There are over a hundred arthritic conditions, and these are conditions stemming from joint pain and other joint related issues.
In fact, arthritis is the leading cause of disability with over 300 million people affected in the world. When taking a closer look at those number, arthritis is found to be more common in women.
The prevalence to arthritis only begins to increase with age.
The collective symptoms are swelling, pain, stiffness, and decrease in range of motion.
Your condition could be mild, moderate, or severe which would determine your capability to live everyday life.
In the most severe cases, there is chronic pain and permanent joint malformation develops. This malformation can be visible or it can only be seen under an x-ray.
A study in 2006 proved the efficacy of CBD against arthritic pain after administration for five straight weeks.
The same study showed that CBD can slow down progression of arthritis. Sure you have it, but you will stay off the cane a little longer than you would have without CBD.
A study published in 2000 showed evidence of the potency of CBD against joint damage. CBD has anti-arthritic properties according to this study. Not only does it manage effectively, it may prevent arthritis from ever developing.
Categories of Arthritis
All the one hundred arthritic conditions are usually filed under one of four categories. These categories were developed according to nature of the cause. They are degenerative, inflammatory, infectious, and metabolic.
This is caused when your cartilage wears away. Cartilage is that thick and slick covering at the ends of your bones.
This covering prevents your bones from running together and causing friction. It may wear away due to lack of mobility, injury, infection, or disease. To combat this problem, therapy is aimed at supporting cartilage repair efforts.
The National Institutes of Health have gone on the record saying that there is proof beyond reasonable doubt that cannabis can help cartilage repair and reduce degradation.
This is a significant stamp of approval.
A study published in the Pharmaceutical Journal provided evidence that cannabis can enhance tissue-engineering efforts at repairing cartilage.
This is done by ensuring survival and migration differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs). This is a doctrine for cell based tissue engineered cartilage repair.
CBD effectively regulated the biology of MSCs.
Another study reiterated the position on CBD’s efficacy for treatment of osteoarthritis. It provided proof that CBD has a role in preventing bone resorption and promotes healthy bone formation.
A study in 2017 deemed CBD safe and useful for the treatment of osteoarthritis.
These are only a few in the pool of studies and research endeavors put into proving the efficacy of CBD. All of which agree on one thing, that CBD is way better at managing degenerative arthritis than the traditional medications.
Inflammatory Arthritis
Your body induces inflammation as a way to fight infections and diseases.
As an autoimmune response, your body may decide to attack a joint in the absence of a harmful element, causing pain and swelling.
It causes joint erosion and may bring about damage to your internal organs. One of the most common inflammatory arthritic conditions is rheumatoid arthritis.
This form could be brought on by environmental and genetic factors, but can also be a combination of the two. It could also be that an environmental factor activates certain risk factor genes thus causing this form of arthritis.
A study in 2011 showed less inflammation in rats administered with CBD.
The cannabinoid achieved this by affecting the body’s response to pain stimuli. This is done by blocking the GPR5 receptor, which controls nociception.
Another study in 2016 looked into the action of a CBD topical to relieve arthritic pain and inflammation. The answer was a resounding yes.
A review of studies in 2008 concluded that efficacy in chronic pain management was due to activation of the CB2 receptor.
In another comparative study with arthritic marijuana users and others who did not went further to solidify the above stance.
It was found that those who had used marijuana within 30 days of the test had 12% less inflammation markers.
Another study by the Imperial College in London found that inflammation was reduced by half in arthritic mice who were administered with CBD.
Not to be repetitive but the position was insisted upon after G. W. Pharmaceuticals looked into the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with CBD. It is possible and without causing analgesic tolerance too.
Infectious Arthritis
Sometimes infections seep into the joints. Infections like salmonella and hepatitis C can make trouble for your joints.
If not taken care of, it becomes chronic and may remain permanently damaged. The first step of course would be to treat the infection.
It has been found that CBD inhibits the growth of MRSA strains, which are antibiotic resistant infections that can prove problematic.
They keep growing despite the best efforts to abolish. Upon analysis, it was found that CBD has the same potency as some of the strongest antibiotics on the market.
This was done by comparing minimum inhibitory concentrations of each alternative.
Once the infection has been treated, the CBD will go a step further to restore conditions. By helping to repair your joints and restore function.
Metabolic Arthritis
During breakdown of some human cell elements, your body produces a chemical called uric acid.
Under optimal conditions, only enough is produced. If there is a remainder, your body can flush it with no trouble at all.
However, in some people too much is produced or the body is unable to flush. This causes a condition called asymptomatic hyperuricemia.
This is thought to be a result of an unbalanced endocannabinoid system. The hyperuricemia forms needle like crystals at your joints.
The result is excruciating pain every time you attempt to move that joint. This condition is commonly called gout, and it hinders mobility significantly.
In some people, it comes and goes. It may only be triggered by some foods and other environmental factors.
In this case, you can almost easily tell when you are going to have a flare up and will therefore prepare before it happens.
In an extreme scenario, it becomes chronic causing constant pain and possibly disability.
CBD can manage gout by bringing down the swelling and suppressing pain. It then goes ahead and balances the endocannabinoid system so that only the appropriate amount of uric acid is produced.
How to Use CBD for Arthritis
When looking to start treating your arthritis with CBD, it’s important that you experiment with the different product categories so you can find a CBD product that is right for you!
It is okay to take recommendations but you should always try different products in case a different one works better for you than someone else.
The other thing is to play around with CBD: THC ratios, if you live in a state with recreational or medical cannabis.
CBD is extremely effective on its own, but cannabinoids work better when there are more of them to bring about the entourage effect.
So if you do not have access to medical or recreational cannabis, using CBD on its own is highly recommended!
If it is possible, you should start with vaping. Since vaping delivers the CBD right into the desired destination. It offers a high bioavailability and is extremely fast acting.
The first time you use CBD will be colored with impatience. Vaping is therefore the best way to determine if your relationship with CBD should continue.
If vaping is not your style, you can always start with the sublingual delivery through the use of a CBD tincture. This is done by placing a drop under your tongue of CBD oil.
It will be delivered just as fast and the bioavailability will also be high. If your arthritis is in your fingers, sublingual might make more sense.
Vaping requires a little more coordination that an arthritic person may not boast.
Another extremely effective CBD product type for arthritis is CBD topicals. If you have arthritis in your fingers, hands, or back for example CBD lotions or salves can be applied directly on the spot to provide localized relief.
According to that 2016 study mentioned above, topical delivery of CBD was effective at providing localized relief from pain and arthritic inflammation.
There are many topicals to choose from like salves, lotions and even bath salts.
These will be helpful in providing therapy from the outside in.
Keep in mind that the topical approach does not reach your blood stream. Therefore, there is need for another endocannabinoid delivery system so that the problem can be attacked from both sides.
There is the option of a transdermal product such as the Mary’s Nutritionals Elite CBD Patch. This is applied through the skin and goes into your blood stream to provide relief throughout your entire body.
CBD for Arthritis in the Elderly
The elderly are more prone to arthritic conditions. It becomes too much of a burden for them because they’re more immobile than younger arthritic patients.
Elderly arthritis progresses a bit faster and more dramatically than the alternative.
There is no shortage of research into CBD for arthritis, so it is therefore a given that it’s an effective treatment for arthritic conditions.
The elderly can enjoy their sunset days without worrying about painful joints.
They stand to benefit quite a bit, probably more than any other group because the traditional arthritis medications bring about an increased risk of infections, liver damage, bone marrow issues and even aggressive lung infections.
These are not side effects to play around with especially after age has taken a swing at your immunity.