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The Top 5 Cannabinoids And How They Can Help You!

Marijuana is quite possibly the most miraculous element on earth. For something that has been the subject of contention for so long things sure have turned around for the better. Conversations are happening openly...

What is the Difference Between CBD and THC?

Cannabis has more than a hundred cannabinoids. It is a wonder why only THC and cannabidiol (CBD) get all the attention. Well, these two have been found to be the cool kids in the...

CBD is the Best Treatment Option for Your Battle Against IBD

Some people can barely go twenty minutes without needing the bathroom. They eat food trying to nourish the body but it is excreted within minutes. The body does not take the nutrients being handed...

CBD is an Excellent and Uplifting Natural Way to Manage HIV/AIDS

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or as it is called HIV, is a condition which attacks your white blood cells. These are integral in your body’s ability to fight infection. When HIV enters your body,...

Use Cbd To Help You Conquer Your Liver Problem

The liver is your largest internal organ. It is also deemed your largest gland due to its production of juices to aid digestion and other body functions. Your liver is a large promoter of...
CBD for Substance Abuse

How Can CBD Help You With Alcohol and Substance Abuse?

A drink every once in a while is just dandy. Unwind after a long day with a finger or three of scotch. Everything is all good unless you are faced with the inability to...
CBD for Psychosis

Reaching Tranquility: What CBD Can Do for Psychosis

About 75 Million people worldwide suffer from one form of psychosis or another. Half of that demographic does not have access to medical intervention for alleviation of symptoms. The resulting loss of lives due...
How to Consume CBD Oil

CBD Consumption Methods: This Is How to Absorb It the Best

Unlike other natural herbs and plants, Cannabidiol (CBD) cannot just be ingested straight from the soil. It has to be broken down into a way that can be absorbed by your body. The bioavailability...
CBD for Treating Chemotherapy Side Effects

Will CBD Get You Through The Brutal Side Effects of Chemo?

Chemotherapy is incredibly effective in the face of cancer. It is required to be strong enough to kill the cancer cells, preventing them from spreading and hindering any further growth. However, in the process...
Most Popular CBD Rich Cannabis Strains

Popular Strains That are Rich in CBD

Marijuana use is no longer just a preserve for parties and chilling out after a long day on the roof of your building. The scope has grown. One of the cannabinoids is CBD. Previously,...