CBD vs. Painkillers: Which One is Most Effective?

CBD vs. Painkillers

Marijuana is both a controversial topic. While it is a gloriously useful plant, there has been a lot of stigma around it over the years.

On one hand, there are concerns about the recreational overuse of cannabis and it may have severe and unstudied neurological effects that are yet to be uncovered. But on the other hand, there are numerous health benefits associated with the plant. Such as it being a stress reliever and puts a lid on anxiety, and does wonders for cancer patients.

Many grandmas have medical marijuana cards for their glaucoma, using marijuana elements for pain management significantly enhances the quality of life. But the elderly generation aren’t the only ones who can benefit from cannabis and its cannabinoids. Specifically, those dealing with the nasty side-effects of painkillers who are searching for an alternative option may find relief from the use of cannabidol (CBD).

The Science Behind CBD

Science Behind CBD

A cannabinoid is a group of closely related compounds. In this case, with reference to cannabis of the more than 100 cannabinoids, two have been very widely researched. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is responsible for the psychoactive high activity. It is soluble.

While cannabidiol is the other of the many chemical elements contained in this versatile plant. This cannabinoid however does not provide a psychoactive high like THC. This is because THC binds perfectly with the CB1 receptor but CBD does not. Cannabis itself is illegal in most countries, however, cannabidiol (CBD) is in a bit of a grey area.


Some allow it for the inability to make one high, others reject it for being associated with the evil ‘Kush’. While it constitutes about 40% of the cannabis extract, it lacks the psychoactive effects of its counterpart, THC. Cannabidiol provides the medical benefits without the high.

The Endocannbinoid System & Pain Relief

The endocannabinoid system includes a bunch of lipid-based neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters carry information to the brain, and are responsible for regulating physiological and cognitive functions.

CB1 and CB2 receptors are important parts of this system. Activity in these receptors is triggered by CBD, but this element does not perfectly bind them.

This is beneficial because it has the two receptors working together to prevent pain signals from reaching the brain. The same slows down the deterioration of anandamide and activates serotonin. Both of these elements are instrumental in the reduction of pain perception.

A Long Way to Go

These claims are still just that, for the better part. The National Cancer Institute and National Institute of Health have invested efforts into putting the matter to bed once and for all.

Research into the elements is a joint effort by both the international governing community and private companies. Strides have been made but there is still a lot to be done.

Will the stigma around marijuana prevent CBD usage for pain relief? Do the benefits outweigh the possible hazards? How much better is CBD therapy than regular painkillers? It has been 40 years of studies into cannabis and all its elements, is the world any closer to a conclusive list of all the good it can do?

Cannabis Sativa in All Its Glory

Strip Cannabis of the High

Pain can be quite the bother. It is inconvenient and just plain annoying. Sometimes, painkillers will not do their job or they will react badly with the person causing a myriad of additional side-effects and complications.

What is a person to do in such a scenario? Suffer in silence to their dying day? That is absolutely no way to live. CBD can provide all the pain relief benefits of cannabis but without the euphoric bursts.

Break Through the Legality Wall

Legality of CBD

The best part is that CBD can be used legally. Industrial hemp or medical marijuana can be used to produce CBD products especially oil. Medical marijuana is intentionally grown with more CBD than THC.

Recreational marijuana is grown with more THC. This is due to the difference in purpose. Medical marijuana is meant for relief and not dramatic mental overstimulation. The latter is true for recreational marijuana.

Good News for Cancer

CBD has done the most good in the fight against cancer. A study by the National Cancer Institute showed possible relief from chemotherapy effects.

Chemotherapy brings with it psychological and physical pain. The patient can also experiences lethargy and general mood destabilization. CBD is a good fix for those. This element is also suspected to deter growth of cancerous cells.

Treating Arthritic Pain with CBD

Treating Arthritis with CBD

Arthritic rats were rubbed down with CBD gel. They were administered with between 0.6-6.2 mg per day. Following the treatment with cannabidiol gel, scientist noticed there was less swelling on their joints.

Pain markers also seemed to fade, and exploratory behavior remained normal through the period. The conclusion from this is that the rats experienced less pain but suffered no neurological side effects. This study is yet to be conducted on humans.

However, these results are promising of positive outcomes for the human trials.

National Institutes of Health also conducted research and found that CBD promoted signaling of the adenosine receptor by inhibiting the adenosine transporter. Adenosine subdues the central nervous system. This means that less pain messages are passed through.

Leave the Politics Out of It

Once the studies have been concluded and the authorities allow cannabis to do good, there will be pain relief all around.

The delay is resting more on political reasons than any other factors. A big chunk of the populace support the legalization of cannabis. In fact, nearly 2 out of 3 Americans support legalizing cannabis.

