There are different reasons for getting inked. The reasons range from sentimentality to rebellion. Whatever the reason, everyone is entitled to it.
However, before the wounds heal and the tattoo has settled and made a home on your skin, there are many risks to contend with.
The dyes, for example can case a severe allergic reaction. You may develop an itchy rash and massive swelling due to a reaction to the dyes.
This problem can be solved by having the artist check for elements that you might react to. Different people react to different things, it’s best to know what is contained in the dye so that you can let the artist know if something might cause a problem.
Another danger is a skin infection. The process of tattooing involves prickling and tearing through skin. This means that the flesh underneath is left exposed to all sorts of bacteria and infections.
These are pretty easy to catch if the tattoo aftercare regimen is not rigorous.
From the rough description of the process you have probably deduced that it is a painful process. The intensity of the pain is determined by the area being tattooed.
Areas with more muscle are much less painful than those with little to no flesh like the scalp.
You may choose to have your friend tequila or Jack Daniels escort you for moral support. This is a big mistake. No stimulants should be taken prior to getting inked.
Energy rinks, caffeine, cocaine or any other form of stimulant increases anxiety and alertness. It also increases blood pressure and heart rate.
Because of these factors, you will be unable to sit still. The pain will also be a degree more intense than it would have been if aqua had been the supportive friend.
Ensure you have eaten before the session and stay well hydrated. You do not want to suffer low blood sugar or severe thirst as the artist turns your body into a canvas.
Also keep the area away from UV rays until it has healed. UV rays bring on premature fading. The sun might also exacerbate the swelling and redness.
Adding sunburn to an already sore spot is not a smart move, wait until it has healed to show it off at the beach.
No Pain No Gain
True, but there is no reason you should not do something to make the pain a little more bearable.
A good way to deal with planned pain is through meditation. One hour of meditation has shown a significant reduction in planned pain, and the effect is also long lasting.
The specific kind of effective meditation is called focused attention. This is where you are encouraged to only focus on breathing and let all other thoughts go.
A study was conducted to test this meditation theory. 15 volunteers were taught the technique then thereafter pain inducing heat device was placed at the feet where it heated a small area.
The temperature was kept at a level that would cause pain within 5 minutes. According to an MRI taken during this experiment, the pain reduced by up to 93%.
It was found that there was reduced activity in the somatosensory cortex. This is an area of the brain that is paramount to the creation of feeling of where and how intense a pain stimuli is.
It was also found that here was increased activity in the anterior insula, orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex.
These areas are responsible for the storage of pain memories and development of coping mechanisms with these pains.
These same results have been mimicked upon the use of CBD. Thus, the analgesic properties of CBD. If CBD is combined with the meditation, the period required to meditate will be shorter.
With the two tools, you will be able to let go of anxiety and focus your mind much more efficiently and faster.
Mitigate The Swelling After a Tattoo with CBD
When the skin is breached or an intruder is sensed, your body has a defense mechanism by which this intruder is stopped in its tracks.
In the case of broken skin, inflammation is meant to induce clotting and to protect the area so that bacteria and infections do not use that leeway to gain entry into the system.
The action of releasing white blood cells to the scene causes swelling, redness and pain.
CBD helps the cause in two different ways. The first is more of an emergency response. It inhibits glial cell production of these inflammatory cytokines.
This action brings down the swelling and redness. However, this action should not be encouraged before flakes have formed.
The second way in which CBD comes in handy is by encouraging rapid cell regeneration. This allows room from the point of breach to heal.
In simple terms, CBD will help bring down the swelling and wash away the redness. It will then go a step further to hasten the healing process so that you can enjoy and flaunt your ink sooner!
General Tattoo Aftercare with CBD
The very first thing to worry about is infections and bacteria. CBD is a natural antiseptic and antimicrobial. It will effectively keep the area clean and free from agents that could bring about infections.
With time, tattoos fade and lose their hair lines. However, the aftercare regimen could delay this inevitability significantly.
CBD prevents wrinkles from forming, it also treats your skin such that the colors gain a vibrant pigmentation.
CBD will also keep your skin supple without blocking pores. It is advisable to moisturize and hydrate your skin immediately after getting a tattoo. CBD would be an excellent agent for this due to the antioxidant properties.
Keeping the intended area soft and moisturized prior to the material day could also go a long way in ensuring the skin is easy to maneuver, thus less pain and less healing time.
Doing this would also reduce the risk of developing an allergic reaction to the dyes.
How to Make a Homemade CBD Balm for Tattoo Aftercare
It is fine to get a store-bought product.
However, there is a pride that comes with making your own at home. It accords you the flexibility to change up the ratios of the products for added smoothness or to make one particular element more potent and prominent.
It is all about personal preference.
Therefore, for this recipe there will not be amounts attached to the items required. Do not be deterred if you have trouble finding some of the requirements, there is always room for creative improvisation.
What You’ll Need:
- Balm container(s) – You get to choose how much you make which will determine how many containers are needed
- Beeswax
- Coconut Oil
- Jojoba Oil
- CBD Oil (Be aware of percentage and presence of other cannabinoids in the oil. Also, check on method of extraction and any other ingredients in the oil. Strive for purity)
- Frankincense Essential Oil
- Lavender
- Geranium Essential Oil
- Helichrysum Essential Oil (this can be swapped for a few more drops of frankincense)
- Put water in the bottom half of a double boiler up to about two thirds full. Place on low to medium heat. How much beeswax you use will determine how hard the balm will be or how runny. There is no specific consistency, again it’s all about you.
- Put beeswax into the top half. If the water in the bottom half is sufficiently hot, turn the heat to very low then continue. As the beeswax melts, you can begin to prep and measure the other ingredients. For example, if the coconut oil has solidified making it hard to scoop place it in a bowl of hot water. It will melt fast, sometimes even by the heat of your palm.
- Once the beeswax has completely melted, pour in the coconut oil, CBD oil and jojoba oil. Be very careful with the jojoba and only put it in a drop at a time. Stir these while still on heat until fully merged. Take it off the heat and pour in the essential oils as you stir.
- Put the mixture in the balm containers then leave them at room temperature. Ensure to leave some space at the top of each container. It should be ready in 45 minutes. However, check for warmth at the bottom center of the containers. If it is warm, let it sit or longer as it will not have solidified completely.
Before, During, After
While a balm or any other CBD topical would work great there is still a need for a supplementary method of CBD consumption.
Whichever method chosen for this role will be just fine as long as it is not yet another topical.
You could go for a CBD capsule or some CBD oil for sublingual consumption.
Vaping and dabbing are also great ways to achieve potency and high bioavailability. CBD is a useful element before during and after your tattoo.