Digestive issues are a bunch of disorders that interrupt the normal function of the system. It relies on well-timed contractions that slow movement of food through the system. Almost half the global populace has or will experience some form of digestive issue in their lifetime.
The digestive system starts from the mouth where saliva is produced to begin the process to the rectum where the waste is excreted. Symptoms of digestive issues can include nausea and diarrhea, among others.
Patients can sometimes also suffer social withdrawal due to the embarrassment and discomfort, not to mention stigma that might come with such. When put together these symptoms can take a physical toll on the patient.
The endocannabinoid system is actively involved in the digestion process, it regulates a few issues from saliva, to appetite to satiety to hunger.
Phytocannabinoids stimulate action in the gut-brain axis to ensure a smooth flowing processes and correct digestive issues.
The digestive system is also home to microbes. These are little elements that affect other processes outside the system. CBD is instrumental in ensuring these microbes work at maximum capacity. This is going to focus more on the tail end of the digestive process.
Diverticula are small bulging pouches on the digestive system lining on the lower part of the large intestine. When these pouches get inflamed or infected, patients are diagnosed with having diverticulitis. Other symptoms of this are nausea, pain and fever.
In patients with diverticulitis, there is a high level of anandamide and desensitization of an endocannabinoid receptor. CBD is an anti-inflammatory, so it works well to trigger all the necessary mechanisms so that the inflammation dissipates and other symptoms are abated.
When too much pressure is put on the blood vessels on the anal walls, they develop swellings that fill up with blood making it very painful and uncomfortable to sit or pass feces. With inflamed veins, one suffers external itchiness, bleeding and pain.
There is also a possibility for internal hemorrhoids, although rare, about 4% of the world population has or will suffer from this condition.
It is brought about by lifting heavy objects inefficiently, prolonged diarrhea, pregnancy, and being overweight.
To treat hemorrhoids, you can use ointments, suppositories, as well as oral CBD products. The orals and suppositories will take care of the inflammation while the CBD topicals will take care of the localized pain thus giving relief.
Anal Fissures
Often, anal fissures and hemorrhoids are mixed up. Hemorrhoids are swelling of the anal veins, while anal fissures on the other hand, are rips or tears of the anal canal. These occur if the anal mucosa is stretched beyond limit, it could be due to dehydration, childbirth, and even rape by way of the anus.
Basically, any type of force that would be exerted on the hole to press it apart more than it should or too suddenly would cause tears.
The first course of treatment would be a sitz bath. This is a basin of warm treated water used to calm the nerves and keep the area clean. With a little CBD thrown in, the microbial properties would protect the membranes from infection and further damage. It would also encourage healing by rapid cellular growth.
In addition to soothing localized pain, CBD would also dilate the vessels to relax the anus for a more relaxed excretion experience. The cannabinoid reduces pain impulses of the nervous system thus reducing the pain experienced until the fissures have healed. These fissures leave skin open to infection and bacteria. Use of CBD allows the antiseptic properties to keep it free from such until such a time that they heal. One can also take some oral CBD to heal the fissures from the inside.
Leaky Gut Syndrome
The digestive tract is lined with a protective lining of mucus which absorbs nutrients and prevents particles from escaping into your body. This lining can wear away due to inflammation or some other sort of infection. Then permeability of this membrane is made possible. This permeability causes inflammation in the body, pain and irritation.
The membrane also suffers deterioration in the ability to absorb nutrients. Leaky gut is not usually a stand alone condition. It likes to come in droves with other conditions like IBD and Crohn’s disease.
Research has been conducted to look into this issue. It was found that cannabinoids can influence permeability of the membrane, decrease accompanying emesis, and modulate gastric acid secretion.
It was concluded that in the general sense, CBD is effective in cases where an abnormally permeable epithelium is involved. It has therapeutic potential but more in depth research is required.
A prokinetic agent encourages gastric emptying by making the contractions of small intestine stronger but without disturbing the rhythm. However, this process can be a disadvantage and require discouraging if it is leading to diarrhea and vomiting. In fact, discouraging these contractions is an effective way of combatting these two conditions.
Studies have shown the efficacy of CBD in slowing down these hyper contractions thus making it an effective anti-prokinetic. With this mechanism, food is passed through the system at an optimum speed allowing for maximum sucking of nutrients.
You like your spicy Mexican food but boy does it bring out the fire. You get heartburn and constipation as intensely hot as the food itself.
A study many years ago found that CBD caused a significant reduction in hyperacidity.
CBD being such a big promoter of homeostasis, ensures only the appropriate amount of enzymes and acids are produced to aid digestion.
Watch Diet
To maintain a properly functioning digestive system, it is highly important to stay on track. Stay away from foods that would require extra work by the system to process. Go for high fiber low fat foods.
The first trick is to change it up. The internet is barrels full of recipes that will absolutely blow your mind but still remain kind to your digestive system. The second trick is to pop in a little CBD oil in the recipe. CBD is not a reserve for the ailing. It can also be used by healthy people to maintain that status. To keep all things as they should be.