First Professional Sports League to Approve of CBD for Treatment

NAPB Approves of CBD Treatment

Upon reading this title, many may be thinking, “is this for real?” To answer this, the proper reply would be “ Yes of course!”

Then again, perhaps some may have already heard the news and after reading this title, it is quite possible they are saying to themselves, “No big deal. This is just a headline for eye-catching web searches. Unless the NFL actually approved CBD use, then what does it matter?”

Whatever the case, in response to any of the readers who might be assuming this development is only a big deal if the NFL is involved, then it is safe to say, they are undoubtedly mistaken and entirely missing the point.

It doesn’t matter which league it is that approves the use of CBD in their league, the fact that at least one league has finally approved CBD is the primary reason for celebration.

This development is indeed a pure embodiment of progress. This is a step in the right direction and this is only the beginning.

Taking all this into consideration, there are also probably some readers asking “if people are making assumptions about this story, which may or may not be happening, why would you assume they’re thinking it is not a big deal?”


Very good question and I don’t want to make any negative accusations, but unfortunately I’ve already heard several people speak in such a way where these same exact assumptions are expressed openly. There’s always going to be naysayers no matter what the story reveals.

Yet, any who may be disregarding this particular development and treating the announcement as nothing special to celebrate, the only noteworthy suggestion would be to reevaluate this special news report by remembering to appreciate every step forward for the CBD industry.

Not to mention, to simply dismiss this situation reveals a demeanor and type of attitude that does not coordinate well with the CBD Movement.

Those who are entering the CBD Industry are typically either seasoned business professionals, hungry entrepreneurs, active advocates or passionate consumers.

Therefore, all of these particular groups of people are undeniably very forward-thinking individuals with positive attitudes.

All things considered, the fact of the matter is that this story is focused on sharing information about the very first American Professional Sports League that has approved of CBD treatments for medical needs.

So, there is no reason to feel any other way about this news except for enthusiastically encouraged.

Pro Sports League Encourages CBD Treatment

NAPB Approves CBD for Treatment

It is at this point where announcing the name of the sports league, that this particular article specifically highlights and supports, is long overdue. Without a doubt, this will be revealed as soon as possible, yet for the sake of anticipation and perhaps appreciation, it is advantageous to explain how this story was first discovered.

The legendary publication, High Times Magazine was the first to report this information. Apparently, as the story goes, a former running back for Colorado State, Treyous Jarrells, has combined his athletics experience with his entrepreneurial spirit as he consults Green Roads World — a CBD company.

One impressive business approach taken by this CBD company is that they have developed a division that is dedicated solely to athletics. It is referred to as the Green Roads Athletics Division. Something about this business model tells me we will see more CBD companies emerging to the forefront with this same strategy.

It’s pretty obvious why this business model will be adopted by other emerging business leaders and that is because Green Roads World has become the first CBD company to open the entrance to professional sports culture in America for other sports leagues to begin expanding their horizons.

Treyous Jarrells officially delivered the story by announcing, “We have finalized a deal with the North American Premier Basketball League. Green Roads is now the Official Alternative Nutrition for the NAPB.”

The High Times article reports how Trey states “Athletes such as myself have been working extremely hard to make CBD an alternative alongside the opioids, stimulants, painkiller shots and over the counter medicines a reality. We will be providing the league with pharmacist-formulated CBD products, hosting educational seminars and engaging in community events.”

This is extremely critical to reflect on due to the amount of damage the current medication regimented to the majority of athletes can cause on a person’s body and their entire life.

The fact that athletes, who are contractually required to remain in peak physical condition are simultaneously being systematically damaged by chemically toxic medicine.

Clearly, there must be some sort of revolutionary shift in how we approach health and wellness beginning with a complete overhaul of the medications dispensed to our athletes as well as ordinary citizens.

The abuse of pharmaceutical narcotics has infiltrated every level of society, penetrating nearly all American Social Institutions — as lives continue to be seen as indispensable dollar signs.

