CBD for Herpes: How to Control Your Symptoms

CBD For Herpes

Herpes is an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. There are two types of herpes, the first is oral herpes or type 1 while the second is genital herpes or type 2.

You can catch one type of herpes from a person who carries the other. It is estimated that almost half of the genital herpes cases are caused by type 1 through oral sex from a person who has oral herpes mouth sores.

A larger percentage of the herpes afflicted population has type 1 herpes. The numbers for type 2 are about a third of that.

Herpes could also be primary and recurrent. Recurrent is much less severe and easier to handle than the primary. Once one gains a herpes virus, it is not completely treatable. You will only go through periods of remission from symptoms.

However, as time goes by the period become longer and longer.

To suffer the brunt of genital herpes, you will have had unprotected vaginal or anal sex with an infected person. It is also possible to get it from oral sex or sharing of sex toys.


Apart from that, genital contact of any kind could bring about herpes. In some cases, if a mother is infected and has genital sores during birth, the herpes is passed to the baby.

Herpes likes to attack the mucosal areas where they attack cell tissues. The affected cells become severely damaged. It is then that immunomodulatory white blood cells are released to arrest the situation and defend the body. The molecular commotion caused brings about the common symptoms.

You can carry the herpes virus without showing symptoms. Usually after exposure of the virus, the person will go four days before showing symptoms.

Some of the more common symptoms are gross blisters or sores in the anal and genital area for genital area and mouth for oral herpes. Genital herpes also brings about pain while urinating and discharge.

Efficacy of CBD

CBD Efficacy

The University of London’s School of Pharmacy praised CBD for the exceptional ability to fend off and/or disable foreign pathogens like the herpes virus.

Studies have demonstrated the abilities of cannabis to inhibit cellular transport, maturation, and glycoprotein synthesis of herpes. Through this mechanism, the level of infection is suppressed and inflammatory response is abated.

The same study found that cannabis could effectively deactivate the virus itself. Therefore, CBD would effectively manage herpes by targeting the cellular and viral mechanisms through which the virus is transmitted.

CBD is a capable antiviral. It kills the bacteria while easing pain and discomfort from sores and blisters. Studies conducted in 1980, 1991 and 2004, not to mention a human trial conducted in 2010 all share the same conclusion. That CBD is a capable and effective therapy for herpes.

How to Use CBD for Herpes

Topical as a First Responder

A topical should be used at the very first sign of herpes symptoms. This is at the first sighting of a sore or blister. It is as simple as applying a cream or pain balm on the affected area. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD will mitigate the swelling.

Getting a dedicated CBD topical for this is completely unnecessary. Just take some CBD oil and mix it with isopropyl alcohol.

Rub the mixture on the affected area as much as you need but not any less than three times a day. Ensure to do this everyday until the sores have cleared. Isopropyl alcohol is known for its super healing properties for sores and blisters. Combining it with CBD makes for a powerhouse.


The open sores and blisters are very god at attracting additional infections and becoming septic. There is need to keep the affected areas clean and free from microbial for quicker healing.

It is also advisable to attack the problem from all angles. The tincture would be used to infuse or just simple use sublingually.

Vaping and Dabbing

cbd vaping

These two methods deliver the CBD right into the blood stream. Through this quick action, the immune system is strengthened through activation of receptors. The body becomes are more able and worthy opponent against the herpes virus.

These two methods also deliver a clean unsynthesised version of the product, which is best for great results.

CBD Honey and Lip balm

Honey is a super food all on its own. With CBD mixed in, the strengths are enhanced further making this one of the most potent and powerful foods there are on the planet.

You will want to use a little bit of CBD honey on your lips for about two hours before bed if you have mouth sores. It is an antibacterial at worst and magical at best. CBD lip balm would also be a good idea once you have washed off the honey. Ensure to keep an eye on the quality of these two.

Do not get duped into buying alleged CBD products that end up causing more harm than good.

CBD against Other STDs

Most sexually transmitted diseases develop from bacteria and viruses. There are capable antibiotics.

However, over time and use of these antibiotics the bacteria mutates to become resistant to the traditional antibiotics. This then means that one will constantly use drugs that do absolutely nothing to help the situation. With this knowledge, it is easier to use CBD confidently to manage and treat whatever STD.

The first point of action for CBD will be to strengthen the immune system for a better fighting chance against these viruses. It might not get them completely flushed out of the system but it will effectively and strictly keep them in check.

Painful Urination

One of the most common symptoms of STDs is pain during urination. This applies to both male and female. It is brought about by an infection on the urinary tract. The urinary tract is consisted of the urethra, ureters, bladder, and kidneys.

If the STD virus causes an infection in any of these, urination will be excruciating. In this case, there is need for two approaches to the problem. A way to fight the infection first and another to ward off pain. Fortunately CBD can do both.

Smelly Discharge

Discharge is most rampant in ladies but may also develop in men. In ladies, discharge may be milky or some other weird color. It will also carry a pungent smell. This will usually due to the disruption of pH in the vagina. CBD has been found to stabilize vaginal pH in studies conducted to look into bacterial vaginosis.

Take a DipCBD Bathsalts

Baths would solve the world’s problems if we let them. They induce a sense of peace and wellbeing. In a bath, everything fades away into nothingness. It is therefore no surprise that a bath would be suggested for this.

A bath would help keep one happy and relaxed therefore reducing the risk of exacerbating due to stress. If the bath is induced with CBD bath salts and implements, one stone two birds. The CBD heal the skin-deep sores and blisters. It would also penetrate transdermally and ensure the infection is kept in check. After the bath, there would be no itch, no pain and no bleeding or pus.


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