Which CBD Product is Right for Me?

How to Choose the Best CBD Product for You

Cannabidiol (CBD) is an element found in cannabis. It is one of more than 100 cannabinoids. Research into all of them is still in progress 40 years later. Along with this cannabinoid, THC is also another widely studied element.

However, THC is the psychoactive compound whereas CBD is not. This is due to the fact that THC binds perfectly with the CB1 receptor while CBD does not. CBD can be extracted from hemp or cannabis, and hemp derived CBD oil is accessible in all 50 states.

The concentration of CBD in hemp is less severe than in marijuana, meaning that a larger volume of hemp is required to derive large amounts of cannabidiol oil. When CBD oil is extracted from the hemp plant it can legally contain no more than 0.03% THC. Meaning you will not feel high or experience any psychoactive effects. 

However, the cannabis plant can also be manipulated to grow with more significant levels of CBD than THC, such as in strains like Charlotte’s Web or Harlequin. Strains like those previously mentioned ensures one gets the purity of CBD from cannabis with a lot less trace of THC.

We cannot stress the importance enough of purchasing hemp derived CBD products from a known and reputable source. 

CBD can be consumed in a variety of ways. Many variations have been applied to cater to different needs and demographics. There are people who need fast acting CBD products, while others may want to go for a more gradually progressing effect.


Today we are going to walk you through the varying types of CBD products to help you make a decision on one that is going to be the most effective for you and your needs.

How to Choose the Right CBD Product


Bioavailability varies from one absorption option to the other. The question is how much CBD will your body retain after biological processes? Which option allows for the maximum amount in inverse proportion to the amount consumed? How much does your body need to provide desired relief?

For example, Oral absorption provides for less than 20% bioavailability, while vaping can give more than double that percentage.

The whole amount of CBD consumed is not made available for utility by your body. This is where bioavailability comes in.

The bioavailability varies from one consumption method to the other, as different products are consumed differently.

You should not only choose a product of your preference but also one that offers the appropriate level of bioavailability.

Going for a high bioavailability is a good way to decrease the amount of product used. Thus, saving money.

Speed of Action

How fast are the effects felt? What is the desired speed? How long do the effects last? These are important questions you need to ask yourself when searching for the most effective CBD infused product(s) for your personal needs.

Delivery under the tongue (sublingual) is fast such as with a tincture and so is inhalation (vaping). One can also choose to consume CBD rectally, within twenty minutes effects can be felt.

If you do not mind a slow uptake with prolonged benefits, oral is a good option which has the CBD go through your digestive system.


Another consideration you need to keep in mind when choosing a cannabidiol product is the overall convenience.

Specifically, is it possible to get some CBD into your body while at the airport? How much traveling is required? How complex are the instructions? How well does the option mash up with already existing medications?

Personal Taste

A wide array of tastes and preferences makes the world a beautifully diverse place. What is most appealing? A fan of trends will probably go for the vape. A more traditional person will go for the capsules.

An adventurous and creative type of person will go for CBD infused edibles. The mid twenties fashion and beauty guru will go for the topical approach. It’s your personal choice and whatever option you choose should suit you and your lifestyle the best. There should not be outside influences.


While this is the least important factor to consider, it is still a factor nonetheless. A CBD vape juice for an e-cigarette will of course be more expensive than say a pack of CBD cookies. The benefits are significant no matter the option you choose but one should not break the bank in the pursuit of treatment. There is a CBD product for everyone.

The Different Types of CBD Products

Once you have asked yourself the questions mentioned above, you can now dig into the hat for the option that is not only best but fitting for your lifestyle.

CBD Tinctures

Koi Naturals CBD Tincture

A tincture is CBD isolate or full spectrum CBD dissolved in alcohol, MCT fractioned coconut oil, hemp seed oil, or essential oils. A tincture of cannabidiol can be developed at home or store bought. The CBD oil extract is combined with natural oils and sprinkled with a little flavor. Hemp on its own is quite interesting to say the least. The addition of natural flavoring helps solves this problem by minimizing the natural and earthy taste associated with hemp.

This CBD product comes in a little bottle fastened with a dropper or spray bottle top. By using a dropper, this allows specific amounts of the tincture to be administered in accurate doses. The dropper also gives you the freedom to gradually increase your dosage as needed without going overboard.

To help with your dosage, tinctures typically come with serving instructions on the bottle. One can deviate from the suggestions as needed, but make sure its gradually.

CBD side-effects have not been conclusively studied, but current reports indicate only mild effects. However, care should always be observed.

To use a tincture, you will simply suck the liquid into the dropper and then place it under your tongue. Which is where your sublingual glands are located.

You should then hold the liquid in your mouth for up to 90 seconds or as long as desired. This delivers the element directly into the blood stream through your sublingual glands. CBD tinctures are fast acting since the liquid bypasses the digestion system.

