Multiple Sclerosis is a potentially disabling condition of the central nervous system. It is a condition, which causes disruption of communication between nodes in the brain and spinal cord.
The central nervous system controls the entire body so when there is a problem in the central nervous system, every other function suffers, from mobility to bowel movements. There are more than 2 Million cases in the world with almost 500 new cases every week.
Forms of MS
There are two basic forms of MS but essentially, they are broken down to make four. The first is Clinically Isolated Syndrome, CIS is the very first diagnosis. At this point there is not enough evidence to diagnose a patient with MS.
Upon the very first appearance of neurologic symptoms including lesions lasting more than 24 hours, then the physician will start to watch for further symptoms in case the boundary into MS is crossed. The lesions only increase the likelihood of a second bout of symptoms.
In previous years, it was very hard to diagnose CIS but with the advancement of medicine a procedure was developed in 2017. The diagnostic criterion has taken medicine one step closer to delaying onset of MS effectively.
The second stage is Relapse-Remit MS. This is characterized by periods of partial or complete recovery from symptoms, this remission can last for months or even years. Only bouts of exacerbation are experienced during relapses. The symptoms might get worse with every relapse or they may remain the same. Some symptoms remain permanent during the remission.
The next stage is progressive MS, which is broken down into two: secondary and primary.
The secondary progressive MS follows the initial RRMS. It is an accumulation of disability, the disease could have been progressing with or without MS activity. It is only realized to be getting worse by measuring change of symptoms over time.
Then there is primary progressive MS, which is marked with worse advancement in symptoms over time. The neurologic function deteriorates at a higher and faster rate than in the previous stage of progression.
Myelin Erosion
Myelin is the protective covering of the nerve fibers, it acts like insulation. As this protective covering wears off so does the ability for the fibers to carry messages. However according to a study in 2002, remyelination is possible through stimulation of endocannabinoids by phytocannabinoids. It can be triggered to start the process of repair.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties
It always seems like most of these neuro-issues come down to inflammation. Studies have actually shown that in conditions like these, the autoimmune response that triggers inflammation gets erratic thus, the need to address this point first.
In a study at Tel Aviv University targeted at learning about inflammation in MS patients and the use of CBD to combat found some very positive results.
Cannabinoids were targeted at the immune cells that harm the central nervous system.
The subjects had been afflicted with MS-like diseases, it was found that inflammation reduced significantly.
This was done through regulating action of IL-17 and limiting molecule ability to damage the brain and spinal cord. IL-17 is an inflammatory cytokine.
Another approach to the inflammation problem as per another study was by leukocyte rolling.
It was found that CBD can effectively down regulate adhesion molecules. It reduces ability of the leukocytes to adhere to vessel walls and migrate to areas secondary to MS. This reversal of inflammation from damaging to beneficial is crucial to the treatment of MS.
CBD Against Spasticity
Spasticity is the prolonged tension of skeletal muscles. The element oligodendrocyte is responsible for myelin and protection of the blood brain barrier.
Due to insufficiency of this element, the blood brain barrier becomes too porous, consequently allowing T-cells to enter the brain.
T-cells are descendants of white blood cells and are therefore responsible for ensuring the body is properly maintained without intruders.
Myelin sheath cells are foreign to the T-cells. The T-cells therefore proceed to attack the sheath with fervor. This causes development of lesions.
Studies in 2010 and 2012 provided scientific evidence of the reduction in treatment resistant spasticity as common with advanced stage MS.
The protective effect was brought about by action of the 5-HT1A receptor.
This process is the same one that accords CBD neuroprotective properties.
The blood brain barrier question involving cannabinoids was posed at an NIH sponsored Neuroscience Research Summit. More research is warranted so that more CBD based therapies are approved but the current scientific evidence is enough to support some use of CBD to manage MS.
CBD for MS Pain
The progression and symptoms of MS may very well hinder mobility. However, in a study with partially paralyzed animals, it was found that mobility could be regained gradually with the use of CBD.
All kinds of MS pain including neuropathic pain can be combated using CBD. Cannabidiol is able to fill the shoes of painkillers by interacting with opioid receptors. It delivers the relief without the burden that comes with using opiates to manage pain.
MS also brings about bladder and bowel issues, CBD seeks to ensure that body homeostasis is maintained.
With CBD therapy, the system can begin the restoration process as the endogenous systems work on the remyelination process. The latter will take time of course, thus the need to abate symptoms.
How to Use CBD for MS
MS symptoms might sometimes throw in sudden bursts of pain. This pain can be excruciating and requires immediate attention.
The best way to use CBD for this is to have an oromucosal or sublingual product at hand. These are quick and do not require preparation, it is simply uncap and administer.
On the day to day, it is important to have a plan. How about a pill or vape during the day? You could also get a transdermal patch to ensure constant supply of CBD if the pain and other symptoms have become permanent. It is also advised to have an edible in the evening before bed.
A CBD edible will take longer to take effect while one goes through their bedtime routine. It will also last long. Probably the whole duration of sleep time. You cannot wake up in the middle of the night for a vape, an edible would fill this gap nicely.