CBD for Camping: Take on the Wilderness with Ease

The Benefits of Bringing CBD for Camping

Time spent in the great outdoors is therapeutic. Communing with nature, enjoying the sounds and smells is very relaxing ad enjoyable.

But, being in the great outdoors also brings with it a certain degree of inconvenience. You will suffer exhaustion and if that does not get you, the bug bites will suck for you.

However, if all these are taken care of then you can truly enjoy your time in the wild.

Many of the common products for bug bites and aching muscles come with a host of side effects, so instead you need something natural and effective!

Don’t worry we’ve got the perfect alternative for you… Cannabidiol (CBD)!

When you carry your CBD, ensure to have it in at least two forms. One form that can be ingested and another for topical use. CBD oil should cover both methods of administration pretty nicely as you can use it sublingually as a tincture and topically by rubbing some directly onto your skin.


But of course, you can choose to have a CBD oil tincture and a CBD topical.

Why You Need to Bring CBD On Your Next Camping Trip

CBD for Bug Bites

Use CBD to Eliminate Bug Bites while Camping

When a bug, say a mosquito, bites you, the saliva of the bug penetrates into your skin. Your body then perceives this saliva as a foreign element. It detects an invasion.

Your immune system therefore reacts the way it would in the event of an invasion, by releasing bodyguards to help deal with the situation.

This brings about itchiness and red allergic welts.

If left alone, the welts will remain on your skin for a few days during which you will itch constantly. The scratching might cause the skin to break which in turn invites in infections.

CBD has molecular properties that calm the immune system down so that the defense response is toned down a bit. It also takes over the defense efforts so that the itch-inducing compounds are retired.

In fact, after the use of CBD oil the itch should stop within 15 minutes.

Cannabidiol will also brings down the swelling, and the welts will disappear within 12 hours. This is as opposed to contending with an itch for days and having red patches all over your skin days after you have left the wild.

Allergic Contact Dermatitis

Treating Allergic Contact Dermatitis with CBD

This is a condition caused when your skin comes into contact with an irritating stimulus. A good example of this is poison ivy.

You know there are no bathrooms in the wild.

Sometimes the poison ivy might affect where the ‘sun don’t shine’. Then you will have a real problem on your hands.

Coming in contact with poison ivy causes an itch due to an element called CD1a, which is produced by the immune cells on the skin. After contact it causes a release of inflammatory cytokines.

A study was conducted with mice whose skin was hypersensitive. It was found that these mice had a cannabinoid receptor deficiency, which led to the skin being prone to contact dermatitis.

It was also found that the mice with a high level of anandamide had less skin sensitivity, thus fewer allergic reactions.

CBD increases the concentration of cannabinoid receptors in your body. Cannabidiol also increases the production of anadamide.

In addition to these two, CBD helps relieve your body of the inflammatory cytokines, which are produced during an allergic reaction.

The itch stops and the red splotches disappear.

If it happens in the wild far from medical help, the CBD oil will help ensure poison ivy does not put a damper on your weekend. Instead you will be able to self-medicate with the healing powers of CBD.

Taking quick action will also ensure that the swelling and itch go away faster before the issue takes root.

Protect Your Skin from The Sun with CBD

Use CBD as Sunscreen to Protect Yourself from the Sun

Ultra Violet rays (UV) are incredibly dangerous to the health of your skin. There are two types of UV rays. There are long wave rays, UVA, which penetrate far deeper and cause far-reaching issues.

Then there are short wave rays, UVB, which bring about painful superficial burns. They may bring about skin cancer, premature aging, damage to your eyes and may even suppress your immune system.

This is all in addition to the sunburns you are bound to suffer after being out in the sun too long without protection. A hat will not suffice.

Cannabinoids are instrumental in blocking these UV lights from plants, as the UV lights are harmful to plant health too.

CBD infused sunscreen will therefore ensure that the UVB is blocked from penetrating your skin.

The sun does not wait to shine bright and proud when you are prepared. It is best to be armed at all times when you decide to venture out.

Sunburns might seem like nothing but they are actually quite painful and are extremely harmful to the health of your skin.

Disinfect Cuts and Scrapes with CBD

Disinfecting Cuts and Scrapes with CBD

It is beautiful out there but it is still the wild. There might not be a defined path, which means that little twigs and thorns will stand in your way.

You will not always see them, but you will realize their presence when they break your skin. It is also quite common to trip and fall.

Leaving these little bruises and broken skin unattended until you are back home is utter idiocy. You should ensure it is taken care of immediately so that bacteria does not use that as an avenue to enter and infect your body.

If left unattended, your immune system will also try to ensure it is taken care of which causes inflammation. The swelling will most definitely make it harder and more painful to venture further into the wild, as you would want to.

CBD is useful in many different facets of this problem.

First, it is an antibacterial. CBD helps to ensure that while your body heals, bacteria stays out and away from the site of injury.

Cannabidiol is also an anti-inflammatory. The use of CBD will ensure that the swelling does not get out of hand. It brings down the swelling quickly and effectively.

Then there is the pain aspect.

CBD blocks pain signals sent to your brain. This will help you keep going despite the injury.

A lot of adventures in nature revolve around day light. Abating the pain will ensure you make it to your camping site before night fall.

Alleviate Sore Muscles with CBD

CBD Helps Heal Sore Muscles during Camping

There are two things to think about in this respect. First, there are no beds while camping it’s all ground and sleeping bag.

The only cushion you will have is a thin mattress and your own flesh. This is bound to put some strain on your muscles. You are bound to ache a little bit.

The second thing is that, there will be quite a bit of walking to do. Walking is going to render you dog-tired. Your muscles will be screaming by the time you settle.

You will assume that after some sleep under the stars and clean air that this will help take care of this. It should but falling asleep might be difficult because you are so tired, sore, and uncomfortable.

CBD will help relax your muscles, it will leave you feeling free and ready.

When you wake up in the morning, you will be ready for a day of physical activity.

CBD will also help you sleep better. It will clear your mind of the exhaustion and stress of pushing your physical boundaries.

To achieve this, you can rub a CBD lotion or salve on your muscles and also ingest CBD oil orally.

You can also include a bit of THC into this regimen to really maximize the benefits, as long as you have legal access of course.

CBD Enhances Low Energy Levels

Fresh air and a sky free of penthouses should be enough of a motivation. However, sometimes you will feel a little drained of energy.

This will usually be when you decide to venture deeper into the wild to find a picturesque spot.

CBD will strengthen your body cells. It will induce wakefulness, and wakefulness will contribute to a better quality sleep in the evening.

CBD water would be incredibly useful in this situation. First for the immediate bioavailability. Second for the hydration.

If you prefer, you can also dose yourself out with a CBD tincture to experience a boost in your low energy levels while camping.

A Little for More

Usually for a weekend in nature, you are required to bring a myriad of products. Bug spray, salve, something to help you sleep, another thing to help unknot the muscles in your back and many more.

When you are done packing, you will most likely have almost ten different products. If you take CBD for your camping trip, you might only need two or three CBD products to cover every single one of those.


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