Millions have perished far too soon and the American people have grown weary. Now, American families are searching for alternative approaches to treat their own pain from their dearly departed.

What is the NAPB?

North American Premier Basketball Allows the Use of CBD

Altogether, NAPB is the abbreviation for North American Premier Basketball League, a new professional basketball league for North America, created by Dr. Sev Hrywnak, a New York State team owner, and Dave Magley, the former Commissioner of the National Basketball League of Canada (NBLC).

Altogether, their original idea was to reactivate teams from a bygone era, so they spent about two years identifying cities that once had NBA, original ABA, CBA and D-League teams, but no longer did.

In addition, the NAPB motto is, “Where the spirit of the games still lives.” This meaningful expressin definitely illustrates the type of quality leadership that makes up the people who represent the league — the team players, team coaches, team owners and league founders.

Even if you’ve never heard about the NAPB before, this development for CBD-based therapy and medicinal treatments, in general, is extremely relevant toward social progress. We should feel enthusiastic about watching the growth of this new league and if they’re friendly stance on CBD plays a part in their positive development.

What’s more, is the high level of anticipation many are feeling, waiting to see whether or not the NAPB decision to embrace a CBD treatment platform will ultimately influence all other American professional sports leagues.

From the way the facilitators of the league talk about it, the NAPB almost seems more so of a city project spanning the country with a focus on providing jobs and giving back to the communities — specific communities that have been considered, at one time, very prominent areas to make a living.

To kick-off the opening season of 2017-2018, the NAPB collectively recruited players that could fill the rosters of 8 new pro-basketball teams in unique North American locales:

  1. The Vancouver Knights
  2. The Kansas City Tornados
  3. The Yakima SunKings
  4. The Nevada Desert Dogs
  5. The Ohio Cardinals
  6. The Rochester Razor Sharks
  7. The Albany Patroons
  8. The Kentucky Thoroughbreds

Socially Integrated Social Solutions

Green Roads World CBD Oil

Green Roads World CBD has socially integrated with the social solution of the North American Premier Basketball League. With the rapid advancement in technological innovation occurring all over the global economic landscape, the introduction of cannabidiol into everyday commerce is but one of the many modern emerging industries we are seen take precedence in these contemporary times.

One of the motivations for establishing this league was due to the unemployed basketball superstars, the alumni of Duke, Michigan State, North Carolina, Indiana University, OSU and many other top colleges.

Therefore, when entrepreneurs announce their intentions to embrace CBD and place it on a parallel platform alongside professional sports, we then could witness the stimulation of other preferable attitudes and more appropriate behaviors, which leads to creating a number of very positive outcomes.

For instance, we all know that professional athletes are role models and figures that our youngest have routinely looked up to in America. Not only does it show that the NAPB is capable of thinking of the future but also thinking of others.

Founder of Green Roads World CBD, Arby Barroso stresses that the NAPB is not just about sports. The goal is to positively affect local communities.

Incorporating CBD into the limelight of marketing features is a step in the right direction because it’s a step into the future into a modern social reality that may soon be much different than what we interpret our social reality to be as of today. The future always holds more possibilities and opportunity.

Green Roads World did something that was quite business savvy, yet also pretty basic, by creating an additional extension of their company — an athletics division referred to as Green Roads Athletics.

So, creating an entire division dedicated to setting their sights on the end game and a bigger picture — on athletics. This athletics division certainly helped their marketing pitch to sports franchises.

For the NAPB to take the lead on the facilitation of CBD therapies in athletics is somewhat of a challenge for all other athletic associations, pressuring them to get on board with a sign of the times and if not, face the possibility of falling behind.

In conclusion, this Green Road World CBD and NAPB partnership is surely a victory for the realm of CBD consumers, brands and advocates as well as basketball players, coaches and fans everywhere. Hopefully, their partnership will have an influential effect on the general public as well. Perhaps we should all strive towards learning more about both the NAPB and the Green Road World CBD brand. Let’s begin…

Click the link below to watch a video telling the origin story of the NAPB:



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