Before delving any deeper, you must understand that this is a deeply controversial subject. The research into cannabidiol (CBD) during gestation and post natal is scanty due to the fact that there are not that many pregnant women willing to take a gamble for the purpose of scientific advancement.
It would be too big a risk to present yourself and your unborn child as subjects with nary an idea what the consequences could be.
No THC Whatsoever
It should also be noted that the CBD advocated for here is the purest form. The kind that has no THC traces whatsoever.
It is important that you understand the importance of eliminating THC because it can lead to developmental problems in your fetus.
The future is promising for pure CBD pregnancy products. Currently, research has only been done on animal models. There are studies of course, like one in Jamaica. That study by a certain doctor showed no development issues on babies born to CBD using mothers.
Talk to Your OB/GYN About CBD
Your obstetrician MUST be consulted before using CBD for any purpose during pregnancy. Be sure to have done your homework before suggesting it.
You can run the risk of getting a straight no if you suggest it without giving some supporting data as to why it could be useful. Some physicians will discount it due to fear of legal repercussions or due to the sparse research studies supporting it.
However, if you hold something to plant the seed of curiosity your doctor will be in a better position to prove its efficacy and the benefit will be to you as the patient.
Limit Use of Cannabidiol
Another thing to remember is that CBD can only be used in the smallest possible dosage. This being a fairly unresearched area, it is important to be cautious.
Caution dictates that you take small meticulous steps. It is worth noting that most studies that produced adverse results studied overexposure over a short period.
Early Presence of Endocannabinoid System
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is present in a human at the embryonic stage. The first purpose is for regulation of the endocannabinoid anandamide.
Post-implantation, the anandamide levels are very high. It is required that from this point the levels be regulated with meticulous precision.
Action of CBD on Anandamide
Anandamide levels too high or too low are detrimental to the development of the embryo. An adequate anandamide tone must be maintained. Thus, a tight regulation on endocannabinoids must be observed.
If anandamide is too low, the molecular behavior will adopt an apoptosis design. If the anandamide is too high, the embryo will have necrosis characteristics. Both of these end with loss of your pregnancy.
Through FAAH, CBD is able to regulate the anandamide in circulation. It ensures that it does not get too low by inhibiting destruction. It is therefore imperative that the dosage be kept as low as possible, so that inhibition does not go overboard and lead to an overflow of anandamide in the embryo.
CBD for Fetal Brain Development
CBD is known to promote neurogenesis. This is the growth and repair of brain cells. Through the endocannabinoid system, your fetus is able to generate an appropriate brain mass.
Adverse Effect of Dysfunctional ECS
If the endocannabinoid system is not maintained at an optimum level, your placenta thins out and allows foreign elements to penetrate through into your baby. This could very easily cause toxicity and loss of your pregnancy.
The toxins could also manifest themselves as a malformation postnatal.
CBD for Pregnancy Sickness
That said, pregnancy comes with many many issues. From swollen feet to chronic nausea to irritability and even depression. All these can get in the way of proper care routines. No one is immune to these pregnancy sicknesses. They can make for a very difficult pregnancy.
Prenatal and postnatal depression has been around for eons but only now gaining traction. They were only previously termed as baby blues. However, this kind of depression can escalate and even lead to suicide.
Anandamide is the bliss molecule. It promotes mood lifting and thus, abating of depression. By inhibiting the destruction of these anandamide molecules by the enzyme FAAH, your body is able to enjoy more anandamide.
During pregnancy, the amniotic sac sits on your bladder causing the urge to urinate every time your bladder gets a little bit of content. This can be very inconvenient. To make matters worse, you will experience the inability to hold it until you get to the bathroom.
The amount of embarrassment and frustration this causes is untold. CBD has been found to promote constriction. It improves the ability to hold it until you can relieve yourself. There is nothing that can be done about the baby-sitting on your bladder but it is nice to know that your urine will not start trickling because you could not waddle to the washroom quick enough.
The endocannabinoid system is also instrumental in management of blood pressure and nausea. These two conditions are common in pregnancy. Basically, CBD will be at hand to ensure homeostasis despite the fact that your body is undergoing an abnormal condition.
How to Safely Use CBD during Pregnancy
It is best to stay away from dabbing, vaping and smoking actual blunts while pregnant. You should also stay away from edibles unless you have made them yourself and know what is contained therein. Edibles manufacturers are known to slip in a little THC. Because getting pure CBD can be laborious.
CBD oil is especially versatile. It is probably the only completely safe CBD product for pregnant ladies. It can also be used topically. Pregnancy, while beautiful, can cause some very hideous stretch marks.
CBD can work through the receptors on your skin to ensure that your skin stays beautiful despite the stretch. This will ensure it bounces right back after your baby has been born and baby weight lost.
The oil can also be used sublingually every morning to ensure better control of the esophageal sphincter throughout the day. This is to say that by taking a bit of oil in the morning it will help keep nausea and vomiting at bay even when you smell those obnoxious body sprays that people like to use to mask their own insecurities.
Go Ahead but Tread Lightly
The bottom line is, use CBD but with extreme caution. Chances are that it will not be harmful. However, if it is use the smallest possible dosage so that your side effects if any are not extensive. Until science catches up, this is the only way to allow CBD into the glorious nine months.
Prospect for Non-Organic Failure to Thrive
Babies are first exposed to cannabinoids through breast milk. It is rich in those elements as it is integral to growth and building of the immune system. Activation of the endocannabinoid receptor type 1 is critical to development of oral motor musculature. This is the ability to suckle.
This is according to a study published in the European Journal of Pharmacology in 2004. Mother’s milk being such a rich source of cannabinoids and it being the answer to many infant conundrums from illness to colic and other issues that come with being outside the uterus.
A question comes into mind, could cannabinoids be the answer to non-organic failure to thrive?