Clearing Up Any Confusion About Cannabidiol (CBD)

Clearing Up CBD Confusion

From all of this new found freedom the CBD industry has been able to gain, growing to be quite the lucrative enterprise and for many countless reasons that could be explained far beyond the capacity this article can hold.

First, to inform all potential consumers or perhaps those simply seeking accurate information on the facts about CBD, it is best to begin by defining what CBD is NOT.

Therefore, make a mental note that CBD is NOT Marijuana. That would be far too simple of a label for something so naturally complex. This complexity is what allows CBD to be so special, yet it is also what causes so much confusion.

Regardless, why is it too simple to label CBD as marijuana? Simply because the CBD compound is derived from either hemp or cannabis, does not mean that CBD can be labeled as marijuana. Not that it is necessarily a terrible classification to be labeled as marijuana.

Even though marijuana is becoming far more socially acceptable throughout the United States, still marijuana has also been socially oppressed and misinterpreted for decades, attaching a negative connotation to it’s overall purpose.

For instance, while 29 states have legalized marijuana either medically, recreationally or both, marijuana is still classified as a Schedule 1 narcotic at the Federal level. As a result, many people remain uneducated on the relevant details.

Setting the Facts Straight About CBD


Facts About CBD

There are countless facts that the majority of people do not understand yet.

Examples include:

  • The Differences Between Hemp and Cannabis
  • The Proven Medical Benefits of Both Plants and of course
  • The Difference Between THC and CBD, More Specifically, What CBD even is?

Considering this, CBD is a non-psychoactive compound. Yes, it is technically a cannabinoid found in both hemp and cannabis, however, THC is the only cannabinoid that can create a psychoactive effect.

Some have said, “Well, that is reassuring to hear that CBD is non-psychoactive. What does that mean though?” A Completely understandable question.

When something is non-psychoactive, like CBD, it means that this compound cannot produce an intoxicating effect. However, another common problem then becomes that people start to feel as if CBD is not effective because they cannot feel the effects psychoactively.

It is important to remember that just because someone may not feel “high” does NOT mean this cannabinoid is ineffective. This is not the case. CBD is highly effective even if you do not feel the effects.

It must be reiterated that, oftentimes, CBD has such an effective presence from within the human body, that the person consuming the cannabinoid may not feel the effects taking place.

Due to the lack of THC, the consciousness is NOT altered. Your consciousness is altered only by the consumption of THC. As noted, CBD is not going to alter your consciousness due to the simple fact that CBD is non-psychoactive.

CBD and THC Aren’t The Only Cannabinoids

List of Cannabinoids

Another frequent misunderstood fact is that CBD and THC are the only compounds that are found in the hemp or cannabis plants. Actually CBD is one of 85 known cannabinoids found in industrial hemp or cannabis.

Each cannabinoid is typically presented as a 3-4 letter abbreviation derived from there scientifically classified biological identity. Thus, CBD is scientifically known as cannabidiol.

Of course THC and CBD are the most widely researched of all the cannabinoids. This only means, as time progresses into this new era of legalization, from further research, it may very well become the reality that nearly every cannabinoid has some major therapeutic advantages attached.

For now though, in nearly every strain of hemp and cannabis, the most prevalent cannabinoid compounds with the highest percentages being present are of course CBD and THC.

Though, there has been a lot of research and experimenting with producing high-grade strains of these plants that have a larger concentration of CBD. For instance, a strain that has been named “Harlequin” is particularly high in CBD percentage and was developed from experimenting with the cannabis plant.

From research extending all the way to Jerusalem, a study concluded that Full Spectrum CBD is by far, more effective for alleviating inflammation and pain sensations than its counterpart of an isolate CBD – but that is merely one study on how health benefits could be provided by CBD as a therapeutic relief.

With the Success of CBD, Comes Even Greater Skeptics

Much like the vapor industry started out, the CBD market also is currently unregulated during it’s introduction to the world as it grows more and more popular each day.

Therefore, the CBD industry has attracted many skeptics, doubters and deniers. However, once more, similar to the vapor industry, CBD is helping millions of people improve their physical conditions from the positive health benefits associated with the consumption of cannabidiol.

Over time, as the research grows more abundantly available to the public, it has been said that we may discover even more medical properties that CBD could possess for helping humanity to possibly ease our suffering.


  1. That was a really wonderful article, you wrote it with the Terms that anyone can understand easily. Thank you so much for the clarification.
    Francesca, in Carmel California


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