Key Differences Between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil

The Key Differences Between CBD Oil & Hemp Oil

For those who are new to the CBD universe, it’s understandable to be a bit overwhelmed and intimidated by all of the terminology. 

Between the nuances of the endocannabinoid system, the many different application styles out there and terms like “full spectrum” and “isolate,” there’s a lot of information to absorb before knowing exactly how to choose the right product for your unique needs.

One of the most important distinctions to make is the differences between CBD oil and hemp oil.  While they may sound like they’re exactly the same thing, their effects are astonishingly different. 

When we talk about taking the beneficial compounds that are in the hemp plant, we’re usually referring to CBD oil. 

However, as you’ll see, all of the different types of cannabis-based oils have benefits simply because cannabis is an amazing plant that’s uniquely high in healing properties.

What is CBD Anyway?

If you’re already a CBD expert, you can just skip right through this section.  However, in order to really understand how hemp oil differs from CBD oil, we must break down what it is about CBD that makes it so unique and so beneficial. 


This information allows us to grasp why CBD oil is so rich in beneficial compounds and why it’s the product to take if you wish to experience relief by way of the hemp plant.

CBD is a cannabinoid that’s naturally abundant in the hemp plant.  It exists primarily in the buds, stalks and leaves.  It’s a compound that has been widely studied for its incredible variety of healing properties. 

CBD is also incredibly high in nutrients such as vitamins, essential fatty acids and amino acids.

As you’re probably aware, CBD has taken over the natural health world as of late.  Researchers within the medical industry believe that it may have the potential to treat anxiety, depression, chronic pain, dementia and more.

Hemp vs. Marijuana

We also have to explain the difference between hemp and marijuana in order to understand how these two oils work. 

CBD is a compound that exists in both the hemp and marijuana plants.  That’s because both hemp and marijuana belong to the cannabis family.

As you may know, marijuana is illegal on a federal level and can’t be consumed in most states across America. 

While marijuana does have a fairly high amount of CBD, it’s illegal to consume in most parts of the country because it also contains a high level of THC, the psychoactive compound that makes people feel high after consumption.

For this reason, commercial CBD products are extracted from the hemp plant rather than the marijuana plant. 

While it’s believed that THC is beneficial in its own unique ways, its legal status means that cannabis distributors have no choice but to use hemp-derived CBD in their products.

Hemp Oil

Hemp oil is extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant.  These seeds contain trace amounts of CBD. 

Therefore, if you’re taking hemp oil, you really won’t notice the effects of CBD.  Still, because the hemp plant contains a wide variety of compounds rich in healing properties, it does have its own uses.

Known for being high in omega acids, hemp oil seems to possess incredibly high levels of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

More and more people are ditching olive oil in favor of this cannabis derivative because of its unique benefits.  It is perfectly edible and, just like CBD, won’t get you high.

Hemp oil is also used in many beauty products.  Because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it can soothe skin irritation, repair damaged skin and even prevent the physical signs of aging

Antioxidants fight free radicals that cause premature cell death.  Meanwhile, anti-inflammatory properties decrease inflammation on the skin’s surface.

Hemp oil may have some mood-boosting benefits as well.  It’s now believed that omega fatty acids can behave as antidepressants by boosting the levels of “happy” chemicals in the brain.

The extraction method of choice for hemp oil seems to be the cold-pressing method.  It’s believed that this method best preserves the integrity of hemp’s chemical composition.


As previously mentioned, CBD oil is taken from the stalks, leaves and buds of the hemp plant because these are where CBD is most abundant.  The cannabinoid is just one compound in the hemp plant. 

In fact, the plant boasts over one hundred unique compounds including cannabinoids, terpenes and vitamins.  CBD oil contains about 15 percent CBD in addition to other compounds present in the hemp plant.

Because CBD oil is extremely high in CBD, it provides the body with all of the benefits that are unique to this compound.  For this reason, most believe that it’s the most beneficial way to consume hemp.

CBD oil is generally extracted using the CO2 method.  Experts believe that this is the only method that truly preserves the delicate compounds that are so beneficial to the body. 

While there are other extraction methods out there, they’re widely believed to result in an inferior product.

In What Forms Can I Get CBD Oil?

As CBD oil becomes increasingly more popular, the market is continuing to expand in order to encompass a wide array of products.  Once the CBD oil has been extracted from the hemp plant, it can be combined with virtually anything in order to create a new method of administration.  

CBD oil can be easily found in the following forms:

Ultimately, how you take your CBD oil is up to you.  All of these methods are equally beneficial in their own unique ways.

Different Types of CBD Oil

This is where things might get a little confusing.  Now that we’ve explained the differences between CBD oil and hemp oil, it’s time to understand the three ways in which CBD oil is extracted.

  • CBD Isolate: CBD oil that’s labeled “CBD isolate” contains just pure CBD without any of the other compounds found in the hemp plant.  It’s the most potent form of CBD that you can take, meaning that many people prefer it over other forms.  However, many believe that CBD is most effective when taken alongside the other beneficial compounds found in the hemp plant.
  • Broad Spectrum: Contains every compound in the hemp plant except for THC.  Although the level of THC found in the hemp plant is so low that it’s legal to consume, many prefer to play it safe and avoid this psychoactive compound altogether.
  • Full Spectrum: Widely regarded as the most beneficial form of CBD that can be taken.  It contains every compound including THC, although the level of THC is not high enough to produce mind-altering effects.  It’s believed that all of these compounds work together to provide profound relief.

What Makes CBD Oil So Beneficial Compared to Hemp Oil?

CBD oil is considered to be far more beneficial than hemp oil because of the higher amount of CBD.  Researchers are currently studying CBD for its many healing properties. 

Unlike any of the other compounds, CBD naturally replenishes the body’s supply of cannabinoids that it needs in order to maintain equilibrium of the body.  

The endocannabinoid system that exists in the body of every mammal requires these cannabinoids in order to regulate processes like pain tolerance, immune function, sleep and mood. 

While this system is supposed to produce its own cannabinoids, many of us are naturally deficient, meaning that we need the help of the CBD that’s naturally high in hemp in order to help our bodies function at their highest level.

Cannabis Oil

Now that we’ve straightened out the major differences between hemp oil and CBD oil, it’s time to talk a bit about cannabis oil. 

Unlike the other two, this oil usually comes from the marijuana plant.  Its main attribute is its psychoactive effects that come from its high level of THC.  

Because it comes from marijuana, cannabis oil is illegal in most states.  It’s also lower in CBD than CBD oil, meaning that if you’re trying to get the most benefits from CBD, cannabis oil probably isn’t for you.

Which Oil is Right for Me?

If you wish to try out the many benefits of CBD, a high-quality CBD oil is your best bet by far.  Only CBD oil contains enough CBD to provide you with the relief that you’re looking for.  Just make sure that you choose your CBD oil from a respected, trusted brand that’s known for their exceptional, potent products.


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