The Benefits of CBD for Your Vision Health

CBD for Vision Problems

Although it’s normal that our vision can gradually deteriorate as we get older, that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try to treat vision-related problems as soon as symptoms occur. 

Many people don’t realize that certain optic issues are in fact treatable rather than an inevitable reality of aging

While there are many popular eye treatments available in clinical environments, it’s just come out that CBD might actually act as a natural alternative that can improve vision and overall optic health.

For those who don’t know, CBD is a truly holistic medicine that comes from the hemp plant

Because of the way in which it works with the human body, it has the unique ability to potentially treat issues with vision in a way that’s completely natural and widely considered safe.

Currently, studies are finding that CBD may be particularly helpful to those suffering from glaucoma, a degenerative eye condition that can lead to permanent blindness. 


If this is true, it will be just another amazing way in which the cannabinoid is capable of dramatically changing peoples’ lives for the better.

What is Glaucoma?

What is Glaucoma and What are the Symptoms?

Glaucoma is a vision-related illness that is caused by the buildup of pressure inside the eye. 

This pressure is referred to as intraocular pressure, and it’s believed to be hereditary. 

Once the pressure reaches a certain point, the optic nerve becomes damaged. 

The optic nerve is responsible for perceiving images, which means that without its functionality, you can experience blindness or, at the very least, compromised vision.

One issue is that glaucoma is extremely hard to detect as the damage to your vision is so gradual that the average sufferer doesn’t even notice it until it’s too late. 

It’s said that those who have a family history of the illness should have their vision checked once each year. 

Glaucoma doesn’t have any other symptoms.

Those who are also at risk of developing glaucoma are those who have diabetes

If you suffer from diabetes, it’s crucial that you stay on top of your checkups. 

Once glaucoma has developed, it can lead to permanent blindness within just a few years.

Anyone can develop glaucoma, although it most commonly affects people above the age of 40. 

Typically, those who develop it at a younger age do so because of an infection, illness or injury.

Glaucoma presents itself in the form of eye pain and the appearance of halos in the range of vision.  And, of course, vision loss is another symptom.

What are the Treatments for Glaucoma and Other Vision Problems?

Treatment for Glaucoma and Other Vision Related Problems

Glaucoma and other degenerative eye diseases are often treated with eyedrops, at least in the early stages. 

For glaucoma sufferers, eyedrops will likely be prescribed that release pressure inside the eye by helping excess fluid drain properly. 

There are also several different surgical procedures designed to relieve intraocular pressure.

It’s important to keep in mind that once vision loss has begun, it can’t be restored. 

That’s why it’s so crucial that you find a treatment plan that works as soon as possible after receiving your diagnosis.

Can CBD Improve Your Vision?

Now that you have some idea of what treatments are out there, this is the main question we’re gonna address.

What Studies Say About CBD’s Benefits for Vision Health

Recent studies have found a strong link between CBD consumption and healthy vision.

Should I Use CBD Isolate or Full Spectrum CBD?


Thanks to incredible technological developments, manufacturers are able to produce CBD products that are free of THC. 

It’s also important to keep in mind that as long as the CBD comes from the hemp plant rather than the marijuana plant, it only contains 0.3 percent THC which means that it’s not psychoactive. 

Therefore, it won’t get you high.

If you’re concerned about consuming THC, you can simply go with a CBD isolate product to treat glaucoma as many studies have shown that it’s this cannabinoid that is capable of aiding in vision-related problems. 

Additionally, some recent studies show that THC can actually worsen the condition, which is why we suggest sticking to CBD isolate.

Your Body’s Endocannabinoid System

The Endocannabinoid System

If you’re wondering why CBD has the potential to treat glaucoma and other vision problems, a lot of it has to do with your body’s endocannabinoid system

This fascinating bodily system is in control of homeostasis, which refers to a state in which every bodily process is regulated and, therefore, functioning properly. 

The endocannabinoid system depends on the production of endocannabinoids. 

These endocannabinoids bond with cannabinoid receptors along the brain, nervous system and gut in order to stimulate regulation. 

But, if your body is low in endocannabinoids, the endocannabinoid system can’t do its job efficiently.

The endocannabinoid system has a lot to do with the function of the neurological system, which many believe plays a large role in the development of glaucoma and other vision-related diseases. 

Cannabinoids have been found to act as natural neuroprotective agents, as discussed above. 

This means that they soothe the neurological system by preserving the health and integrity of the neurons in the brain.

Now, if you’re deficient in endocannabinoids, your neurological system may be compromised. 

Luckily, CBD that comes from the hemp plant is a natural cannabinoid that supplements your body. 

Therefore, taking CBD may be able to help with neurological ailments while improving vision.

The link between CBD consumption and neurological health is so strong that the FDA has approved a CBD-based drug that treats children who suffer from epilepsy, a debilitating neurological condition.

Taking CBD to Improve Your Vision Health

To treat glaucoma with CBD, there are a few ways to go about it. 

Consuming the cannabinoid orally allows your body to receive all of the cannabinoids that it needs in order to achieve homeostasis. 

You can go with a tincture, an edible, a capsule or a vape oil

Just make sure that you consume it daily to maintain the proper level of cannabinoids in your system.

As for purchasing CBD, make sure that you find a company that makes high-quality, potent products. 

Look for third-party lab results on a company’s website as these verify the quality and purity of the product. 

Cheap CBD products will not be potent enough to be effective, and will be one giant waste of money.

Can You Really “See” CBD Working?

It seems like there’s nothing that CBD can’t do. 

If you wanna use CBD to improve your vision, speak with your eye doctor and stick to your routine. 

And, don’t forget to go with the highest-quality CBD oil that you can find at Wellicy!


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