The administration instructions are fairly simple, and the overal administration of a CBD tincture is extremely easy and convenient. It is only a drop of flavored (or naturally flavored) liquid. If you are a person that experiences a difficulty swallowing, this consumption method will not be hindered by that.

Furthermore, the same tincture can also be infused in your favorite beverages to further help mask the taste. Simply drop the tincture into your cup of afternoon tea or mid morning juice. The cannabidiol will then be ingested and take longer to act since it has to passes through the digestive tract. Nonetheless, it will act.

Cannabidiol Edibles

CBDFx CBD Hemp Gummy Bears

CBD can be served to pretty much any recipe you can imagine. One can choose to infuse CBD in a cookie, cake or even pizza.

But if you are looking for a cook free option, you can choose to buy readymade CBD edibles. Anything from chocolates to gummy bears.

Before purchasing, one should be careful not to be duped. When purchasing online it’s important that you make sure to only buy CBD edibles from authentic and proven manufacturers that use only hemp derived CBD oil.

With the use of CBD edibles that are infused with hemp derived cannabidiol oil, you can experience the lightness of body without being high.

The effects of cannabidiol may take a little longer to occur but remain in play for longer. This is in comparison with other forms of CBD consumption like vaping.

Edibles are useful in management of eating disorders. This option serves two purposes. It delivers nutrients and calories into the body while keeping nausea at a minimum.

Pricing on CBD edibles varies. It is determined by the overall concentration of cannabidiol, an edible with a total of 250mg of CBD will be more expensive than an edible with 100mg.

Pricing can also be determined by the complexity of the manufacturing process. Some edible manufacturing companies target vegetarians while others focus on infusing treats. One can spend as much as they can afford on their CBD snack of choice.

CBD Topicals

Pure Spectrum Relaxing CBD Salve

This category of CBD products are topical cannabidiol consumption avenues. The list includes lotions, creams, and balms.

More recently, patches were added to that list. These work by providing relief directly to the affected area. This alternative is not meant to deliver CBD into the blood stream, it’s only meant to access the receptors.

In July of 2016, a group of scientists at the University of Kentucky afflicted rats with arthritis. They then applied CBD gel to the joints. The result was improved mobility and almost no joint swelling. The rats also seemed to be in great neurological health. This may have been a study on mice but it gives hope for using CBD in human pain management.

Reports have indicated massive benefits for the skin, especially since cannabidiol is an antibacterial. This protects your skin from germs that could cause damage of any kind.

Cannabidiol also delivers proteins, fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins to help keep your skin nourished and healthy.

CBD topicals also act as guards against UV rays and environmental pollutants such as smoke. All these come together to keep the elastin and collagen of the skin intact. The result is a more youthful look!

The lotion might work for one but not for another, but the same goes for the other CBD topical products.

What one needs to do is go through trial and error until an option that works is found. These products are well scented. One should not worry about walking around smelling like herbs. 

CBD Vape Juice

Koi CBD Vape Juice

This is the act of inhaling vapor through the use of an electronic cigarette. CBD e-juice is heated by use of an electric cigarette and then inhaled, the cannabidiol and its related health benefits are then rapidly absorbed. Vaping is much less harmful than traditional smoking, and not to mention there are countless vape flavors that will surely satisfy your personal flavor pallet.

Bioavailability is the amount of CBD that actually stays in the system to perform its work. Oral consumption has a bioavailability of about 6%-15%. Meaning that for every 100 mg of CBD consumed, only 6-15 mg is retained and utilized by the body.

The liver conducts the first pass effect where it reduces the concentration of bioactive elements. To get around this problem, CBD needs to be made more soluble in water. Complicated processes can achieve this, but an extremely simple solution however is turning it into vapor.

Vaporizing CBD increases its bioavailability to about 50%, meaning that you do not need to take in too much for optimum benefit.

The effects are felt within thirty minutes of consumption. The great thing about this is that it will not test positive on a drug test, making it quite perfect for athletes looking to stray away from painkillers. They can relax their sore muscles with a remedy that will not get them kicked off the squad.

CBD vape is not without its own disadvantages, as the absorption can be inconsistent. There is no way to regulate the amount of CBD absorbed into the body. Therefore, one must check on the appropriate concentratation.

As with all forms of vaping, the issue of carcinogens is still prevalent in this case. There are many compounds involved in e-cigarette use. These compounds are called carcinogens and are hazardous to health.

CBD Capsules

CBDFx CBD Capsules

Another option for you to pursue are CBD capsules. This option is great if you frequently travel or if you are looking for the ultimate discretion.

The dosage in this case is consistent. It is said to be impossible to overdose on these, and let alone CBD in general, as one can use this type of products as often as desired.

When considering CBD capsules, one should think about the method of extraction of the element. There should be no traces of metal whatsoever. The best method involves Carbon II Oxide.


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