This big chunk is all voters. Voters with the power to decide the fate of whoever proposes legal and free use of CBD.

Pop Painkillers or Use CBD

Combat Painkiller Addiction with CBD

Death Looms

Painkillers, while necessary, can have some pretty adverse side effects. There are three classes of painkillers. There are opioids like morphine and over the counter like ibuprofen. There are also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These can all cause severe addiction and fatal overdose. Every day, around 90 people die from overuse of opioids, an alarming number to say the least.

Painkillers are a Gateway to Addiction

Some of these painkillers are not easily available and if they are, they require a prescription. To feed the dependence, some may graduate to heroine. Heroine is cheaper and more easily available, that also performs the same pharmacological functions of prescription painkillers.

Painkillers Causing Pain

How ironic that is. These pills can also cause severe gastrointestinal pain and vomiting. Along comes fatigue and constipation. These then bring lack of appetite and in the end, one may end up worse off than they were before the pills.

Pain Relief with the Use of Cannabidiol

Treating Pain with CBD

On the other side of the street is CBD. In addition to managing pain, use of this element also relaxes the muscles. If one is suffering severe joint pain, regular painkillers only block the pain signals. CBD goes a step further and soothes the muscles in that area. This ensures one does not suffer residual soreness after the cannabidiol has worn off.

Cannabidiol is Less Deadly Than Painkillers

Research has not been exhausted but so far, studies have not reported fatality from overindulgence in CBD. But there are recommended dosages for both oral and intravenous administration of cannabidiol.

To manage pain, the dosage can be anything between 2.5-20 mg per day for 20 days. A physician upon consideration of pain levels, symptoms, and possible contraindications must decide the exact dosage. Although, if you are a beginner to CBD we it’s recommended that you start off with a low dose and slowly increase the dosage to find what’s right for you and your medical needs.

Can CBD Stop Pill Addiction In Its Tracks?

Overreliance on painkillers is not intentional. There is still a need to help curb it. Use of CBD instead will decrease the level of reliance on painkillers. One will have found a new avenue for relief thus less of a need for prescription painkillers.CBD Muscle Cream for Pain Relief

Easy Access to CBD Products

Cannabidiol infused products are not hard to find. CBD oil and other such products can be bought online or at the local medical marijuana store.

Plus, there is definitely no shortage of supply of CBD products, as you can choose from categories like CBD edibles, e-liquid, topicals or tinctures, and capsules.

You should first contact your doctor before shifting the course of treatment or beginning the use of CBD to manage your pain.

CBD is a Gift From Mother Earth

Cannabis is a naturally occurring element, so everything about CBD and other cannabinoids is organic. Painkillers contain ibuprofen and aspirin among others. These painkillers usually have a coating, only adding more chemicals to the mix. All these chemicals could cause any number of allergic reactions that can lead to a whole separate set of complications.

Ward Off Depression

The realities of life are difficult to deal with. Life can become more of a hassle when one is in pain and the prescribed painkillers do nothing or if the painkillers minimize the pain but cause further problems. CBD products cam help reduce depression by encouraging production of endorphins, and it can also help you sleep better.

Same Results, Less Baggage

CBD products work just like narcotic painkillers. This makes them effective without the burden of impending addiction and heartburn such as with painkillers. CBD is kinder to the body and takes action on the pain without the nasty and unwanted side-effects.

Possible Side-Effects of CBD

Cannabidiol is not without a few side-effects. These possible side-effects are however less significant than the ones mentioned above.

Upon cessation of use, one can experience some withdrawal symptoms. One may experience hallucination and sleeping issues. Dizziness and irritability are also possible.

The key is to quit gradually and never all at once. Immediately one realizes there might be a bit of dependence emerging, they should begin the process of quitting. It is worth noting that these are not prevalent. They are barely possible.

International Medical Community Getting On Board with CBD Treatments

In 2017, the World Health Organization made a formal report on CBD. The outfit acknowledged the value of the element. Animal and human studies proved positive effects on seizures, as well as many other medical conditions and ailments.

This gave hope for further inquiry into more benefits. The WHO reported that there was no risk on abuse of CBD. In view of that, it should not be subject to sanctions and restrictions. Despite this, it is still a controlled substance in the US. A deeper review was scheduled for 2018.

Final Thoughts

Have you struggled with the nasty side-effects of painkillers and have opted for a more natural treatment through the use of cannabidiol?

Let us know in the comments below about some of the lifestyle improvements you have experienced since making the switch to CBD based treatments. It’s time to get the word out about the benefits of CBD, specifically in regards to possibly being a complete replacement for prescription painkillers. I’m looking forward to our discussions in the comments section below!


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