilepsy. The cause of MS is not conclusively known but it is suspected to be genetics, autoimmune diseases, or infections among others.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Nerve cells are damaged and eventually die leading to atrophied muscles among other effects. Often, ALS will start in your extremities with an innocent twitch then progress until it reaches your lungs causing breathing problems.

It is inherited 10% of the time. Other causes could be environmental factors, presence of a gene mutation or a chemical imbalance.

Parkinson’s Disease

A dysfunction is caused in which dopamine synthesis is reduced.

The resulting cognitive deterioration and depreciation of motor skills will cause depression, mood swings, sexual dysfunction, and at times pain.

Studies have hypothesized that there could be environmental triggers for Parkinson’s.

Better Quality of Life

Management of neurodegenerative diseases is paramount to the improvement of quality of life regardless of how short or long you have left. Diet and exercise play a major role in keeping things running as smoothly as they possibly can.

Most neurodegenerative disease patients suffer from low mobility and physical activity. However, physiotherapy has been found to not only elevate mood but also significantly slow down progression.

A diet high in DHA is also advised. DHA plays a significant role in neuron maintenance. It combats inflammation as a cause of neurodegeneration.

In the same respect, studies have shown that caloric restriction is integral to neuroplasticity. This is the ability of your brain to grow. Growth of your brain is a good thing.

Flush Out the Waste

Oxidative stress is a natural process at the cellular level, which causes generation of waste products (free radicals). These cause the development of neurodegenerative diseases some of the time.

Your body’s way of combating these free radicals is by producing antioxidants. These works to mitigate the damage caused by free radicals and reduce their multiplication.

CBD is an excellent antioxidant. In fact, it is so excellent; that in 2003, the US government patented it for its antioxidant properties and abilities as a neuroprotectant element.

In addition to this, a study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology reported that CBD reduces neural inflammation in mice significantly.

CBD for Dopamine

Some neurodegenerative diseases are caused by a reduction in your production of dopamine. Dopamine is effective in managing cell loss and damage.

Some new studies have expressed a relation between deterioration of dopaminergic neurons and Alzheimer’s. It is also potent against the mood swings and depression that are synonymous with neurodegenerative disorders.

CBD interacts with the adenosine receptor, which regulates production of dopamine and glutamate. The adenosine receptors are significantly involved in providing anti-inflammatory effects in your brain.

CBD Against Brain Aging

As you get older, the levels of hormones and proteins that protect the brain from cell damage and stimulate neural growth decline. In some cases, there is decreased blood flow to your brain.

These make brain aging a major factor in neurodegeneration. A study in its infancy is suggesting that CBD can slow brain aging thus delaying the symptoms or development of a neurodegenerative disease. The mouse study showed a significant improvement in cognitive function in an aging brain.

Scientists at the University of Bonn and their counterparts at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem are hopeful that the human trials will prove beyond a shadow of doubt that CBD can indeed slow down brain aging.

This would be a leap forward in the treatment of dementia, Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.

CBD Action on Symptoms

Alzheimer’s patients suffer agitation, aggression, delusions, and apathy.

According to information in the Journal of Alzheimer’s disease, patients suffer less of these with the intervention of CBD. This is good news as it reduces the risk of violent danger to others or the patient’s own self.

The endocannabinoid system is a major player in motor control and bowel movements. These areas are frequently affected by neurodegenerative diseases.

The receptors upon interaction with the CBD work to improve those functions therefore making daily life a little more palatable despite the progressive decline of the disease.

Parkinson’s disease makes for a very low quality of life. Once the decline starts, there is nowhere to go but downwards. Preliminary trials showed patients experiencing fewer tremors and reduced slowness of movement.

This is already good news for the other symptoms. There is proof of a slower decline to the end, resulting in a better quality of life.

Huntington’s disease directly affects the endocannabinoid system. The functionality of the EC system is broken down gradually until there is nothing.

CBD interacts with the receptors to restore the said functions therefore improving the symptoms of the disease. Studies have shown that even in high doses, there is limited risk of CBD side effects.

Memory loss and forgetfulness while synonymous with old age can be a sign of some bigger and more daunting. Neurodegenerative diseases will usually lead down that path.

At some point, patients no longer exhibit moments of lucidity. It is best to delay that point as long as possible. A mouse study proved that CBD could repair cognitive deficits that bring about memory issues. The mouse model had Alzheimer’s.

How to Use CBD for Neurodegenerative Disease

Since CBD is needed to provide round the clock management of symptoms, you should consider a delivery method that does exactly that. You should also choose a method with bioavailability and speed of action in mind.

The dosage will be like any other medication and not just taken when symptoms surface since they are always present. However, you must consult your doctor before adding this to your course of treatment.

Neurodegenerative diseases do not have to be crippling.You can still live life despite only having a little bit of it left.

CBD Products

There is research being conducted to provide evidence beyond doubt that CBD deserves a place among other neurodegenerative diseases medications. While the world waits to get the dedicated and specialized CBD, they can use some of the products below to abate symptoms.

1) CapsulesPowdered CBD Capsules

These are excellent as they come in a specific dosage. They also come in different concentrations.

The pills allow you to adjust dosage specifically, no guesswork. They can be taken and carted around with the rest of the pills. These are convenient and you are assured of composition since it is printed on the pack.

However, some of the patients may have trouble swallowing making this product unsuitable.

2) CBD OilCannabidiol (CBD) Oil

This can be used in a variety of ways. You must be careful about the method of extraction as it could expose the patient to harmful neurotoxins and worsen the situation.

CBD oil can be used in recipes and even applied topically. It can also be taken sublingually or orally. As one can imagine, drugs will cause some level of discomfort like nausea.

CBD oil will abate those and make the experience a bit more tolerable.

3) Tincture

This is the purest form of CBD. It can also be used in recipes, beverages, sublingually and orally. The tincture can be homemade or store bought. Either way, it is incredibly long lasting.

4) Sprays

Oral sprays are excellent for delivering medication when the patient cannot swallow. The solution is absorbed through the oral mucosa into the circulation. It is fast acting and lasts longer than smoking and vaping.

Away from the Mice and into Human Trials

While there is not much that can be done about genetic mutations and hereditary neurodegenerative disorders, there is still something to do to ensure you do not completely bow to the condition.

CBD is an excellent candidate for that. Neurodegenerative diseases have been an economical, emotional, and practical burden for too long.

Use of CBD can finally put a dent in that. Without proper management, the disease will progress faster than it would if care was observed.

Most of the research done provides compelling evidence. However, there is need for more human trials before CBD can be adopted.


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